har udgivet: Questioning techniques have historically been considered the measurement by which teachers challenge and gauge student learning. Much has been said about questioning strategies used by teachers; yet little is known about the strategies used by pre-service teachers, especially those that are working with English language learners. This study presents findings from a qualitative study that explored what types of questions pre-service teachers use and their reflections on the use of such strategies. Eight bilingual/ESL pre-service teachers in South Texas were videotaped during a math and a language arts lesson, attended focus groups, and participated in an exit interview. The findings revealed the type of questions used by the participants, how they made sense of their teaching, and how accountability measures influenced their teaching. This research recommends education… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Center on Standards, Alignment, Instruction, and Learning (C-SAIL) examines how college- and career-ready standards are implemented, if they improve student learning, and what instructional tools measure and support their implementation. The Center studies elementary and high school math and English Language Arts (ELA) standards, and has a special focus on understanding implementation and effects of CCR standards for English Language Learners (ELLs) and students with disabilities (SWDs). This analysis examines select data from a survey administered to districts, principals, and teachers in the state of Texas during the spring of 2016. A stratified random sampling technique was designed to ensure the sample was representative of districts in Texas. Forty-two Texas districts completed the survey. In every sampled elementary school, two fifth-grade math teachers, two fourth-grade ELA… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Center on Standards, Alignment, Instruction, and Learning (C-SAIL) examines how college- and career-readiness (CCR) standards are implemented, if they improve student learning, and what instructional tools measure and support their implementation. The Center studies elementary and high school math and English Language Arts (ELA) standards, and has a special focus on understanding implementation and effects of CCR standards for English Language Learners (ELLs) and students with disabilities (SWDs). This analysis examines select data from a survey administered to principals and teachers in the state of Kentucky during the spring of 2016. A stratified random sampling technique designed to ensure the sample was representative of districts in Kentucky was employed. In each of the 89 districts, 285 elementary schools were identified. In each of these elementary schools,… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Center on Standards, Alignment, Instruction, and Learning (C-SAIL) examines how college- and career-readiness (CCR) standards are implemented, if they improve student learning, and what instructional tools measure and support their implementation. The Center studies elementary and high school math and English Language Arts (ELA) standards, and has a special focus on understanding implementation and effects of CCR standards for English Language Learners (ELLs) and students with disabilities. This analysis examines select questions from a spring 2016 survey administered to districts, principals, and teachers in the state of Ohio. We employed a stratified random sampling technique designed to ensure the sample was representative of districts in Ohio. Forty-two Ohio districts completed the survey. In every sampled elementary school, two fifth-grade math teachers, two fourth-grade ELA teachers, one… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This article explores six effective principles for teachers to use to understand and apply “Minecraft” in today’s classrooms. Video games have become one of the fastest growing forms of media for youth and adult consumers. “Minecraft,” a multiplayer online game (MOG), is one of the most popular video games to date. By allowing its players to build simulated, virtual worlds, “Minecraft” aims to foster creativity, control, and imagination. Yet while the affordances of playing “Minecraft” spark collaborative learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills among youth, one constraint still remains: there appears to be a disconnect between some teachers’ and parents’ understandings about the “Minecraft” world’s mechanisms, uses, and benefits. Due to the success of “Minecraft” in the digital era and in some schools, studying this game is… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Educators today must be able to respond to the needs of an increasingly diverse student body and to teach all students the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for civic participation in a globalized, pluralist society. While state departments of education and national teacher organizations have begun to adopt global awareness in their teaching standards and evaluation tools, educators need to understand what globally competent teachers actually do in classrooms across subject areas and grade levels. This qualitative, multiple case study explores the signature pedagogies (Shulman, 2005) of 10 in-service teachers in one southeastern state who teach for global competence in math, music, science, English, social studies, and language classes across elementary, middle, and high schools. We found three signature pedagogies that characterized globally competent teaching practices across… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The ambitious goals of standards-based reform call for both technical and adaptive leadership to address problems of practice involving the technical and adaptive alignment of teachers’ instruction to the standards. Thus, standards-aligned curriculum implementation necessitates both types of strategies; otherwise, adaptive challenges will persist. In this study, we analyze case studies of four districts where new English Language Arts and math curricula were recently adopted to help align teachers’ practice with their state’s English Language Arts and math standards. We draw from interviews with district leaders, principals, instructional coaches, and teachers to illustrate how mostly technical strategies for curriculum implementation do little to address the adaptive challenges that prevent teachers from fundamentally shifting their practice to be more aligned to the standards and to meet the needs… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) represent a shift in the American education system. Included in the CCSS are opportunities for agriculture teachers to integrate math and English language arts content into their curriculum. Using the theory of planned behavior, we sought to identify Oregon agriculture teachers’ attitudes, familiarity with, current level of integration, and professional development needs related to the Common Core State Standards. Our research identified the majority of responding teachers were somewhat familiar with the CCSS. Additionally, teachers had varying levels of agreement that the CCSS would help their teaching, yet the majority of agriculture teachers in our study reported they had somewhat implemented the CCSS. In an effort to identify the professional development needs of teachers concerning these standards, we used the CCSS… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: That the arts enhance academic achievement has been a claim of educators for the past century. This experimental study examined whether and to what extent the use of creative dramatics interventions increased the vocabulary achievement of fourth grade students in a language arts classroom. The 20-day study was conducted across five weeks of school–for 45 minutes each day–during the normally scheduled language arts instruction block. It included a pretest, 17 consecutive school days of instruction, and a posttest. A retention test was administered five weeks later. Three fourth grade teachers were randomly assigned to a random sample of 83 fourth graders. The study was conducted at a Learning Assistance Program (LAP) reading and math school, in a large rural school district in Washington State. Descriptive statistics were… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: A teacher preparation institution critically reviewed current programs and began moving toward a clinically based model. One focuses on Middle Grades/Secondary Math and Science, another focuses on Secondary English Language Arts, and a pilot project focuses on Elementary with a minor in either English/Language Arts or STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Link til kilde
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