tandfonline.com – The Financial System Red in Tooth and Claw: 75 Years of Co-Evolving Markets and Technology

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract The 75th anniversary of the founding of the Financial Analysts Journal offers a rare vista of the evolutionary path of financial analysis and its practitioners. That path is by no means random but is shaped by a complex ecosystem in which technological innovation interacts with shifting business conditions and a growing population of financial stakeholders. Using the lens of the Adaptive Markets Hypothesis—the principles of evolutionary biology and ecology applied to the financial system—we can clearly identify eight discrete financial “eras” in which unique combinations of economic need and technological advances gave rise to new products, services, and financial institutions. By understanding the underlying drivers and resulting dynamics of these eras, we can begin to develop a deeper appreciation… Continue Reading


Ucviden.dk – IT og digitale læremidler i Vordingborg Kommunes Skoler

Ucviden.dk har udgivet: Målet med rapporten, som i sin genre kan betegnes som enkortlægningsundersøgelse har været en kortlægning af ”kommunens læreres brug af digitale læremidler i dansk, matematik, naturfag, sprog og praktisk-musiske fag med henblik på at udpege barrierer og potentialer for øget anvendelse af it i fagene. Undersøgelsen udmøntes i en række anbefalinger, som Vordingborg Kommune kan anvende til at understøtte en øget integration af it i fagene med henblik på at styrke elevernes faglige læring samt udnytte digitale læremidlers potentialer for en øget differentieret og inkluderende undervisning” Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – A narrative approach to university instructors’ stories about promoting student engagement during COVID-19 emergency remote teaching in Saudi Arabia

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic affected all aspects of human life, with significant impacts on education, as higher education institutions across the world were forced to make rapid transition to a fully online education format with no time to prepare. This qualitative study applied the narrative approach to examine the stories of six university instructors regarding their experiences with promoting student engagement during the COVID-19 emergency remote teaching. The study findings present the instructors’ feelings during the transition to distance education, the challenges they faced, and their efforts to promote their students’ engagement by using various strategies and assessments and by providing the students with emotional support. The findings also present the effect of local culture and millennial generation student… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Unravelling the challenges of the data-based approach to teaching improvement

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The goal of this article is to clarify and unravel the complexity and challenges of improving teaching quality, based on measuring teaching quality and feeding back the results to teachers. We analyze different conceptualizations of teaching quality, and synthesize a framework for conceptualizing teaching quality in educational practice. We explain the pros and cons of four types of instruments for measuring teaching quality. Next, we scrutinize the requirements of effectively feeding back teaching quality data and the requirements for effective actions to improve teaching quality. We conclude with implications for improving the consequential validity of teaching quality measurements. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – A mestizo cosmographer in the New Kingdom of Granada: astronomy and chronology in Sánchez de Cozar Guanientá’s Tratado (c.1696)

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article interprets a recently recovered manuscript, Tratado de astronomía y la reformaçión del tiempo, composed by Antonio Sánchez in New Granada c.1696, in the context of the Spanish and Renaissance cosmographies. Sánchez’s Tratado proposes a spherical astronomy, in which celestial bodies – including comets — move in orbs containing pyramidal knots that explain the changing speed observed in the motion of planets. From this astronomy and following the peninsular style of repertorios, Sánchez derives two major conclusions: the corrected length of the solar year and a revised birth date of Jesus. Taking as center of reference Vélez, where Sánchez was based, these claims led to conclusions in domains ranging from calendric astronomy to eschatology, including the incorporation… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Supporting Secondary Students’ Morality Development in Science Education

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This review study synthesises 28 empirical research articles emphasising the learning of morality aspects in the context of addressing socioscientific issues (SSI) in secondary science education. The key interrelated questions we seek to address in this study are how morality is conceptualised in the science classroom in the light of emerging sustainability issues and how it can be developed. We used the Four Component Model of Morality to create a knowledge base for how morality has been conceptualised in the literature on secondary science education and how it can be developed. The findings of this review study show that not all studies have used concrete, explicit conceptualisations of morality and that the role of sense of place and… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – A ‘doctoral compass’: strategic reflection, self-assessment and recalibration for navigating the ‘twin’ doctoral journey

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This conceptual paper contributes to a broader perspective on doctoral experience via a synthesis of several crucial concepts during the doctoral journey. The first part discusses the core challenges customarily confronting doctoral scholars due to the distinct PhD genre leading to introducing the main conceptual base. Metacognition, being central to doctoral knowledge creation, is explored through the stages of competence development and against the competing notions often faced by PhD scholars: the Imposter Syndrome and the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Drawing upon these metacognitive concepts, the implications of crossing competence stages during lengthy, non-linear doctoral trajectories in a high-performance academic culture are further explored. While recognising associated challenges, this paper also highlights a range of available tools, resources, and skillsets… Continue Reading