Eric.ed.gov – ESEA Briefing Book

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: President Obama and congressional leaders have vowed to take action this year on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), most recently reauthorized and rebranded as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. While most observers remain skeptical that everyone will actually see a signing ceremony in 2011, it does appear likely that at least one house of Congress will produce a bill. In this “briefing book,” the authors identify the ten key issues that policymakers must resolve in order to get reauthorization across the finish line, and explore the major options under consideration for each one. The ten issues–which fall under the areas of standards and assessments, accountability, teacher quality, and flexibility and innovation–are these: (1) College and career readiness–Should states be required to adopt… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Reading and Math through the Community as Classroom, Summer 1982. Annual Evaluation Report. E.S.E.A. Title I.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report presents evaluation findings for the 1982 summer cycle of “Reading and Math Through the Community as Classroom,” a Title I funded program operated by the Division of Special Education, of the New York City Public Schools. The program was designed to provide supplementary remediation to 1,197 mildly to moderately handicapped youngsters, and incorporate community experiences and sports activities into reading and math instruction. Results of analyses of pupil achievement data and program interviews and observations indicated that the summer program effectively met its proposed goals. Nearly all of the program participants mastered one or more new skills in reading (87.8 percent) and in math (91.9 percent). Students were also reported by teachers to have made social gains. Program sites were well-chosen and staff were enthusiastic.… Continue Reading