Eric.ed.gov – East School: Movement and Growth. A Case Study for the Vermont Institute of Science, Math and Technology.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This case study of East School, a central Vermont K-2 school with 125 students, describes the early stages of changing instruction and learning in a school with established district-wide standards. Changes in teaching at the local level were led by example, modeled by a dynamic principal as she encouraged the teachers to move towards a more integrated teaching framework. The case study also describes the contributions and struggles of a dedicated volunteer who felt a deep ownership of the project and yet was not allowed to truly work with the team, which brings forth questions around the inner-workings of the team, the role of outside facilitators, and team understanding of project goals and objectives. The findings of this case study lead to the conclusion that the principal’s… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Vermont Teachers’ Understanding of Mathematical Problem Solving and “Good” Math Problems.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: For the past five years, Vermont has been developing an innovative statewide assessment system in which portfolios of student work in mathematics and writing are a key element. The use of mathematics portfolios, particularly in elementary school, is a novel aspect of the assessment system. This study examines the elementary school mathematics portfolio assessment and its instructional impact by exploring the conceptions of problem solving, the knowledge of problem-solving strategies, the evaluation of problem-solving tasks, and the instructional practices of 20 fourth-grade teachers. Teachers indicated that the portfolio assessment program has enhanced their understanding of mathematical problem solving and broadened their instructional practices, but that they have encountered difficulty in understanding certain components of the reform and making the relevant changes. Teachers did not share a common… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Vital Signs: Vermont

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Business leaders in Vermont cannot find the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) talent they need to stay competitive. Students’ lagging performance in K-12 is a critical reason why. The good news is that the nation’s most effective STEM education programs can help turn the tide. Vermont students have made progress in math over the past decade, but they have given up some of those gains since 2013. Not enough have the chance to learn challenging content to prepare them for college and careers. Students also spend too little time on elementary science., and few eighth graders have teachers with undergraduate majors in math. Link til kilde