Eric.ed.gov – Iowa Core Annual Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: One central component of a great school system is a clear set of expectations, or standards, that educators help all students reach. In Iowa, that effort is known as the Iowa Core. The Iowa Core represents the statewide academic standards, which describe what students should know and be able to do in math, science, English language arts, and social studies. The Iowa Core also addresses 21st Century Skills such as financial and technology literacy. These state standards provide Iowa students, parents, teachers, and other stakeholders with a clear, common understanding of what students are expected to learn at every grade level, regardless of where they live. The standards establish what Iowa students need to learn, but not how to teach. Local schools and teachers continue to create… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – State Teacher Policy Yearbook: Progress on Teacher Quality, 2007. National Summary

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Countless reports have analyzed the impact of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 on teacher quality and student achievement. What many of these reports truly leave behind, however, is the reality that state governments–not the federal government–have the strongest impact on the work of America’s 3.1 million teachers. With that in mind, three years ago the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) began the process of analyzing states’ teacher policies. NCTQ analysts sifted through tens of thousands of pages of state codes, regulations and rules, regularly corresponding with state officials who graciously provided their important knowledge and perspectives. The “State Teacher Policy Yearbook” is the first project of its kind to provide a 360-degree detailed analysis of any and every policy that states have that… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Getting State Certification in Your Embedded Math Programs.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document presents materials that were developed for a presentation explaining how the Gordon Cooper Technology Center in Shawnee, Oklahoma, obtained state certification for the geometry and trigonometry program that is embedded in its residential and commercial construction program and enables its students to receive high school geometry or trigonometry credit and thereby meet the Oklahoma PASS (Priority Academic Student Skills) objectives for high school math credit. The document begins with a brief description of the presentation’s objectives and content. The remainder of the document consists of the following presentation handouts: (1) excerpts from Oklahoma legislation regarding high school graduation requirements affecting students attending technology centers; (2) the program approval letter sent to the technology center; (3) a description of the math program approval process; (4) information… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Implementing the Massachusetts Adult Basic Education Math Standards: Our Research Stories. The ABE Math Standards Project. Volume 2.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The product of a project conducted in Massachusetts to apply the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ (NCTM) “Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics” to adult basic education (ABE) learning environments, this volume is a collection of teacher-researchers’ essays on field-based application of the adapted standards. The following essays are included: “Can the Fear of Manipulatives Be Overcome?” (Debra Richard); “Making Connections in Math and Science” (Karen DeCoster); “‘It’s Not through the Book’” (Leonora E. Thomas); “Exploring the Metric System in a Workplace Education Class” (Judith Sulzbach); “Non-Traditional Problems in the Forefront” (Marilyn Moses); “Learning to Learn. How Long Does It Take?” (Leslie Arriola); “Manipulatives vs. Rote Memory” (Margaret Fallon); “When You Have a Problem, Use Your Head (…and Your Instinct)” (Thomson Macdonald); “‘They Never Asked… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Initial Impacts of No Child Left Behind on Elementary Science Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This research examines the impact of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act on elementary science education within a Midwestern state possessing strong national education measures. Elementary teachers (N = 164) responded to an online survey, which included both closed-ended and open-ended questions pertaining to science instruction and changes made in science instruction since the implementation of NCLB. More than half of these teachers indicated they have cut time from science instruction since NCLB became a law. The reason given for this decrease in science education was mainly the need to increase time for math and reading instruction. (Contains 3 figures.) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Alignment with the Common Core Standards: A 21st Century How-to Model for Successful CTE Programs

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article describes a 21st century how-to model for successful career and technical education (CTE) programs. The Geometry in Construction program is the brainchild of two educators, a CTE and a math teacher, who wanted to design a rigorous geometry course taught through a project-based curriculum. This article discusses how they did it, and how one can use the basic principles they outline to do some core content integration of one’s own. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – The Effects of School Reform under NCLB Waivers: Evidence from Focus Schools in Kentucky. CEPA Working Paper No. 17-05

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Under waivers to the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, the federal government required states to identify schools where targeted subgroups of students have the lowest achievement and to implement reforms in these “Focus Schools.” In this study, we examine the Focus School reforms in the state of Kentucky. The reforms in this state are uniquely interesting for several reasons. One is that the state developed unusually explicit guidance for Focus Schools centered on a comprehensive school-planning process. Second, the state identified Focus Schools using a “super subgroup” measure that combined traditionally low-performing subgroups into an umbrella group. This design feature may have catalyzed broader whole-school reforms and attenuated the incentives to target reform efforts narrowly. Using regression discontinuity designs, we find that these reforms led to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Gearing up to Teach the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics in the Rural Northeast Region. Stated Briefly. REL 2015-066

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study describes key challenges and necessary supports related to implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) identified by rural math educators in the Northeast. The research team interviewed state and district math coordinators and surveyed teachers in Maine, New Hampshire, New York and Vermont, to assess their most pressing challenges and associated needs. Key challenges included time and support for teachers to change their instructional practices to meet the CCSSM, availability of high-quality instructional materials, and opportunities for collaboration. The report was produced in response to input from the Northeast Rural Districts Research Alliance (NRDRA), one of eight research alliances working with REL Northeast & Islands. This “Stated Briefly” report is a companion piece that summarizes the results of another report entitled “Gearing… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Reform of Secondary Mathematics Education in High-Performing Rural Schools. Working Paper No. 36

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Rural schools, like others in the nation, are enjoined to use national and state standards as the basis for educational reform. Moreover, national standards for mathematics education were established early (1989) and have been disseminated widely. Nevertheless, little is known about the dynamics of standards-based reform of mathematics in rural schools. This paper reports findings from a set of four case studies of mathematics education in rural secondary schools to provide insights into the dynamics of instructional reform. Analysis of data from interviews, observations, and documents revealed two emergent themes: (1) math teachers address calls for improvement by building on traditional practices and (2) math teachers meld traditional and reform practices. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Research Report: Impacts of the Use of Study Island Practice and Benchmarks — Reading School District, Pennsylvania

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Study Island is a practice and assessment tool that provides state-standards-aligned opportunities for students to practice their skills. It features a system of continual assessments with immediate feedback to adjust instruction and learning. When educators integrate Study Island into their instructional practices, it acts as a formative, ongoing assessment tool that provides students with a platform to practice or demonstrate their knowledge of taught standards. This approach reflects the elements of formative assessments as a process for monitoring progress and adjusting instruction. Research on formative assessment and progress-monitoring practices has demonstrated positive outcomes for student achievement (Bangert-Drowns, Kulik, & Kulik, 1991; Black & Wiliam, 1998; Fuchs & Fuchs, 1986; January et al., 2018; Stecker, Lembke, & Foegen, 2008; Stiggins, 1999; Van Norman, Nelson, & Parker, 2016; Wolf,… Continue Reading