har udgivet: This report summarizes the mathematics component of Individually Prescribed Instruction (IPI). The first section outlines the overall goals, specific objectives, and philosophy of IPI; the organization of the materials; and the procedures for their use, with emphasis on the altered role of both students and teachers. The next section describes the origins of IPI, and names the key personnel (listing their philosophy and relevant research activities) and sources of funds. The third section describes the development of the IPI materials. The organization of the agencies concerned, the original development plan and subsequent modifications are outlined. Actual developmental procedures are detailed including the selection of demonstration schools, criteria for pilot schools, retraining of administrators and teachers, and formative evaluation.Final sections of this report outline summative evaluation, describe envisaged… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Norwegian teachers and school leaders had to organise and provide homeschooling for their students from March to May 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A survey conducted in May 2020 examined lower secondary school students’ experiences of distance learning. How students at different levels of academic achievement (based on grades) experienced homeschooling was compared to comparable findings from a survey conducted on students from the same schools during the autumn of 2018. The findings indicate that students experienced less support and feedback from their teachers during homeschooling, and that teachers gave more written than oral feedback to the students during homeschooling than they do in regular school. Furthermore, there was a tendency of lower efforts and self-efficacy among… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In online learning research, the theoretical community of inquiry framework has been used extensively to analyze processes of inquiry among learners and instructors within a community. This paper examines a special case of community of inquiry consisting of only one learner and one instructor. Together they engage in an online coaching discourse to form a relationship of inquiry. Within these relationships, coachees pass through processes of practical inquiry process while a coach supports the process. In this study, a framework and coding scheme were developed for use in a transcript coding procedure including 3,109 messages from an online coaching case in math for K-12 students. It is found that the elements of cognitive, teaching, and social presence, as well as the newly proposed emotional presence, which outlines… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT School closures due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic put challenges on teachers, students and their parents. In particular, students with special educational needs or students with low achievement levels who need more support in learning may have more difficulties coping compared to their peers. Using longitudinal data of the German National Educational Panel Study, the circumstances of students in secondary school during the time of school closures are characterised, in particular focusing on students who have been diagnosed with special educational needs or showing low achievement levels at the end of primary school. Overall, parents of students with special educational needs or low achievement levels do not report more challenges with respect to the situation of learning at… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The state of Utah is leading the nation in a surge of new elementary language immersion programs. Their unprecedented growth of programs, over a four-year span, has been both intentional and systemic, taking advantage of a supportive base and promoting language learning as a way to increase economic benefits for the state. While math and science are core content components, literacy, aligned to the Common Core English Language Arts, is also an important feature of their immersion curriculum. Gregg Roberts, Utah’s Department of Education World Language consultant and 2009 winner of the Pearson State Supervisor of the Year, answered questions about how the program began, what it looks like, how it builds literacy, and what is being done to sustain it. He responded to questions such as:… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The school closures during the COVID-19 outbreak triggered ashift towards digital learning. Whilst this is amajor challenge for mainstream education, the implementation of digital learning poses an even bigger challenge for special education teachers, as they are confronted with different learning requirements which might hinder digital learning processes. Previous research identified obstacles to digital learning in mainstream education, but conditions of digital learning in special education remain unclear. This article aims to provide insights on conditions of digital learning in special education at teacher-, school-, and student-levels. We examined whether the intention to use digital learning in special education is predicted by (1) teachers’ self-efficacy, attitudes and their perceived usability of digital learning, (2) perceived organisational support and (3) perceived… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Scaling Effective Programs is a category of giving that is quite unique. Philanthropists have many different interests that guide their giving, but Scaling Effective Programs offers an approach that can produce lasting transformation. This guide speaks to funders who: (1) view their giving as venture capital that stimulates other giving; (2) want to support a program for a limited time, rather than an open-ended commitment; and (3) want their giving to have significant and lasting effects that can be measured. Scaling Effective Programs is based on the principle that a limited period of investment giving can be structured successfully to create the greatest chance of having programs spread to more locations and be sustained long after the initial investment. This approach allows funders to move on to… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT Formulae display:?Mathematical formulae have been encoded as MathML and are displayed in this HTML version using MathJax in order to improve their display. Uncheck the box to turn MathJax off. This feature requires Javascript. Click on a formula to zoom. ABSTRACT The early educational support of basic school skills during nursery can have a positive impact on a successful transition into primary school and future school success and achievement – especially for in this context low-performing children. Therefore, most German nurseries developed additional concepts to support the acquisition of basic school skills during the last year of nursery. However, due to the COVID-19 shutdown face-to-face support for pre-schoolers was closed down. This study attempts to examine how basic school… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Given the restructuring of curriculum and instruction and the changing state of assessment in Virginia and nationally, a study group of 22 Virginia teachers from elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools throughout the state chose to examine and revise their assessment practices. They wanted to reflect changes in thinking and practice in teaching that include active learning, cooperative learning, and critical thinking strategies. After 6 months of developing and implementing alternative assessments in their classrooms, study group members concluded that implementation strategies should include: (1) planning assessment as instruction is planned; (2) having a partner with whom to share ideas; (3) developing generic rubrics; (4) expecting to learn by trial and error; (5) attempting student peer assessment; and (6) using cooperative grouping for completing assessment tasks.… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The Corona virus (COVID-19) crisis forced many countries to follow strict protocols ordering schools to close. With schools under lockdown, homeschooling has become the only form of schooling available. Reports have indicated that parents and students have struggled with the challenges of homeschooling. Against this background, this study explored primary school students and parents’ educational chances and challenges during homeschooling in two countries: Mexico and Germany. Comparing these two countries can shed light into potential differences of how inclusive approaches have been incorporated in homeschooling. Following a qualitative approach, thirteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with parents and school students. Results from a qualitative content analysis revealed that parents across both countries face challenges to organise homeschooling and motivate… Continue Reading →
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