Eric.ed.gov – A Matter of Trust: Ten Key Insights from Recent Public Opinion Research on Attitudes about Education among Hispanic Parents, Students and Young Adults

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In many respects, Hispanic families share the aspirations and anxieties of many other families nationwide: They are keenly focused on the role completing high school and going to college will play in their children’s future. Students and young adults see success in school and college as key to interesting work and a prosperous future, and most are optimistic about their prospects. Yet Hispanic parents, students and young adults also describe concerns, ideas, approaches and relationships with the public school system in ways that are sometimes distinctive. This brief, graphical summary, based on Public Agenda surveys taken over the last few years, lays out the chief differences and similarities. Summarized findings are taken from three different Public Agenda reports: (1) “Life after High School: Young People Talk about… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Rural Community’s Perceptions of the Importance of Math and Math Education in Appalachia. Summary Report. The Padua Project

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In an effort to discern the perceptions of the importance or value of mathematics education held by ordinary people in Appalachia, a qualitative research study was performed in accordance with an agreement with the ACCLAIM Research Initiative. The study engaged the qualitative research method known as “folknography” and targeted the community of Padua (a pseudonym), in a state in the Appalachian south. The study was conducted in late March, 2004, by undergraduate students previously enrolled in a related course taught by the principal investigator. This report was developed from data analyzed after the completion of the field work. The student researchers collected nearly 650 surveys and conducted nearly 250 interviews with informants in three age groups (youth, adults, seniors). Overall, Padua residents were quick to respond and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Perception of Math and Math Education in the Rural Midwest. Working Paper No. 37

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Using the qualitative research method known as folknography, the authors led a research team to the heart of Illinois farm country to ask the question “What are the perceptions of the people of the Midwest concerning math and math education?” A review of the literature includes Canadian and Australian references on the topic, as well as information from the United States, and the targeted geography and population is described. Research followed the pattern of a similar study conducted in Appalachia in 2004. A preliminary survey was planned to gather benchmarking statistical data and to open respondents up to the possibilities of a folknographic interview. Folknographers entered the field in May 2006 to perform focused and intensive field research. Findings include: (1) belief that young people can not… Continue Reading