tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Using data from the 2010 National Association of Education Progress eighth grade test of U.S. history (NAEP-US8), the current study explored the intersections among traditional indicators of teacher quality and competing dimensions of quality teaching on students’ history knowledge. Findings indicated that eighth grade social studies teachers with academic backgrounds in history and secondary education were associated with increased use of disciplinary practices valued by the field (i.e., reading across multiple source materials, discussion, and writing in the content area) and performance-based assessment. Furthermore, when accounting for both teacher characteristics and instructional decision-making, alternatively licensed middle grades teachers were associated with lower average student achievement on NAEP-US8. Holding other conditions constant, eighth grade teachers with backgrounds in secondary… Continue Reading →
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eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The study aims to identify the effect of using computerized based education on Eighth grade achievement in Math. In addition the study aims to identify the effect of gender on students’ achievement who received computerized education. The study was based on the selection of students from two schools in Ma’an City one for females and the other for males. The selection was based on the availability of computer labs and a teacher who has technological experience in class. Two groups were chosen in each school; one was a controlled group and the other was the experimental group which used computerized education. The total number of selected subjects was 109 students. The four groups undertook a pretest and comparative analysis showed that there was no similar correspondence between… Continue Reading →
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tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Play-based preschool pedagogy usually relies on informal teaching while policy trends and some research call for increased formalisation of the pedagogy. Using Bernstein’s concepts of classification and framing, this article characterises mechanisms that link evaluation of preschool to the push towards the formalisation of teaching in preschool. Moreover, it is suggested how preschool teaching of mathematics can be conceptualised in a way that widens the pedagogical responsibilities of the teachers to include a broader range of social activities than typically expected. These responsibilities concern how teachers are involved in pedagogical situations, if situations are planned and if the mathematics is a pedagogical goal in the situation or instrumental in some other activity. It is argued that a practice… Continue Reading →
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