har udgivet: This booklet reports the results of a recent National Science Foundation study of the impact of mandated testing programs on curriculum and instruction in elementary and secondary mathematics and science education, especially the impact on teachers with large percentages of minority students. The study included three strands: (1) an item-by-item analysis of the most widely-used standardized tests and textbook tests in mathematics and science for grades 4, 8, and selected high school subjects; (2) a nationwide questionnaire survey responded to by 2,229 mathematics and science teachers in grades 4-12; and (3) interviews with 200 teachers and 100 administrators in 6 urban districts in 6 states nationwide. Included is a figure titled “Percent of items testing types and levels of thinking” and two tables titled “Percent of teachers… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Mathematics programmes in basic education are currently undergoing reform in Portugal. This paper sets out to see how teachers are putting the new guidelines for the teaching of mathematics into practice, with particular emphasis on maths communication in the classroom. To achieve this, an experiment in teaching the topic “Sequences and Regularities” with open-ended tasks, using a qualitative and interpretative approach, is reported. Data were collected during two class observations, from two interviews and by analysing the activities of the students. An exploratory task was chosen in the first lesson and a investigative one in the second. One month separated the two lessons, and during this time the teacher read and discussed texts on mathematics communication. Observation of the first lesson showed that the communication in the… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: To address arts education disparities in middle level schools, this paper explores evidence that infusing the visual and performing arts into language arts, math, science, and history/social studies courses is a pedagogical approach that meets the developmental needs of early adolescents and fosters a relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory curriculum for all learners. The strategy, often identified as integrated or interdisciplinary arts education, is examined through the literature and a case study of five middle level classrooms. Findings from this study, derived from participant (teachers and administrators) interviews and classroom observations, provide the compelling argument to support implementation of arts integration pedagogy in middle level schools. Moreover, positive outcomes for diverse learners suggest that this study has direct implications for educational practice and policy. Arts-infused learning can… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This report measures trends in performance among urban schools receiving federal School Improvement Grant (SIG) awards as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). The Council of the Great City Schools aims to document how member districts of the Council of the Great City Schools implemented SIG and specifically what effects the program had on student test scores and school “holding power”–the ability of high schools to move students through the system on a timely basis. Finally, based on interviews with district and school-based staff in several case study districts, common characteristics of successful and unsuccessful implementation of the SIG program in Council schools and districts are identified and described. Results of the analysis across states for grades three through eight in both… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Almost half of Tennessee’s students are not on grade level in reading and math by the time they complete third grade, and very few of those students achieve proficiency in later grades. To combat this trend and support the skill development and academic achievement of all students, Tennessee has adopted a framework for addressing individual learning needs called Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTI[superscript 2]). RTI[superscript 2] promotes the use of research-based, high-quality instruction and interventions and provides an integrated, seamless model that supports student progress at every level. Statewide implementation of RTI[superscript 2] occurred in elementary schools in 2014-15. According to educator reports, elementary schools have embraced the RTI[superscript 2] framework, incorporating its key components into their daily routines. Despite schools’ concerted efforts to implement RTI[superscript… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This study was conducted to describe a high school engineering curriculum, identify teaching strategies used to increase math and science literacy, and discover challenges and constraints that occur during its development and delivery, as well as what strategies are used to overcome these obstacles. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the engineering instructor. In addition, students were observed and curriculum documents, teacher lesson plans, and teacher resources were examined. Concepts created the platform for delivery, curricular trial and error was at work, science and engineering competitions were leveraged as a basis for learning activities, and project based learning and teaching was critical. There was a clear emphasis on creative thought and work. Assessment of student learning was dubious and elusive and stakeholders tended to be uneasy with this… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Florida College and Career Readiness Initiative is a statewide policy that mandates college placement testing of 11th-graders who meet high school graduation criteria but are unlikely to meet college readiness criteria. Students who score below college-ready on the Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT) are required to take math and English/language arts college readiness and success courses in 12th grade. This report discusses qualitative feedback from students, teachers, district administrators, and college faculty and staff from the 2013/14 school year. It examines how educators perceive the effectiveness of the initiative and barriers to implementation, what the grade 12 courses look like in practice, how K-12 and postsecondary institutions collaborate around the initiative, what types of promising practices Florida’s state colleges use to prepare students for college and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: There is a growing body of research focused on the mathematical experiences of Black males in the United States of America. This research has emerged to challenge the dominant narrative in mathematics education focused on Black males’ low performance on international, national, and state standardized tests. There is very little research that has explored the impact of high-stakes testing in mathematics on Black males in urban areas. Using qualitative research methods, this study examines the middle school mathematics experiences of four Black males and provides insight into their responses to challenges they face in urban communities, schools, and math classrooms. Critical race theory was used to illuminate Black males’ desire to be challenged in the classroom and describe the community, school, and classroom conditions that impact their… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In January 2012, the West Virginia Governor’s Office released an influential report, “Education Efficiency Audit of West Virginia’s Primary and Secondary Education System,” written by Public Works (2012), a management consulting company headquartered in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Based largely on this report, the West Virginia Legislature passed education reform legislation, which was signed into law by the Governor in spring 2013. The Catalyst School Research Study examined the initial stage of an initiative that grew out of that reform. The Transforming Professional Learning initiative focused on changing the way the West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) defined professional learning and the ways major providers involved themselves in the professional learning of educators in the state, especially the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) and regional education service… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Florida College and Career Readiness Initiative (FCCRI) is a statewide program designed to assess the college readiness of high school students in 11th grade, and for those assessed as not college-ready, to provide instruction in the 12th grade that will lead to their college success. The assessment used is the Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT), which includes math and reading/writing components. This report describes feedback CNA Corporation obtained during the 2013/14 school year about the strengths and weaknesses of the FCCRI and ways to increase its effectiveness, particularly as it relates to improving those 12th grade college readiness and success (CRS) courses. This feedback was obtained through a survey of 109 CRS course teachers in 89 schools and 33 districts; site visits to six school districts,… Continue Reading →
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