har udgivet: In the United States, traditionally underrepresented minority children have lower levels of academic achievement than their white counterparts. In the broadest perspective, this quantitative study seeks to help stakeholders and policymakers understand the factors responsible for Hispanic or Latino student achievement relative to that of comparison groups. The key dependent variables in this study are student achievement in reading and writing, and in math and science. Specifically, the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute (TRPI) examines the impact on reading and writing, math and science achievement levels of computer use both at school and at home, and of teacher preparation for computer-based instruction. TRPI researchers analyzed the effects of these factors not only on comprehension of math and science, but also on reading and writing since research demonstrates that… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This study examines the effects of Connected Mathematics Project 2 (CMP2) on grade 6 student mathematics achievement and engagement using a cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT) design. It responds to a need to improve mathematics learning in the Mid-Atlantic Region (Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Washington, DC). Findings reveal that the type of instructional activity taking place in intervention schools differed from that in control schools, and the activity observed in intervention schools was the type expected when implementing CMP2. Sixty-four percent of intervention teachers reported implementing the curriculum at a level consistent with the publishers’ recommendations on the number of units completed per school year (six), and 68 percent of them reported implementing the curriculum consistent with the recommended amount of class time per week.… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The Mathematics Mastery programme is a whole-school approach to teaching mathematics that aims to raise attainment for all pupils and close the attainment gap between pupils from low income families and their peers. The programme aims to deepen pupils’ conceptual understanding of key mathematical concepts. This clustered Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) investigated whether implementing the Mathematics Mastery programme led to improvement in Year 7 pupils’ maths test scores. It was intended that schools would also begin to use the programme in Year 8 in the second year of implementation, and continue until the approach was in place across the school. 44 schools from London and the South East participated in the trial, with a total sample of 5,938 pupils. Participating schools received training and resources to support… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This paper summarizes a formative evaluation of a developmental project designed to maximize the potential use of computers in mathematics instruction through the use of volunteers. The project was conducted using a 7th-grade class at an intermediate school in Utah. Data were analyzed for 12 students in a special class for students not having the necessary basic mathematics skills to enroll in a regular class. Students used math computer lab twice a week. The volunteers determined what mathematics skills each student needed to practice by referring to the student files, determined what software program would be appropriate for the student, and managed all the necessary student data. Both quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed for: (1) achievement; (2) attitude about mathematics; (3) mathematics anxiety; (4) study habits;… Continue Reading → har udgivet: In this paper, the authors report research focused directly on the validation of the Coding of Academic Teacher-Student interactions (CATS) direct observation instrument. They use classroom information gathered by the CATS instrument to better understand the potential mediating variables hypothesized to influence student achievement. Their study’s purpose is to gather the kinds of validity evidences that match the proposed interpretations and uses of the CATS instrument (Kane, 2008; Messick, 1995). Therefore, they first explore the content aspect of construct validity by collecting information about the content relevance and representativeness of the observation instrument (Messick, 1995). Second, concerned about the consistency of the observation data collected across a number of independent observers, they measure inter-observer agreement. Finally, they focus on the criterion-predictive aspect of construct validity and investigate… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the size of Alabama’s public high schools, selected school quality and financial indicators, and their students’ performance on standardized exams. When the socioeconomic level of the student bodies is held constant, the size of high schools in Alabama has relatively little relationship with 11th grade student (both regular and special education) performance on the reading and math portions of the Alabama High School Graduation Exam (AHSGE). High schools’ average daily attendance rates and pupil-to-computer (and computer with Internet connections) ratios do not vary in accordance with school size. Higher percentages of highly qualified teachers are found in Alabama’s largest high schools. There was very little difference in the percentage of teachers with a master’s degree or… Continue Reading → har udgivet: Twenty-one magnet programs in the Houston Independent School District in Texas feature an enriched curriculum in science, math, and/or computers (science/math). Of these, 12 are elementary programs, 4 are middle school programs, and 5 are high school programs. In these programs, a total of 9,574 students were served during the 1990-91 school year: 6,372 elementary, 3,358 middle, and 1,834 high school students. Fifth grade students enrolled in the seven elementary Science/Math Add-On Programs did not score significantly higher than the comparison groups on the MAT6 science tests, and in only one program did students score significantly higher than their matched comparison group on the MAT6 math tests for the 1988-89 or 1990-91 school years. Fifth grade students enrolled in five elementary School-Within-A-School Programs (SWAS) scored significantly higher… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The purpose of the study was to examine four questions concerning English Language Learners (ELLs). First, does English Language Learner status impact math scores? Second, does immigrant status favorably contribute to math achievement? Third, what math achievement is possible in other countries where there is multilingualism or high immigrant populations? Fourth, and most specifically, how can international exams help us address the issue of Latin American ELLs in Texas, who make up almost 15 percent of students? This article used data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) of 2008, the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) of 2006, the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) of 2003, and the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) to examine mathematics achievement of English Language… Continue Reading → har udgivet: This is the fourth biennial report to Congress on the implementation of the “Elementary and Secondary Education Act’s” Title III State Formula Grant Program (also known as the English Language Acquisition State Grants Program). This report provides information reported by states to the U.S. Department of Education regarding services provided for children served under Title III to ensure that all limited English proficient (LEP) students attain English proficiency and are achieving in reading or language arts and in mathematics at the same high level set by the states for all students. Under the State Formula Grant Program, states also are accountable for the education of immigrant children and youth. In this report, the U.S. Department of Education presents data reported by the 50 states, the District of… Continue Reading → har udgivet: The Kansas Association of School Boards (KASB) Comparing Kansas report data provides information related to the Kansas State Board of Education’s Kansans Can outcomes and the “Rose Capacities” identified by the Kansas Supreme Court as a standard of constitutional funding and adopted as educational goals by the Kansas Legislature. It also allows Kansas educational performance, funding, and other factors to be compared to other states. This is the second year KASB has produced this report using the same data elements and calculations. For each state, this report offers education performance information on 15 indicators in the following areas: (1) Postsecondary–high school completion or higher, some college or higher, and four-year degree or higher; (2) Graduation–adjusted cohort graduation rate for: all students, economically disadvantaged students, students with limited… Continue Reading →