Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Resources and Student Achievement in High-Need Schools. Research Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: With the growing federal, state, and local policy emphasis on teacher quality and student achievement, the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL) investigated teacher resources and their relationship to student achievement in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas. The purpose of this study was to provide policymakers with information about the relationship between teacher salary, experience, and education, and the relationship between these teacher resources and student achievement, particularly in high-need schools. SEDL used state databases in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas to examine the extent to which districts paid teachers based on years of experience and degree level, and whether teacher resources, defined as salary, education, and experience, were distributed differently across schools depending upon their level of need. SEDL also investigated whether within and across the three study states… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A First Look at the 5Essentials in Illinois Schools. Research Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In the first comprehensive analysis of Illinois’ statewide survey of school climate and learning conditions, this report finds systematic differences among schools in the degree to which students and teachers report strength in the five essential supports. Previous University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research (UChicago CCSR) research has linked strength on the five essentials–effective leadership, collaborative teachers, involved families, supportive environments, and ambitious instruction–to engaging instruction and learning and ultimately to improvements in test score gains and attendance trends. This report analyzes data from the 2013 survey administered by the Illinois State Board of Education and the University of Chicago Urban Education Institute to all teachers and students in grades six through 12. The goal of the survey was to help schools across the state… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Annual Proceedings of Selected Papers on the Practice of Educational Communications and Technology Presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (39th, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2016). Volume 2

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: For the thirty-ninth time, the Research and Theory Division of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) is sponsoring the publication of these Proceedings. Papers published in this volume were presented at the annual AECT Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Proceedings of AECT’s Convention are published in two volumes. Volume 1 contains 24 papers dealing primarily with research and development topics. Fifteen papers dealing with the practice of educational communications and technology are contained in Volume 2. The 15 papers included in Volume 2 are: (1) Teaching Strategy for the Development of Creative Thinking of Future Educators of Mexico, through ICT (Clotilde Lomeli Agruel, Aidee Espinosa Pulido, Julieta López Zamora, and Francisco Javier Arriaga Reynaga); (2) Designing a Graduate Supervision MOOC for Faculty Development (Hawazen… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – School Improvement Grants: Progress Report from America’s Great City Schools

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report measures trends in performance among urban schools receiving federal School Improvement Grant (SIG) awards as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). The Council of the Great City Schools aims to document how member districts of the Council of the Great City Schools implemented SIG and specifically what effects the program had on student test scores and school “holding power”–the ability of high schools to move students through the system on a timely basis. Finally, based on interviews with district and school-based staff in several case study districts, common characteristics of successful and unsuccessful implementation of the SIG program in Council schools and districts are identified and described. Results of the analysis across states for grades three through eight in both… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Cost-Effectiveness of Comprehensive School Reform and Rapid Assessment

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Analysis of the cost-effectiveness of 29 Comprehensive School Reform (CSR) models suggests that all 29 models are less cost-effective than an alternative approach for raising student achievement, involving rapid assessment systems that test students 2 to 5 times per week in math and reading and provide rapid feedback of the results to students and teachers. Results suggest that reading and math achievement could increase approximately one order of magnitude greater for every dollar invested in rapid assessment rather than CSR. The results also suggest that reading and math achievement could increase two orders of magnitude for every dollar invested in rapid assessment rather than class size reduction and three orders of magnitude for every dollar invested in rapid assessment rather than high quality preschool. (Contains 5 tables,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The State’s Prime Numbers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This standards review is the first in a series of annual reviews of the Colorado Model Content Standards. Its purpose is to identify student performance over time on measures of exiting mathematics standards, identify ways to affirm and strengthen standards and more clearly articulate the practices used by Colorado schools to promote student achievement to those standards. Discussion areas include: (1) national overview of K-12 mathematics; (2) math standards and achievement in Colorado; (3) input from educators; (4) research and financial resources; and (5) characteristics of “math-successful” elementary and secondary schools. Ten recommendations are presented for improving mathematics teaching and performance: (1) Be clear about the math topics students are expected to know at each grade level; (2) Be clear about what specific proficient student work looks… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Relationship of Teacher Quality and Student Achievement in Elementary Schools from the New York City

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The present study sought to examine the relationship between teacher quality and student achievement in public elementary schools in a community district school of the New York City. It has 23 elementary schools, more than 7,600 students and around 350 teachers. For this study, participants consist of a sample of 117 full-time teachers who were working in third, fourth and fifth grade during the 2006-2007 school year. By recognizing the link between quality teaching and student achievement, this study addressed the broad question: “What is the relationship between teacher quality and student achievement?” Methodologically, data collection was based on a standardized questionnaire developed by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). The survey used here was adapted by the researcher to explore three specific teacher quality characteristics:… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Engaging District and School Leaders in Continuous Improvement: Lessons from the 2nd Year of Implementing the CORE Improvement Community

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: California’s shift towards continuous improvement in education makes understanding how districts and schools can learn to improve a more pressing question than ever. The CORE Improvement Community (CIC), a network of California school districts engaged in learning about improvement together, is an important testing ground to learn about what this work entails. This report continues drawing lessons from the CIC’s second year as its districts work together towards a common aim: to improve the mathematics achievement of African American and Latinx students in Grades 4-8. The CIC applies a specific continuous improvement approach, called improvement science, to support teams in reaching the aim. Improvement science, unlike many approaches to reform, is not a specific “program” designed to fix educators’ performance in a particular aspect of their work… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Public Education: Fingertip Facts 2005

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper offers facts and figures on Utah’s state of education for 2005. This paper contains the following: (1) Education Contacts; (2) Utah State Board of Education members; (3) Value of Weighted Pupil Unit (WPU) for the 2004-05 school year; (4) Per Pupil Spending in Perspective (2002); (5) Public School Enrollment per district (October 2004-05); (6) Student Proficiency in Core CRT Language Arts Testing 2004; (7) Student Proficiency in Core CRT Math Testing 2004; (8) Public Education Budget–Funding by Source and Expenditures by Function; (9) Public School Enrollment Demographics 2004-05; (10) Public Schools by Grade Level 2004-05; (11) Number of Licensed Educators 2003-04; (12) Average Teacher Salary; and (13) Pupil Teacher Ratio. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Race to the Top. Florida Report. Year 3: School Year 2012-2013. [State-Specific Summary Report]

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This State-specific summary report serves as an assessment of the Florida’s annual Race to the Top implementation. The Year 3 report for Phase 1 and 2 grantees highlights successes and accomplishments, identifies challenges, and provides lessons learned from implementation from approximately September 2012 through September 2013. In Year 3, the State continued to execute contracts and implement activities consistent with the State’s amended timelines. In Year 3, Florida implemented the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in first grade and trained approximately 13,000 educators on implementing the CCSS during summer institutes. Florida Department of Education (FDOE) continued to add CCSS-aligned resources to the Teacher Standards Instructional Tool (TSIT). The State also continued the Math Formative Assessment System (MFAS) providing Florida educators access to approximately 374 tasks and rubrics… Continue Reading