har udgivet: Concerns about inadequate development of subject expertise for American elementary school teachers have been well documented. There are many exceptions to this narrative, and there are many exemplary U.S. teacher preparation programs. However, it is clear that, overall, the preparation of elementary teachers in the United States in key subject areas has been inadequate. So, what are systems that have high-performing learning outcomes in key subjects doing to ensure quality teaching in math, science and literacy? This report analyses whether and how high-performing systems (specifically those in jurisdictions of Japan, Finland, Hong Kong, and Shanghai) have supported the subject expertise of their elementary school teachers. The findings highlight how different parts of these systems constantly reinforce the development of deep subject expertise in their elementary teachers. For… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In a January 2016 report on teacher shortages in California, “Addressing California’s Emerging Teacher Shortage: An Analysis of Sources and Solutions,” the Learning Policy Institute found that there were too few qualified California teachers to meet the growing demand of school districts across the state. A fall 2016 survey of more than 200 California districts revealed that 75% of districts were experiencing teacher shortages, and the vast majority said those shortages were getting worse. Most of those districts reported responding to shortage conditions by hiring teachers with substandard credentials or permits–that is, teachers who have not yet completed the subject matter and teacher preparation requirements for a full credential. In this update, the authors show that, consistent with school district survey data, teacher workforce trends have worsened… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In the past year, overall teacher workforce trends in California have worsened, with especially severe consequences in special education, math, and science, and significant threats in bilingual education. California’s teacher shortage has worsened as teacher demand grows and teacher supply stagnates. As a result, districts are having to hire a growing number of teachers on substandard permits and credentials, which are increasing more quickly than are preliminary credentials. California’s goals for high-quality education will be undermined if the state continues to supplement an inadequate teacher supply with underprepared teachers who leave at high rates (two to three times greater than prepared teachers), thereby provoking greater churn in high-need schools and depressing student achievement. To address the shortfalls, this brief offers three solutions. [For the full report “Addressing… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: One can’t throw a stone without hitting a STEM initiative these days, but most science, technology, engineering, and math initiatives–thus the STEM acronym–overlook a fundamental problem. In general, the workforce pipeline of elementary school teachers fails to ensure that the teachers who inform children’s early academic trajectories have the appropriate knowledge of and disposition toward math-intensive subjects and mathematics itself. Prospective teachers can typically obtain a license to teach elementary school without taking a rigorous college-level STEM class such as calculus, statistics, or chemistry, and without demonstrating a solid grasp of mathematics knowledge, scientific knowledge, or the nature of scientific inquiry. In this report, the authors focus on the selection and preparation of elementary school teachers, most of whom will be required to teach mathematics and science… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Research shows that there is a shortage of effective teachers in many rural and urban K-12 public schools serving the highest proportions of high-poverty students across the United States. In the past 10 years, alternative route teacher preparation programs aiming to address this shortage proliferated across the United States. These programs seek to increase the supply of teachers more rapidly than traditional teacher preparation programs, and although their requirements vary widely, most are shorter, less expensive, and more practically oriented than traditional teacher preparation programs. Such programs however, vary widely. Teach For America (TFA) is a nation-wide alternate route teacher preparation program designed to address the shortage of effective teachers, specifically in high-poverty rural and urban schools across the United States. The authors assert that TFA should… Continue Reading →
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