Eric.ed.gov – Approximation and Estimation. A Course to Reduce Math Anxiety and Sex-Role Stereotyping in Elementary Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This Teacher Education and Mathematics (TEAM) content module focuses on approximation and estimation. It consists of: (1) an instructor’s text; (2) an instructor’s guide and solutions to student exercises; (3) student materials and exercises; and (4) student summary and review. The instructor’s text provides specific directions for guiding lessons and commentary on mathematics content and mathematics attitudes. This is accomplished by a “facing pages” format whereby the right-hand page provides step-by-step teaching directives while the left-hand page provides teaching insights, other options of instruction, and psychological or attitudinal strategies, when appropriate. The instructor’s text also contains content objectives, specified to indicate the scope and structure of the module, and student evaluation materials. The instructor’s guide and solutions to exercises provides teaching approaches and solutions to problems. Student… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Choice and Chance. A Course to Reduce Math Anxiety and Sex-Role Stereotyping in Elementary Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This Teacher Education and Mathematics (TEAM) content module focuses on probability. It consists of: (1) an instructor’s text; (2) an instructor’s guide and solutions to student exercises; (3) student materials and exercises; and (4) student summary and review. The instructor’s text provides specific directions for guiding lessons and commentary on mathematics content and mathematics attitudes. This is accomplished by a “facing pages” format whereby the right-hand page provides step-by-step teaching directives while the left-hand page provides teaching insights, other options of instruction, and psychological or attitudinal strategies, when appropriate. The instructor’s text also contains content objectives, specified to indicate the scope and structure of the module, and student evaluation materials. The instructor’s guide and solutions to exercises provides approaches and solutions to problems. Student materials and exercises… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Women as Mathematicians. A Course to Reduce Math Anxiety and Sex-Role Stereotyping in Elementary Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This Teacher Education and Mathematics (TEAM) module is designed to increase awareness of the fact that, historically, women have contributed to mathematical knowledge and mathematics education, that they continue to do so at the present time, and that these women may serve as important role models. It contains an instructor’s text and student materials. The instructor’s text provides (1) specific directions for the instructor to follow in guiding lessons and (2) commentary designed to help in building positive mathematics attitudes. The directions tell how to proceed step-by-step, while the commentary articulates a philosophy and provides explanations, attitudinal interventions, and instructional alternatives. This is accomplished with a special “facing pages” format. The right-hand page provides teaching directives, while the left-hand page, “commentary and notes” (or just “notes” when… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Women, Mathematics, and Careers. A Course to Reduce Math Anxiety and Sex-Role Stereotyping in Elementary Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This Teacher Education and Mathematics (TEAM) module focuses on women, mathematics, and careers. Module goals include (among others) increasing students’ awarenesss of the role that mathematics plays in almost all careers and their ability to pinpoint mathematics behaviors used in specific careers. The module consists of an instructor’s text and student materials. The instructor’s text provides (1) specific directions for guiding the lessons and (2) commentary designed to help teachers build positive mathematics attitudes. The format is one of “facing pages” whereby the right-hand page provides step-by-step teaching directives and the left-hand page furnishes commentary that articulates a philosophy, provides explanations, and suggests psychological approaches. The “commentary and notes” page also allots space for the instructor’s use and when no commentary applies, the entire page is alloted… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Patterns. A Course to Reduce Math Anxiety and Sex-Role Stereotyping in Elementary Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This Teacher Education and Mathematics (TEAM) content module focuses on patterns. It consists of: (1) an instructor’s text; (2) an instructor’s guide and solutions to student exercises; (3) student materials and exercises; and (4) student summary and review. The instructor’s text provides specific directions for guiding lessons and commentary on mathematics content and mathematics attitudes. This is accomplished by a “facing pages” format whereby the right-hand page provides step-by-step teaching directives while the left-hand page provides teaching insights, other options of instruction, and psychological or attitudinal strategies, when appropriate. The instructor’s text also contains content objectives, specified to indicate the scope and structure of the module, and student evaluation materials. The instructor’s guide and solutions to exercises recommends teaching approaches to the materials and provides answers to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Metric Measurement. A Course to Reduce Math Anxiety and Sex-Role Stereotyping in Elementary Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This Teacher Education and Mathematics (TEAM) content module focuses on metric measurement. Topics addressed include decimal structure and prefixes, precision in measurement, reference measures, United States customary and metric systems, volume, area, and conversion. The module consists of: (1) an instructor’s text; (2) an instructor’s guide and solutions to student exercises; (3) student materials and exercises; and (4) student summary and review. The instructor’s text provides specific directions for guiding lessons and commentary on mathematics content and mathematics attitudes. This is accomplished by a “facing pages” format whereby the right-hand page provides step-by-step teaching directives while the left-hand page provides teaching insights, other options of instruction, and psychological or attitudinal strategies, when appropriate. The guide and solutions to exercises gives the instructor approaches to the exercises and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Course to Reduce Math Anxiety and Sex-Role Stereotyping in Elementary Education. Instructor’s Handbook.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This handbook provides information on the purpose, organization, and use of Teacher Education and Mathematics (TEAM) modules within the context of a teacher education course for elementary education students or as supplementary materials to such a course. The four mathematics and four attitudinal modules are designed to produce four outcomes for learners: (1) increased mathematics knowledge and skills; (2) more confidence (and less math anxiety) in dealing with mathematics; (3) skill in identifying sex-role stereotyping in curriculum materials and teaching behaviors; and (4) perception of mathematics as useful and appropriate for females. Topics addressed in the mathematics modules include patterns, approximation and estimation, choice and chance, and metric measurement. Topics addressed in the four attitudinal modules include sex-role stereotypes, women and mathematics careers, women as mathematicians, and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Demystifying Math. A Course to Reduce Math Anxiety and Sex-Role Stereotyping in Elementary Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This Teacher Education and Mathematics (TEAM) module is designed to establish an atmosphere in the classroom in which students will feel free to share their thoughts, reactions, and experiences related to mathematics and mathematics teachers. It consists of an instructor’s text and student materials. The instructor’s text provides (1) specific directions for guiding the lessons and (2) commentary designed to help teachers build positive mathematics attitudes. The format is one of “facing pages” whereby the right-hand page provides step-by-step teaching directives and the left-hand page furnishes commentary that articulates a philosophy, provides explanations, and suggests psychological approaches. The “commentary and notes” page also allots space for the instructor’s use and when no commentary applies, the entire page is alloted to “notes.” Student materials include two sheets for… Continue Reading