har udgivet: This article describes the Jaime Escalante Math Program, a system that in 1989 helped an East Los Angeles high school set a record by administering over 450 Advanced Placement exams, having administered only 10 tests in 1978. The article is presented in three sections. The first section describes the program, discussing origins and backgrounds: student recruitment, the curriculum, scheduling, textbooks used, past graduates as models of achievement, community resources recruitment, and teaching methods. The second section describes the fundamental principles of the Escalante Math Program. Ideas discussed include student, teacher, and parent accountability, hard work, teacher expectation, love for the students, parental involvement, mutual respect, proper nutrition, and preventing drug use. The final section, on psychology and the schools, proposes that teachers who encourage, discipline, and motivate… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This theme issue contains six articles on improving math and science education for minority group students, particularly language-minority students. “Accelerating Content Area Gains for English Language Learners” (Laura Chris Green) describes the Young Scientists Acquiring English project, which seeks to improve the content-area achievement of inner-city middle school students who are acquiring English by providing inservice teacher training and technical assistance. “Teaching Content Subjects to LEP Students: 20 Tips for Teachers” (Frank Gonzales) focuses on simplification of language rather than content, experiential learning, use of manipulatives and all senses, cooperative learning, higher order thinking skills, explicit review of goals and instructions, and adaptations to classroom communication practices. “MIJA Girls Getting Excited about Math: Assessing the Outcomes of the MIJA Program” (Anna De Luna, Felix Montes) describes the… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This newsletter focuses on efforts to make math and science more attractive, relevant, and accessible to students, especially limited-English-proficient, minority, economically disadvantaged, female, and at-risk students. “TAAS Math Performance” (Linda Cantu) outlines recent statewide results for the controversial Texas Assessment of Academic Skills and describes Project Pathways, a staff development program to help Texas students, especially minority and disadvantaged students, master the test. “Content in Context: Technology That Makes Sense in Education” (Felix Montes) discusses the trend in educational technology towards engaging students as active creators of knowledge by making an assortment of learning tools available to them in a flexible format. “Texas Statewide Systemic Initiative” (David Hill) describes a collaborative effort among education, business, government, and community to provide Texas communities with the resources to implement… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper will describe the Teaching and Learning Informational Technology Process (TLITP). Before present day strategies, teaching and learning relied on transformations based on quantification to measure performance. The process will be a non-linear three construct of teacher, student and community. Emphasizing old practices now is the emergence of transiting transmissions of ideas from educational programs and information communications. This paper will discuss New York State Regents exams using surveys to identify progress from five high schools, two Junior High Schools and two community school organizations. The paper contains the aspect of how technology used as a tool measuring achievement levels based on math proficiency and regent math exams. Does technology enhance student’s achievement on the Math Regents? (Contains 19 tables, 9 figures, 4 histograms, and 9… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper presents the annual report of the National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI) for 2008. Eighteen months ago, the National Math and Science Initiative did not exist. Today NMSI is helping lead the country forward in math and science. In just 18 months, NMSI has rolled out the first round of grants and has implemented programs in 14 vanguard states. In 2007, NMSI awarded grants of $13.2 each to non-profits in six states to institute AP Training and Incentive programs and grants of $2.4 million to 13 institutions of higher learning for the replication of the UTeach training program for math and science teachers. These programs are essential to address two of the country’s most pressing challenges: (1) Getting more American students to master the math… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Teach For America (TFA) and the Teaching Fellows programs are an important and growing source of teachers of hard-to-staff subjects in high-poverty schools, but comprehensive evidence of their effectiveness has been limited. This report presents findings from the first large-scale random assignment study of secondary math teachers from these programs. The study separately examined the effectiveness of TFA and Teaching Fellows teachers, comparing secondary math teachers from each program with other secondary math teachers teaching the same math courses in the same schools. The study focused on secondary math because this is a subject in which schools face particular staffing difficulties. The study had two main findings, one for each program studied: (1) TFA teachers were more effective than the teachers with whom they were compared. On… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Teach For America (TFA) and the Teaching Fellows programs are an important and growing source of teachers of hard-to-staff subjects in high-poverty schools, but comprehensive evidence of their effectiveness has been limited. This report presents findings from the first large-scale random assignment study of secondary math teachers from these programs. The study separately examined the effectiveness of TFA and Teaching Fellows teachers, comparing secondary math teachers from each program with other secondary math teachers teaching the same math courses in the same schools. The study focused on secondary math because this is a subject in which schools face particular staffing difficulties.The study had two main findings, one for each program studied: (1) TFA teachers were more effective than the teachers with whom they were compared. On average,… Continue Reading →
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