Eric.ed.gov – Mathematics for Elementary Teachers (Math 108a). Adams State College.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document is one of a series of eight Teacher Education Modules developed by Adams State College Teacher Corps Program. As a result of completion of this module, which is itself a cluster of nine mathematics learning modules, the elementary education student will: a) gain a knowledge and understanding of the concept of elementary school mathematics; b) have a deeper understanding of the specific topics than would be expected of an elementary student; c) realize and appreciate the logical development of material from precise definitions based on intuitive concepts to facts derived from these concepts; d) increase his confidence in his own mathematical ability; e) see mathematics as a body of interdependent knowledge; and f) realize that mathematics proficiency in the mechanical processes of mathematics is not… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Making Friends and Buying Robots: How to Leverage Collaborations and Collections to Support STEM Learning

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In a climate of increased interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), school libraries have unique opportunities to grow collections and cultivate partnerships in the sciences. At the federal level and in many states, STEM initiatives encourage hands-on exposure to technologies and open the door for student-led discovery of tools related to robotics, coding, programming, and electronics. Influenced by local STEM initiatives, the Learning Resource Center (LRC) at the University of Wyoming Lab School decided to create a circulating collection of STEM kits. (The UW Lab School is a tuition free charter school with a diverse population selected by lottery.) This school library also partnered with Lab School teachers to explore these STEM collections and to develop programming and a curriculum to teach digital literacies and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Adventures in Science and Math.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This volume presents historical sketches of events and scientists. Produced for use by teachers using the MINNEMAST curriculum materials, the material is intended to exhibit the roles of processes in science throughout history. The seven stories included concern Anaxagoras, Achimedes, Napier, the development of the telescope and microscope, Louis Agassiz, Otheniel Marsh and natural history, and ancient systems of numeration. A table provides the teacher with information concerning the skills and concepts illustrated by each story. The processes listed are: calculation, classification, description, experimentation, hypothesis making, measurement, model building, and observation. (SD) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Happy Math + Happy Teacher = Happy Kids.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Directions and materials for 57 mathematical games and activities are provided in this commercially-prepared package. Suggested use is with pre-school through third grade levels. General content areas include functions and graphs, geometry, logical thinking, measurement, numbers and operations, problem solving, sets, and statistics and probability. (DT) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Understanding Math – Part I.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This is the first workbook-text in a two-part series written for deaf students. It is remedial in nature, aimed at the secondary level, and covers addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers. The use of the number 10 in explaining the concepts presented is stressed throughout. For the second workbook, see SE 015 828, and for the teacher’s guide, see SE 015 829. (DT) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Understanding Math – Part II.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This is the second remedial workbook-text in a two-part series written for deaf students at the secondary level. It covers fractions, geometry formulas, decimals and percents, and time. For the first workbook, see SE 015 827, and for the teacher’s guide, see SE 015 829. (DT) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Teaching Learning Practices in Schools under Shiksha Vikash Samiti, Odisha: Perception of Major Stakeholders

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study has aimed to seek the perception of stakeholders (HMs, Teachers, and Parents) on quality of education in schools under Shiksha Vikash Samiti, Odisha with reference to the teaching learning practices. The Convergent-Parallel Design under Mixed Research Method has been followed for carrying out the study. The study is delimited to coastal Odisha, so the population of the study comprised all the stakeholders of such schools such as: HMs, Teachers, and Parents and Community Members. Tools used for data collection are interview schedule for Head Master/ Pradhan Acharyas; Questionnaire for teachers; and interview schedule for parents-cum-community members. The findings are: HMs reported globes, maps; charts, science kit, math kit, computers were used frequently in classroom teaching process. Majority of teachers (>60%) reported the same. Majority of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – ICT, Literacy and Teacher Change: The Effectiveness of ICT Options in Kenya

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: There is a dearth of literature that use research design for causal inference that estimate the effect of information and communications technology (ICT) programs on literacy outcomes in early primary, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. There are several programs that have used ICT at a large scale, including Los Angeles, Peru, Nicaragua, Rwanda and an ongoing program in Turkey. Seldom have the studies directly estimated the effect of the ICT program on learning, as the measures used have typically been a middle level of the causal chain (Strigel & Pouezevara, 2012). Mobile phones are increasingly available in the market, and several authors argue that mobile learning is an increasingly ideal way to increase outcomes at scale (UNESCO, 2012; GSMA, 2012; McKinsey & Co., 2012; Vosloo, 2012). There are… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Probability & Statistics: Modular Learning Exercises. Teacher Edition

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of these modules is to provide an introduction to the world of probability and statistics to accelerated mathematics students at the high school level. The modules also introduce students to real world math concepts and problems that property and casualty actuaries come across in their work. They are designed to be used by teachers and students of AP courses (primarily AB and BC Calculus) after the AP exam, but of course they can be used at any time. Statistical thinking is critical in today’s society. Data are everywhere and students will see and recognize misinterpretations all the time. “Probability & Statistics: Modular Learning Exercises” cover: (1) Basic Statistics Concepts; (2) The Normal Model; (3) Discrete Probability Distributions; and (4) Correlation and Regression. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Understanding Math – Teachers Guide.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The teacher’s guide for the remedial text-workbook “Understanding Math” discusses instruction of the deaf student. An answer key for workbooks 1 and 2, a section with masters for transparencies to be used for games and activities and for teaching fractions, and two patterns for making geometric solids are included in the guide. For workbooks 1 and 2, see SE 015 827 and SE 015 828. (DT) Link til kilde