Eric.ed.gov – Evaluation of the Teacher Incentive Fund: Implementation and Impacts of Pay-for-Performance after Two Years. NCEE 2015-4020

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) provides grants to support performance-based compensation systems for teachers and principals in high-need schools. The study measures the impact of pay-for-performance bonuses as part of a comprehensive compensation system within a large, multisite random assignment study design. The treatment schools were to fully implement their performance-based compensation system. The control schools were to implement the same performance-based compensation system with one exception–the pay-for-performance bonus component was replaced with a one percent bonus paid to all educators regardless of performance. This second report provides implementation and impact information. Ninety percent of all TIF districts in 2012-2013 reported implementing at least 3 of the 4 required components for teachers, and only about one-half (52 percent) reported implementing all four. This was a slight improvement… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Disparities between Schools in Japanese Compulsory Education: Analyses of a Cohort Using TIMSS 2007 and 2011

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Japanese compulsory education had been praised because of its equality around the early 80s. However, since the third wave-educational reform that began in the 1980s and still persists, it has been pointed out that there are disparities between schools in terms of students’ socioeconomic background and academic performance. Although there have been studies assessing relationships between students’ family background and academic ability between types of schools (e.g., private and public), how the disparities emerge between schools has not been investigated with nationally representative data collected in Japan. This study therefore attempts to empirically provide evidence of disparities between schools in elementary and lower secondary education by analyzing an age cohort at two points of time. Using fourth grade data from “The Trends in International Mathematics and Science… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Achievement Gaps and Multi-Tiered System of Supports in California

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This brief examines California’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), which is a framework designed to identify and assist students performing below grade level. MTSS involves at least three tiers of support; Tier 2 includes personalized assistance. Unfortunately, Tier 2 services are not adequately resourced so it is not surprising that California students rank only 38th in the nation in reading and math. To move higher, it is important that the state provide categorical funding for Tier 2 services. California teachers already have a full-time job. To successfully implement MTSS, they need additional Tier 2 personnel (e.g., paraprofessional instructional aides and trained clerical staff to manage student progress monitoring) to assist them. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Alabama’s Education Report Card 2010-11

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Public education in Alabama is moving in the right direction and is poised to be a national model for the college and career readiness of its students. Through some of the most challenging financial circumstances, public education in Alabama has continued to show great promise in many areas, including reading, math, and science. The success of Alabama education initiatives is lauded in national publications, research studies, and, most importantly, by the teachers and students in their classrooms. Although the momentum for increased educational quality has picked up, now more than ever students must be kept on track to become the most highly prepared high school graduates the state has ever produced. From classroom teachers, schools administrators, and parents, to community and business leaders, all facets of the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Strategy Instruction for Students with Disabilities Who Are Learning English. ELLs with Disabilities Report 16

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: English language learners (ELLs) and students with disabilities are two groups specifically targeted in NCLB for which schools must demonstrate “adequate yearly progress.” However, ELLs with disabilities, a category where these two groups overlap, are not specifically mentioned in the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). Students with “high-incidence” learning-related disabilities (e.g., speech and language impairments, learning disabilities, and emotional/behavioral disabilities) in particular exhibit unique educational needs likely to place them at risk as schools strive to improve academic outcomes across the range of students specifically targeted in NCLB. With the rapid growth of the population of ELLs in the U.S., schools have an urgent need for research-based information on how to instruct ELLs with disabilities in grade-level content. This report describes a series of single-subject studies… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Impact of National Board for the Professional Teaching Standards Certification on Student Achievement

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A growing number of teachers have undertaken National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification training since its inception over twenty-five years ago. Previous empirical research on the impact of NBCTs on student performance has focused on state or district-level exams in individual states and found mixed results. This study examines the relationship between National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) and student achievement on the reading and math assessments of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). We argue that achievement can be affected both directly by the certified teacher and indirectly as NBCTs provide mentoring to colleagues and assume school leadership positions. This study focuses on a nationally representative assessment to measure student achievement rather than state- or district-level assessment exams. We find that the percentage of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Can We Measure Classroom Supports for Social-Emotional Learning? Applying Value-Added Models to Student Surveys in the CORE Districts. Working Paper

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Teachers play a critical role in establishing classroom and school environments that contribute to students’ social and emotional development. This paper explores whether we can estimate a classroom-level measure of student growth in SEL by applying value-added models to students’ [social-emotional learning] SEL. We analyze data from the 2016 and 2017 administrations of student self-report surveys, which contain responses from roughly 40,000 students in Grade 5 within five of California’s CORE Districts. We estimate separate value-added models for each of the four SEL constructs assessed–growth mindset, self-efficacy, self-management, and social awareness–and for math and [English language arts] ELA academic growth. We find across-classroom-within-school variance of students’ SEL outcomes, even after accounting for school-level variance. The magnitude of classroom-level impacts on students’ growth in SEL appears similar to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Do the Math: Cognitive Demand Makes a Difference. Research Points, Volume 4, Issue 2, March 2006

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Today, mathematics education faces two major challenges: raising the floor by expanding achievement for all, and lifting the ceiling of achievement to better prepare future leaders in mathematics, as well as in science, engineering, and technology. Many students lack access to higher-level mathematics courses and teaching at all levels of pre-college schooling. This is unacceptable in the face of the ever-expanding technical demands posed by higher education and the 21st-century job market. Research reveals that strong academic experience is needed for both college and the workforce. Raising the cognitive demand in the curriculum is necessary for enhancing students’ career prospects. Recent trends show progress, but curriculum policies that limit course options restrict opportunities to learn for traditionally underserved students. This problem is compounded by the sorting of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Algebraic Thinking in Adult Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In adult education, algebraic thinking can be a sense-making tool that introduces coherence among mathematical concepts for those who previously have had trouble learning math. Further, a modeling approach to algebra connects mathematics and the real world, demonstrating the usefulness of math to those who have seen it as just an academic exercise. This paper recommends two significant and necessary changes in the concept of algebra and the ways the authors approach it in education: a shift from thinking of algebra as one course to thinking of it as a content strand integrated into arithmetic instruction and a shift from thinking of algebra as merely manipulation skills to thinking of it as a means of representing and analyzing real situations. This fresh look at algebra and mathematics… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Effects of Teacher Professional Development on Gains in Student Achievement: How Meta Analysis Provides Scientific Evidence Useful to Education Leaders

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This meta analysis study focused on identifying and analyzing research studies that measured effects of teacher professional development with a content focus on math or science. This meta analysis was carried out to address two primary questions: (1) What are the effects of content-focused professional development for math and science teachers on improving student achievement as demonstrated across a range of studies?; and (2) What characteristics of professional development programs (e.g., content focus, duration, coherence, active learning, and collective participation of teachers) explain the degree of effectiveness, and are the findings consistent with prior research on effective professional development? This meta analysis of studies of teacher professional development programs in mathematics and science found that 16 studies reported significant effect sizes for teacher development in relation to… Continue Reading