har udgivet: This report presents the findings of a study that examined the impact of compensatory education services on children’s academic achievement in grades 1 to 6. Examination of data from the 1976-79 Sustaining Effects Study of Title I revealed the following major conclusions: (1) small positive gains in reading achievement are related to participation in Title I programs; (2) the estimated impact of Title I on children’s achievement is sensitive to the definition of a control group; and (3) teacher judgment may be included in the selection and achievement process. The results of the analysis do not clarify the issue examined; results are dependent upon the formulation of the control group: one formulation used in the study showed positive results of Title I on achievement while the other… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Despite increased recognition that a higher education sports coaching qualification plays an important role in shaping coaches’ ethical decision-making, few scholars have considered what ethics to teach and how best to deliver such curriculum. Examples of actual ethics courses are particularly amiss. This article furthers scholarship on ethics education by introducing Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), a pedagogical perspective and approach that is employed to teach quality of mind competences considered necessary to make ethical decisions. To demonstrate how ESD can be translated into ethics curriculum, we present the university course “IIG206 Sustainable Sports Coaching”, which the authors delivered to coaching students, and outline how the course offered students’ opportunities to develop quality of mind competences, including “thinking on… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This Issue Brief is based on telephone interviews of 21 state policymakers to discuss the salient education issues in their states and their views on arts education. Six state senators, eight state representatives, one state board of education member, two deputy commissioners of education, three current state superintendents and one former state superintendent were interviewed between November 21, 2005 and February 27, 2006. All of the legislators serve on their respective education committees, and most chair these committees. Political affiliation among these policymakers was approximately equal, with nine Republicans, 10 Democrats and two unidentified. When asked to describe the most salient education issues in their states, quite a few policymakers mention issues that arts can help address, such as dropout prevention and the achievement gap between poor… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper presents an enhanced evaluation framework for teacher professional development programmes, which is based on one originally proposed by Huber in 2011. This paper draws on a study on the Professional Up-skilling of English Language Teachers (ProELT) programme in Sabah (Borneo), Malaysia. The study adopted a mixed methods exploratory sequential design using a questionnaire survey, individual interviews and a focus group discussion. Based on the findings from the study, four new components have been added to Huber’s original framework, namely (1) selection of participants, (2) incorporation of the Adult Learning principles, (3) follow-up support, and (4) assessment of programme impact. This enhanced framework has significant contributions to make to programme designers and programme providers, in providing them… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This study was designed to help faculty and administrators weigh the value of using student ratings of professors’ teaching effectiveness and to determine factors that may affect those ratings. For this study, conducted at a Midwestern AACSB accredited School of Business, 163 students (23% of the business majors) were surveyed to determine their perceptions concerning student ratings of faculty. Although 100% of the students surveyed believed they were honest in their evaluations, only 33% of them believed other students were honest. International students tended to give higher evaluations in math-related classes than U.S. students. Students tended to give higher evaluations to professors who used humor and to professors they liked. They did not give higher evaluations to male professors or ones under 55 years of age. The… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT India’s linguistic diversity is reflected in classrooms across the country, where multiple languages are used by teachers and learners to negotiate meaning and instruction – a multilingual, multicultural student body is the norm, whether in urban or rural contexts. This study documents teaching practices in English language and maths lessons in Delhi and Hyderabad, with a specific focus on language use. The findings from 104 classroom observations allow us to profile multilingual practices used in schools with different official mediums of instruction. Results reveal a predominant use of ‘language mixing’ in the classroom, in both English- and regional language-medium of instruction contexts – especially in English subject lessons. Maths lessons in regional-medium schools did not involve as much… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Of the 53 million K-12 students in the United States, 93%, or 51 million, of them play video games (Etuk, 2008). ALTEC Learning Games utilize the excitement of video games to engage students and provide teachers authentic online resources that reinforce skills in math and language arts. Our recent work was partially supported by a partnership with the Ohio Board of Regents through the federally funded Star Schools Program. This work demonstrates the use of online games, including single player and competitive and collaborative multiplayer formats, on both computers and emerging mobile technologies (EMTs). (Contains 3 figures.) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Teacher quality, or ‘the good teacher’ is not clearly defined in Norway, nor are there specific standards for measuring teacher quality. Everybody has an opinion about the good teacher, and teacher quality is frequently debated. Moreover, in Norway there is no systematic evaluation of teachers. Nevertheless, numerous reforms and popular discourses indirectly revisit and revise the formal qualification competences of teachers. This paper is an explorative journey into research, fiction and policy documents searching for how teacher quality has been, and is, perceived in Norway. The paper discusses relevant research, presents a historical contextualisation, my interpretations of selected fiction literature, and policy documents. I argue that teacher education has the responsibility of not merely translating policies into practice,… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Latino students, as children of historically underachieving populations, often have their academic success in jeopardy. For many schools, after-school programs complement the regular school day, with more than half of the 49,700 U.S. elementary schools having one or more on-site programs. Such programs vary in intent, purposes, and resources and typically emphasize remediation rather than developing interests or competencies in curricular areas beyond language arts and math. This qualitative case study explores the practices of one dual language elementary school in a high poverty Latino community and its academic/enrichment extended day program. Wenger’s (1998) community of practice framework captures the mutual engagement, joint enterprise, and shared repertoire of practices tightly woven between the regular school day’s classroom teachers and the after-school instructional assistants. This investigation provides insight… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. ABSTRACT In this study we investigated how to support students’ basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness to develop their relationships with mathematics with respect to students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, self-perception in relation to mathematics and math anxiety. There is a substantial amount of research that shows how negative relationships with mathematics affect students’ achievement. In this action research project, we followed an action research spiral. The model gave us the opportunity to plan, act and reflect… Continue Reading →
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