Eric.ed.gov – Patterns, Sequences, and Equations (Math and Language/Fine Arts). Module 2. MATHCO Teacher’s Guide.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: MATHCO is a motivating series of audiovisual and print materials designed to overcome the negative effects of sex bias and stereotyping on the attitudes, interests, and aspirations of girls toward mathematics and mathematics-related careers. The materials teach mathematics skills, demonstrate relationships between mathematics and other subjects, and provide exposure to mathematics-related careers. They are useful for boys as well as girls at the pre- and early-adolescent stage; they are both multiethnic and nonsexist in text and illustrations. Module 2 focuses on patterns, sequences, and equations in language and fine arts as well as in mathematics. The audiovisual script is included, followed by suggested activities and activity work. (MNS) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Increasing Fourth Grade Math Achievement with Improved Instructional Strategies.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this practicum was to increase motivation and self-confidence of grade four students in mathematics achievement. Measured were the increase in the number of students displaying mastery of the times-tables, increase in the number of students making a gain on a math post-test, and increase in the number of students liking mathematics. Administered to the students were a math attitude questionnaire and a math pretest on basic math skills to determine the students’ attitude toward math and to determine the students’ performance level. Mental Math activities, math games design contests, in-class competitions, grade level competition, computer, calculators, systematic reviews, student-teacher interaction, and projects were used to help increase students’ interest and to increase math achievement. This study includes the following chapters: (1) “Introduction”; (2) “Study… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teachers as Actors in an Educational Design Research: What Is behind the Generalized Formula?

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Educational design research provides opportunities for both the theoretical understanding and practical explanations of teaching. In educational design research, mathematics teachers’ learning is essential. However, research shows that little consideration is given to teachers and the participation of teachers throughout the entire design process as well as in continued learning. With this in mind, an educational teacher-focused design research was used to explore the challenges teachers face and the opportunities teachers are given when they participate as actors in all the phases of educational design research – designing, teaching, and refining theoretical concepts within the teaching. In this study, the mathematics focus of the design research was generalizations in patterns with Design Principles as the theoretical frame. The results show that the participation of teachers in all… Continue Reading