har udgivet: The Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Education Program is the largest federal program for training elementary and secondary teachers in mathematics and science. It has two major components: the national program provides funding for projects of national significance and the state grant program allocates 75% of the funds to different types of state agencies and local school districts and the remaining 25% to the state agency for higher education. This document reports on: (1) how state grant funds are spent, (2) how experts view proposed improvements to the program, (3) how well the Department of Education collects and analyzes data on the program, and (4) how the various federal agencies sponsoring math and science education programs coordinate their efforts. The report concludes that the predominately short-term… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: A conference/workshop held in late 1979 which was aimed at improving the teaching of mathematics is reviewed. The conference was a response to the PRIME-80 conference of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), which had produced recommendations that something should be done to reverse the decline of educational skills among entering college freshmen. The conference was viewed as a success by both the participants and the organizers. It was stated that many colleges can offer a conference of this sort in their own community that could focus on the particular needs and issues in mathematics education for the region. Such a conference can provide benefits that can far outweigh the small monetary outlay. (MP) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper advocates using teaching methods in math and social studies instruction that take into consideration the students’ learning styles to increase achievement for at-risk students. Rural at-risk students need mathematics and social studies instruction that will prepare them for the 21st century. Traditional methods of instruction have not been successful for at-risk students. Teachers need to consider how environmental, emotional, sociological, physical, and psychological stimuli can be accommodated through instructional strategies. Learning styles are defined in terms of how individuals react to 21 elements of the instructional environment. Semantic mapping strategies can be used to provide structure for students who need it. Students who lack persistence can be given short tasks with breaks between them. Sociological needs of students can be accommodated through grouping students in… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Involving parents in young children’s literacy development is a challenge being met by many school districts. Several programs and strategies are being used at various levels to enhance literacy development and to address literacy needs of parents. Suggestions for preschool children include playing classical music, participating in meaningful learning experiences, and reading aloud. In addition, Even Start and Mothers Understanding Methods of Schooling are effective family-based literacy programs. Strategies for use with elementary school students and their parents include: morning meetings for parents at school to share information and present cooperative ventures; home visitor teams to bring parents into school; Reading (or Math) Family Nights; Family Technology Resource Centers offering child care and computer and literacy training; and the hiring of parents as ombudsmen. Strategies tried at… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper describes Tennessee’s progress in implementing a comprehensive and coherent approach to education reform from the time of application through June 30, 2011. In particular, this report highlights key accomplishments over the reporting period in the four reform areas: standards and assessments, data systems to support instruction, great teachers and leaders, and turning around lowest-achieving schools. Tennessee’s application for Race to the Top laid out an ambitious education reform agenda at all levels–from the state to the school district to the classroom. The state established equally ambitious goals for improving both teacher and leader effectiveness and student achievement. In the first year of implementation of the Tennessee First to the Top initiatives, the state made modest gains towards achieving those goals. From 2010 to 2011, overall… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Five years ago the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) launched a revolution in our education system by insisting that all students should be proficient in reading and math by 2014 and demanding comprehensive reforms to reach this national goal, including strong assessment and accountability systems, a highly qualified teacher in every classroom, more choices for students and parents, a new emphasis on school improvement, and the use of research-based instructional practices. Under NCLB, States and local school districts have made strides in putting these reforms in place, and the first returns are promising. The latest results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress show that we have reversed a decade of stagnation in student achievement, with scores rising significantly in both reading and math in the… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This Issue Brief is based on telephone interviews of 21 state policymakers to discuss the salient education issues in their states and their views on arts education. Six state senators, eight state representatives, one state board of education member, two deputy commissioners of education, three current state superintendents and one former state superintendent were interviewed between November 21, 2005 and February 27, 2006. All of the legislators serve on their respective education committees, and most chair these committees. Political affiliation among these policymakers was approximately equal, with nine Republicans, 10 Democrats and two unidentified. When asked to describe the most salient education issues in their states, quite a few policymakers mention issues that arts can help address, such as dropout prevention and the achievement gap between poor… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Of the 53 million K-12 students in the United States, 93%, or 51 million, of them play video games (Etuk, 2008). ALTEC Learning Games utilize the excitement of video games to engage students and provide teachers authentic online resources that reinforce skills in math and language arts. Our recent work was partially supported by a partnership with the Ohio Board of Regents through the federally funded Star Schools Program. This work demonstrates the use of online games, including single player and competitive and collaborative multiplayer formats, on both computers and emerging mobile technologies (EMTs). (Contains 3 figures.) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This report describes the federally funded development and field testing of a math drill and practice computer software program for students with mild disabilities. Program features include: pre-assessment of pupil speed and accuracy, automatic placement of the pupil in appropriate problems for practice, automatic monitoring of pupil performance, and automatic adjustment of practice problems. Field testing was undertaken with junior and senior high students with learning disabilities as well as with grade 4-5 students without disabilities. A user’s manual included with the report offers a quick reference to basic operations of the program, detailed information regarding each program component and associated decision-making algorithms, and a glossary of terms. A teacher’s handbook provides guidelines for applying drill and practice in special and remedial math instruction, explains the theoretical… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In December 2015, President Barack Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which replaced No Child Left Behind (NCLB), as the nation’s major law governing public schools. ESSA retains the requirement that states test all students in reading and math in grades three through eight and once in high school, as well as the requirement that states ensure those tests align with states’ college- and career-ready standards. However, the law makes significant changes to the role of tests in state education systems. For example, ESSA requires states to include a broader set of factors in school accountability systems rather than just test scores; provides funding for states and districts to audit and streamline their testing regimes; and allows states to cap the amount of instructional time… Continue Reading →
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