Eric.ed.gov – Predicting Transition to Postsecondary Programs of GED® Earners in a College Setting

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This applied dissertation was designed to identify the characteristics of students enrolled in a GED® preparation program who transitioned to postsecondary programs at the same institution after passing the GED® test. The characteristics studied included age; gender; ethnicity; prematriculation scores in reading, language, and math in the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE); and hours spent preparing for the GED® test in an open-entry, open-exit remedial laboratory environment. Through the use of binary logistic regressions to answer the research questions, a prediction model was constructed. The variables that are able to predict an increased likelihood of transition to postsecondary programs were being between the ages of 16 and 24 at the time of enrollment in the GED® program and having an ethnicity category of Asian, White/Caucasian, Hispanic,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Preparing Students for College and Careers in STEM. STEM Smart Brief

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Employers report a shortage of talent for STEM-specific jobs — and in areas such as health care that require “basic STEM competencies.” The reasons are many, including: lack of authentic learning activities in STEM subjects, little time for science in elementary school, inadequate K-12 teacher preparation in math and science content, poor alignment of K-12 and college curricula, and insufficient collaboration between K-12 and higher education institutions to smooth student transitions from high school to college. But underlying the structural and instructional challenges is an even more fundamental problem — the longstanding debate over what students should know and be able to do by the time they finish high school. This disagreement has resulted in different STEM curricula, different STEM standards — indeed, different expectations of children… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Keeping It Real: A Toledo Public School Prepares Students for College and Career

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this article, author Jennifer Dubin offers a look into the innovations taking place in the Toledo Technology Academy (TTA), a career-tech school within the public school system in Toledo, Ohio. TTA teaches students in grades 7 through 12 using a science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) curriculum, in addition to the traditional academic subjects of English, history, science, and math. When graduates from TTA leave, they have a career portfolio, which can include certifications attesting to technical expertise as well as letters of recommendation from teachers and companies that had hired them for school-sponsored internships. The student’s portfolio showcases knowledge and skills to a prospective employer, or can be submitted to a college admissions office along with the standard application. Dubin notes that the school’s emphasis… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Ambitious Leadership: A Case Study of Aligning English Curriculum to College- and Career-Ready Standards at Cardenas

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The shift to the Common Core at the Lazaro Cardenas Elementary School, a pre-K to third grade school in a predominantly Latino area in southwest Chicago, rested on instructional improvement efforts Jeremy Feiwell initiated five years earlier in 2006, when he became Cardenas’s principal. Feiwell knew from his years as a teacher at Cardenas that curriculum and instruction at the school varied widely–every teacher was doing something different in his or her classroom. Meanwhile, the school–where 52 percent of students are English language learners and 97 percent come from low-income households–was the lowest performing of the 23 schools in the community. By 2016, the school was the highest performing in math in the south side of Chicago, and one of the top schools for reading. Cardenas’s staff… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Instruction Quality or Working Condition? The Effects of Part-Time Faculty on Student Academic Outcomes in Community College Introductory Courses

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: More than half of community college courses are taught by part-time faculty. Drawing on data from six community colleges, this study estimates the effects of part-time faculty versus full-time faculty on students’ current and subsequent course outcomes in developmental and gateway courses, using course fixed effects and propensity score matching to minimize bias arising from student self-sorting across and within courses. We find that part-time faculty have negative effects on student subsequent enrollments. These negative effects are driven by results in math courses. We also find that course schedules could explain substantial proportions of the estimated negative effects, while faculty individual characteristics could not. Survey results on faculty professional experiences suggest that part-time faculty had less institutional knowledge regarding both academic and nonacademic services. We infer that… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – “Informed Self-Placement” at American River College: A Case Study. National Center Report Number #07-2

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Informed math self-placement,” a program implemented at American River College in Sacramento, California, to determine students’ readiness for college-level math, has been in place for three years. This case study describes the development and implementation of math self-placement at American River. Math self-placement consists of a Web-based testing and information site that allows students, or potential students, to gauge their level of math proficiency prior to talking with a counselor or enrolling in classes. Math faculty members and administrators are hopeful that self-placement, as an alternative to traditional placement, will provide students with concrete knowledge and experience about math standards, since self-placement includes actual self-assessment instruments (tests), developed and approved by the college’s math faculty. American River’s experience in math self-placement is noteworthy in its potential to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – English Transition Courses in Context: Preparing Students for College Success. CCRC Research Brief

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Transition curricula are courses, learning modules, or online tutorials typically developed jointly by secondary and postsecondary faculty and offered no later than 12th grade to students at risk of being placed into remedial math or English programs in college. Based on interviews and other data, this brief describes key elements of English transition curricula in seven states. In discussing six trends that are salient in the development and implementation of transition curricula, the brief also highlights the different ways that this intervention may serve to help prepare students for college. English transition curricula are usually aligned to rigorous K-12 content standards and tend to emphasize college-level writing skills more than other content areas. Some transition curricula also incorporate contextualized learning, teach nonacademic skills that are valuable for… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Building Guided Pathways to Community College Student Success: Promising Practices and Early Evidence from Tennessee

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Among state community college systems, the 13 community colleges under the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) are probably the furthest along in implementing guided pathways reforms. All 13 colleges are implementing what they call “Tennessee completion practices”–reforms to help students choose, enter, navigate, and complete programs that prepare them for further education and careers. This report describes how the colleges are operationalizing the Tennessee completion practices in their own contexts, as well as how trends in leading indicators of student completion have changed since the reforms began. Drawing on colleges’ detailed self-assessments of their progress and telephone interviews with college administrators, staff, and faculty, the authors discuss how far along the colleges are in implementing completion practices in each of the four major areas of guided pathways… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Preparing College Teachers To Integrate Math and Language Instruction.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A project to develop special training materials to introduce college teachers to the math-language approach is reported. The materials link language learning techniques to mathematics concept formation and are intended for teachers of limited-English-proficient (LEP) students. Specialists in both fields produced a three-part training package consisting of an instructor’s guide and a video program, to be used as an introduction to and rationale for using the approach, and as a general blueprint for a text and workbook produced by the Center for Applied Linguistics and entitled “English Skills for Algebra.” The report describes activities undertaken in developing the materials and assessing their effectiveness as compared to the conventional workshop method of teacher training. Results of interviews and surveys indicate that the materials provide the necessary classroom guidance… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Mathematics for Elementary Teachers (Math 108a). Adams State College.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document is one of a series of eight Teacher Education Modules developed by Adams State College Teacher Corps Program. As a result of completion of this module, which is itself a cluster of nine mathematics learning modules, the elementary education student will: a) gain a knowledge and understanding of the concept of elementary school mathematics; b) have a deeper understanding of the specific topics than would be expected of an elementary student; c) realize and appreciate the logical development of material from precise definitions based on intuitive concepts to facts derived from these concepts; d) increase his confidence in his own mathematical ability; e) see mathematics as a body of interdependent knowledge; and f) realize that mathematics proficiency in the mechanical processes of mathematics is not… Continue Reading