Eric.ed.gov – Achievement Goals, Motivation to Learn, and Mathematics Anxiety among Pre-Service Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper reports findings of a pilot study examining the feasibility of a research design to investigate how achievement goals relate to the construct of math anxiety. In addition, we also consider how other important achievement-related behaviors, like self-efficacy, help-seeking, and self-regulation, might also relate to students’ math anxiety. While math anxiety still remains a real issue affecting student performance and confidence, today it is more critical in our society with the greater emphasis on producing more students for careers in fields like Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The total multiple regression model predicted a significant amount (43%) of the variation in math anxiety of participants. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Empowering Teachers with Low-Intensity Strategies to Support Instruction: Within-Activity Choices in Third-Grade Math with Null Effects

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Instructional choice is a low-intensity strategy that can improve academic engagement. In this study, we investigated the effects of within-activity choices offered during math by third-grade teachers to participating students with behavioral and academic needs. We utilized a professional development model to train teachers to implement instructional choice in the classroom while collecting direct observation data on student’s academic engagement. Teachers were able to implement practices with high levels of integrity and collect momentary time sampling data on one student with high levels of reliability. Using a withdrawal design, we found no clear functional relation between instructional choice and increases in student’s academic engagement. However, some students demonstrated an increase in level upon the introduction of the intervention. Both teachers and students rated the intervention goals, procedures,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Effect of Mathematics Teacher Candidates’ Locus of Control on Math Anxiety: Structural Equation Modeling

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this study, the effect of mathematics teacher candidates’ locus of control on math anxiety was tested, along with the effects of gender, achievement and class level moderators. The study was carried out according to a causal design in which locus of control was taken as an independent variable, while math anxiety was taken as the dependent variable, and gender, achievement and class levels were considered as moderator variables. The participants were 402 students from three different state universities in Turkey who were selected using a combination of convenience and purposive sampling. Data were collected from the participants using the Locus of Control Scale (LCS) and the Math Anxiety Rating Scale-Short Version (MARS-SV). A path analysis was then used to provide a combination of measurement error in… Continue Reading