Eric.ed.gov – Process Dimensions of Child Care Quality and Academic Achievement: An Instrumental Variables Analysis

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Child care quality is usually measured along two dimensions–structural and process. In this paper the authors focus on process quality–the quality of child care center instructional practices and teacher interactions with students. They use an instrumental variables technique to estimate the effect of child care center process quality on academic achievement for children. They use a national data set, focusing on low-income children, to examine the effects of high process quality child care on math, reading and vocabulary outcomes for preschool children. The goal is to discover the causal effect of process quality on children’s academic outcomes in the preschool years. The present study is an analysis of secondary data collected at different sites around the country, which is described in detail here. Data from the Preschool… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Children’s Kindergarten Outcomes and Program Quality in the North Carolina Pre-Kindergarten Program: 2013-2014 Statewide Evaluation

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The 2013-2014 North Carolina Pre-Kindergarten (NC Pre-K) Evaluation study was designed to examine the longitudinal outcomes through kindergarten for children who attended the Pre-K program, along with comparisons to previous cohorts of program attendees. A sample of 561 children was included in the study, with data gathered at the beginning and end of NC Pre-K (2012- 2013) and kindergarten (2013-2014) to examine their growth in skills. Researchers conducted individual assessments of children’s language, literacy, math, and general knowledge skills and gathered teacher ratings of behavior skills. For 119 Spanish-speaking dual language learners (DLLs) in the sample, parallel assessments were conducted in both English and Spanish to examine their progress when measured in both languages. In addition, program characteristics and services were examined for the 2013-2014 NC Pre-K… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Children’s Outcomes and Classroom Quality from Pre-K through Kindergarten: Findings from Year 2 of Georgia’s Pre-K Longitudinal Study

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report focuses on the results of the second year of this longitudinal study–the 2014-2015 Georgia’s Pre-K Program Evaluation. The purpose of this evaluation study was to examine initial longitudinal outcomes related to school readiness for children and the quality of their classrooms from pre-k through kindergarten. The primary evaluation questions addressed included: (1) What are the learning outcomes through kindergarten for children attending Georgia’s Pre-K Program; (2) What factors predict better learning outcomes for children; and (3) What is the quality of children’s experiences in pre-k and kindergarten? To address these questions, the evaluation study included a sample of 1,169 children (139 Spanish-speaking dual language learners/DLLs) attending a random sample of 199 Georgia’s Pre-K classrooms in year 1, and 1,034 of these children (118 Spanish-speaking DLLs)… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Children’s Pre-K Outcomes and Classroom Quality in Georgia’s Pre-K Program: Findings from the 2013-2014 Evaluation Study

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of the 2013-2014 Georgia’s Pre-K Program Evaluation was to examine the learning outcomes for children and the quality of their classrooms during Pre-K, as the baseline year of the Pre-K through third-grade longitudinal study. The primary evaluation questions addressed included: (1) What are the learning outcomes for children attending Georgia’s Pre-K Program?; (2) What factors predict better learning outcomes for children?; and (3) What is the quality of children’s experiences in Georgia’s Pre-K classrooms? To address these questions, the evaluation study included a random sample of 199 Georgia’s Pre-K classrooms and a sample of 1,169 children attending these classrooms. Researchers conducted individual child assessments near the beginning and end of the Pre-K year to examine growth in children’s skills. The assessment measures covered multiple domains… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Instruction in Spanish and Outcomes for Pre-Kindergarten English Language Learners. Research Brief

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study examined associations between classroom quality, amount of instruction in Spanish, and academic learning of Spanish-speaking 4 years-olds. Findings suggest that gains in reading and math were larger when children received more instruction in Spanish in classrooms with more responsive and sensitive teachers. It is possible that instruction in Spanish in high-quality classrooms may enhance the academic skills for children with limited English. [This research brief is based on the following published study: Burchinal, M., Field, S., Lopez, M. L., Howes, C., & Pianta, R. (2012). Instruction in Spanish in pre-kindergarten classrooms and child outcomes for English language learners. “Early Childhood Research Quarterly,” 27, 188-197. (EJ958040)] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Children’s Outcomes and Classroom Quality from Pre-K through Kindergarten: Findings from Year 2 of Georgia’s Pre-K Longitudinal Study. Executive Summary

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This executive summary presents results from a study that began in 2013-2014, and involves a longitudinal design to follow a sample of 1,169 children (139 Spanish-speaking DLLs) who attended 199 randomly-selected Georgia’s Pre-K classrooms. These findings focus on results from the second year of the study, which included 1,034 of these children (118 Spanish-speaking DLLs) who were attending kindergarten. Researchers conducted individual child assessments near the beginning and end of pre-k and kindergarten to examine growth in children’s skills, as well as factors associated with greater growth. The assessment measures covered multiple domains of learning, including language, literacy, math, and general knowledge, and teacher ratings of behavior skills. For the DLL subsample, assessments were conducted in both English and Spanish using parallel measures. Researchers also conducted observations… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Eyes To See and Ears To Hear: Teaching Math in the Childhood Years. Integrating Math in Children’s Learning Centers.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The objective of preschool teachers should be to determine the mathematical ability of preschool children and improve their skills using meaningful teaching methods through pictorial demonstration and manipulative models. Children who receive number concept instruction through hands-on play models, activities, and discussion show greater understanding in math skills. Teachers should be striving to create a learning environment for their students and help them fulfill their needs through their playful activities. This paper discusses how to integrate math activities into preschool classrooms. (ASK) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Children’s Outcomes through Second Grade: Findings from Year 4 of Georgia’s Pre-K Longitudinal Study

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In 2011-2012, the Georgia legislature funded a series of ongoing studies to evaluate Georgia’s Pre-K Program. The 2016-2017 Georgia’s Pre-K Program Evaluation focuses on the results of the fourth year of this longitudinal study, through second grade. The purpose of the current evaluation study was to examine longitudinal outcomes for children related to key academic and social skills as well as the quality of their classrooms from pre-k through second grade. The primary evaluation questions included: (1) What are the learning outcomes through second grade for children who attended Georgia’s Pre-K Program?; (2) What factors predict better learning outcomes for children?; and (3) What is the quality of children’s instructional experiences from pre-k through second grade? To address these questions, the evaluation study included a sample of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Children’s Outcomes through Second Grade: Findings from Year 4 of Georgia’s Pre-K Longitudinal Study. Executive Summary

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In 2011-2012, the Georgia legislature funded a series of ongoing studies to evaluate Georgia’s Pre-K Program. The 2016-2017 Georgia’s Pre-K Program Evaluation focuses on the results of the fourth year of this longitudinal study, through second grade. The purpose of the current evaluation study was to examine longitudinal outcomes for children related to key academic and social skills as well as the quality of their classrooms from pre-k through second grade. The primary evaluation questions included: (1) What are the learning outcomes through second grade for children who attended Georgia’s Pre-K Program?; (2) What factors predict better learning outcomes for children?; and (3) What is the quality of children’s instructional experiences from pre-k through second grade? To address these questions, the evaluation study included a sample of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Social Skills and Problem Behaviors as Mediators of the Relationship between Behavioral Self-Regulation and Academic Achievement

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Early behavioral self-regulation is an important predictor of the skills children need to be successful in school. However, little is known about the mechanism(s) through which self-regulation affects academic achievement. The current study investigates the possibility that two aspects of children’s social func- tioning, social skills and problem behaviors, mediate the relationship between preschool self-regulation and literacy and math achievement. Additionally, we investigated whether the meditational processes differed for boys and girls. We expected that better self-regulation would help children to interact well with others (social skills) and minimize impulsive or aggressive (problem) behaviors. Positive interac- tions with others and few problem behaviors were expected to relate to gains in achievement as learning takes place within a social context. Preschool-aged children (n = 118) were tested with… Continue Reading