har udgivet: This packet includes reprints of journal articles and other resources concerning the assessment of science and math in small, rural elementary schools. Articles include: (1) “Standards, Assessment, and Educational Quality” (Lauren B. Resnick); (2) “A True Test: Toward More Authentic and Equitable Assessment” (Grant Wiggins); (3) “How World-Class Standards Will Change Us” (Arthur L. Costa); (4) “Smart Tests” (Deborah L. Cohen); (5) “Laser Disk Portfolios: Total Child Assessment” (Jo Campbell); (6) “Portfolios Invite Reflection–from Students and Staff” (Elizabeth A. Hebert); (7) “Portfolio Assessment in the Hands of Teachers” (Clare Forseth); (8) “Portfolio Assessment” (Susan Black); (9) “Assessing the Outcomes of Computer-Based Instruction: The Experience of Maryland” (Gita Z. Wilder, Mary Fowles); (10) “Why Standards May Not Improve Schools” (Elliot W. Eisner); (11) “Assessing Alternative Assessment” (Gene I.… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper describes New York’s progress in implementing a comprehensive and coherent approach to education reform from the time of application through June 30, 2011. In particular, this report highlights key accomplishments over the reporting period in the four reform areas: standards and assessments, data systems to support instruction, great teachers and leaders, and turning around lowest-achieving schools. Highlights of this report include: (1) The State Board of Regents adopted the Common Core State Standards for Math and ELA; made progress in developing and disseminating CCSS implementation resources–including conducting a statewide webinar with David Coleman and creating the microsite; completed the design of its very successful statewide Network Team Summer Institute for approximately 500 educators (August 2011); continued its active engagement as a governing state for… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper describes Tennessee’s progress in implementing a comprehensive and coherent approach to education reform from the time of application through June 30, 2011. In particular, this report highlights key accomplishments over the reporting period in the four reform areas: standards and assessments, data systems to support instruction, great teachers and leaders, and turning around lowest-achieving schools. Tennessee’s application for Race to the Top laid out an ambitious education reform agenda at all levels–from the state to the school district to the classroom. The state established equally ambitious goals for improving both teacher and leader effectiveness and student achievement. In the first year of implementation of the Tennessee First to the Top initiatives, the state made modest gains towards achieving those goals. From 2010 to 2011, overall… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The third conference on improving mathematics and science assessment brought together more than 550 educators, researchers, and policymakers. Recommendations and information from the conference are incorporated into this report. Conference consensus was that students must recognize that there is more to assessment than grades and scores and begin to see assessment as a crucial and integral part of education. They should assume increasing responsibility for documenting and reflecting on their own progress as they move through school. Parents and the public must hold high expectations for instruction and for student participation. Teachers will hold all students, regardless of their backgrounds, to high standards and will recognize that assessment cannot be separated from learning. Principals and other administrators must oversee the reform of mathematics and science assessment and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The potential use of computer-based assessments has raised concerns from educators, policymakers, and parents about information technology infrastructure in school districts and the preparation of staff and students to use new technologies for assessment purposes, and the potential impact of testing activities on core school functions, particularly teaching and learning. This case study documents lessons learned in the district- or school-wide administration of computer-based student assessments in the Burlington and Revere School Districts during the spring 2014 Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) field test. The case study focused on three research questions: (1) What was the preparation process for district- and school-wide implementation of an online student assessment, including decision making on scheduling, staffing, professional development, technology and hardware, and test materials… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In 2002/03, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools initiated a broad program of accelerating entry into algebra coursework. The proportion of moderately-performing students taking 8th grade algebra increased from less than half to nearly 90%, then reverted to baseline levels, in the span of just six age cohorts. We use this policy-induced variation to infer the impact of accelerated entry into algebra on student performance in math courses as students progress through high school. Students affected by the acceleration initiative scored significantly lower on end-of-course tests in Algebra I, and were either no more likely or significantly less likely to pass standard follow-up courses, Geometry and Algebra II, on a college-preparatory timetable. We also find that the district assigned teachers with weaker qualifications to Algebra I classes in the first… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Given the restructuring of curriculum and instruction and the changing state of assessment in Virginia and nationally, a study group of 22 Virginia teachers from elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools throughout the state chose to examine and revise their assessment practices. They wanted to reflect changes in thinking and practice in teaching that include active learning, cooperative learning, and critical thinking strategies. After 6 months of developing and implementing alternative assessments in their classrooms, study group members concluded that implementation strategies should include: (1) planning assessment as instruction is planned; (2) having a partner with whom to share ideas; (3) developing generic rubrics; (4) expecting to learn by trial and error; (5) attempting student peer assessment; and (6) using cooperative grouping for completing assessment tasks.… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to provide statistical evidence to demonstrate that peer collaboration on math homework increases academic performance in math. This study examined the benefits of peer collaboration on two unit tests on multiplication. It compared the results of students who worked collaboratively on homework and those who did not. The null hypotheses in the study stated that there was no significant differences in performance between children who work collaboratively in small groups and those who work individually at the .05 level of significance. The entire study took six weeks. The subjects of this study included eighteen eight and nine year old third graders. The class included one child with a learning disability and five talented and gifted students showing various levels of intelligence… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper reports on the processes and results of a project on the instruction and practices of mathematics problem solving and strategies. Students in the second, third, and fifth grades were targeted to increase achievement in the area of math problem solving. Problem solving achievement was measured using performance tasks, rubrics, and tests from September 2001 to January 2002. Appendices include a teacher survey, pretests and posttests, scoring rubrics, problem solving steps and strategies, and writing stems. (Contains 26 references.) (KHR) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper describe Georgia’s progress in implementing a comprehensive and coherent approach to education reform from the time of application through June 30, 2011. In particular, it highlights key accomplishments over the reporting period in the four reform areas: standards and assessments, data systems to support instruction, great teachers and leaders, and turning around lowest-achieving schools. Race to the Top focuses on improving Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education for Georgia students. The plan includes providing professional development for math and science teachers, strengthening the pipeline of science and math teachers from institutes of higher education, and expanding STEM related virtual courses. As a result, in partnership with the Georgia Department of Education, Georgia Tech received funding through the Race to the Top program to expand… Continue Reading →
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