har udgivet: Factors influencing the learning of mathematics in the linguistically diverse classroom are examined, drawing on the literature of mathematics and science instruction and of multicultural education. Teachers are encouraged to be aware that several linguistic, cultural, and cognitive factors affect the learner’s academic performance, and to use linguistically and culturally sensitive instructional methods and activities to ensure success in math. First, a rationale for multicultural math instruction is presented, and then the relationship between language and math is examined in terms of the specific needs of limited-English-proficient students. Finally, some pedagogical implications and recommendations for classroom activities are offered. The latter include word problems that encourage repetitive language use, concrete and sensory experiences, cooperative activities that encourage interpersonal contact and problem-solving, writing and rewriting math problems, and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract In many countries’ policy documents and curricula, teachers in the subject areas of science, social science and language are encouraged to collaborate on cross-curricular issues such as sustainable development (SD). This study is conducted in secondary schools (compulsory years 7-9) in Sweden and investigates the similarities and differences in the responses of ten teacher groups (forty-three teachers in total) to questions about their teaching contributions in their own subject areas to education for sustainable development (ESD). The overall aim is to understand how teachers of these three subject areas can contribute to cross-curricular teaching in teacher teams in the context of ESD. This is done by analysing the group responses from data collected in group discussions concerning the… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. ABSTRACT In this paper, differences in the implementation of a number activity called the snake game are studied. Nine Swedish preschool teachers worked in collaboration with a research team, enacting the same activity with their groups of 5-year-old children over a 3-month period. Variation theory forms the basis for the analysis of 67 videorecorded enactments. The results suggest that an activity such as the snake game can bring various aspects of numbers to the fore through differences in enactment.… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT To better align teacher learning with teachers’ learning needs, teachers’ sense-making of an innovation during which teachers experimented with differentiated instruction was studied during two school years. Using answers to a questionnaire, 15 teachers’ sense-making processes were characterised by three types of search for meaning: assimilation, adaptation, and toleration. We further specified the teachers’ sense-making through their experienced sources of ambiguity and uncertainty (limited resources and conflicting goals) and a detailed description of their personal frames of reference. We concluded that the teachers varied in their types of search for meaning during both school years, though most teachers were found to use assimilation in the second school year. Their experienced sources of ambiguity and uncertainty and their personal… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The manuscripts in this special issue chart a new landscape for educational research on male teachers of color.The contributors examine the lived complexities subsumed under the umbrella of ‘male teachers of color,’ and place research on distinct groups of male teachers of color in conversation with one another.The manuscripts in this special issue reflect the diversity and possibility of critical research in education, with an emphasis on the examination of the intersections of social identities for male teachers of color, and the relationship between social identity and struggles for political and professional agency. The authors provide a strong theoretical foundation for filling the empirical gap on male teachers of color by engaging in questions such as: How do… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This guide for teachers is a companion piece to the meta-analysis from the Center on Instruction, “Mathematics Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities or Difficulty Learning Mathematics: A Synthesis of the Intervention Research”. Based on the findings of this report, seven effective instructional practices were identified for teaching mathematics to K-12 students with learning disabilities. It describes these practices and, incorporating recommendations from “The Final Report of The National Mathematics Advisory Panel” as well, specifies research-based recommendations for students with learning disabilities and for students who are experiencing difficulties in learning mathematics but are not identified as having a math learning disability. [To access “The Final Report of The National Mathematics Advisory Panel” see (ED500486) This publication was created by Instructional Research Group.] Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: California public schools serve a highly diverse student population, including: 65% minorities, 24.9% English Language Learners, 10.6% disabled, and 19% in poverty. In the face of this diversity, all teachers are expected to use the Curriculum Frameworks of the California State Board of Education as a “blueprint for implementing the content standards adopted by the California State Board of Education and are developed by the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission.” The Curriculum Standards for California Public Schools and “No Child Left Behind” (NCLB) appear to have a goal of equal access to education for all students. “Education: The Promise of America” states that the goal of the NCLB legislation is to ensure that “all children are proficient in reading and math by the 2013-2014 school year”… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Background: In this conceptual paper, we contribute to the discussion of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in physical education and physical education teacher education (PETE). There are two main limitations in the work inspired by Shulman’s [1987. “Knowledge and Teaching: Foundations of the New Reform.” Harvard Educational Review 57 (1): 1–21] concepts content knowledge (CK) and PCK. First, CK is exclusively interpreted as knowledge in and about movement, and excludes knowledge through movement. Second, contemporary understandings of CK and PCK have been mainly from a behaviour analytic perspective. By only adopting a behavioural perspective of CK, i.e. a perspective which aims to change students’ behaviours without necessarily changing knowledge or understanding, pre-service teachers are unlikely to reflect on context… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Learning how to use mathematics curriculum materials to create learning opportunities is an important part of the work of teaching. This paper presents findings from a study involving 15 elementary preservice teachers enrolled in, first, a content and, then, a methods course, and discusses the extent to which three curriculum interventions influenced their conceptions of how math curriculum materials are used. Additionally, this paper discusses the implications of this research for mathematics teacher education programs and proposes a framework for integrating work around curriculum materials into mathematics content and methods courses in order to prepare preservice teachers for using these materials effectively. (Contains 11 footnotes and 4 tables.) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The STEM teacher shortage in secondary education makes it important to investigate who is interested in becoming a STEM teacher, so that recruitment initiatives can be adjusted to these students’ characteristics. A latent profile analysis on data from 905 STEM university students identified two types of students with teaching aspirations. The first type (14%) consisted of undecided students who were interested in many careers, had high social interest, and wanted to work in a nice environment with much social contact. The second group (12%) was interested in research, science communication, and teaching. This group had high intellectual and social interest, and wanted to be intellectually challenged. Both groups had high teacher self-efficacy. Implications for teacher education recruitment are… Continue Reading →
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