har udgivet: The concept of a collaborative math and science project grew out of the need expressed by Cleveland State University (Ohio) engineering faculty and junior and senior high school teachers. These groups sought to provide students with connections to “real world” situations that they will face as they transition into the workplace of the future. The underlying assumptions of the collaboration are that secondary teachers’ understanding of engineering concepts will be enhanced by engaging in engineering problem solving and that the teachers will then incorporate lessons learned from the experiences into their classroom teaching. The goals for the project were to: (1) improve the quality of instruction provided to students; (2) better prepare in-service teachers; (3) increase understanding of educational barriers to curricular change; (4) facilitate the exchange… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This theme issue of a Texas journal on gifted education contains articles focusing on math and science instruction for gifted students. “Science Education for Gifted Students” (Joyce VanTassel-Baska) discusses what a science curriculum for gifted students should include, what teachers can do to make reform efforts successful, and how to teach mathematics to talented learners. “Young Math Whizzes: Can Their Needs Be Met in the Regular Classroom?” (Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik) provides options for educating mathematically talented students in the regular classroom and discusses issues that regular classroom teachers might encounter. “Nurturing Future Edisons: Teaching Invention to Gifted Students” (Johnathan Plucker and Michael Gorman) describes a project to develop gifted college students’ inventive skills. In “Raising Cattle: Gifted Education Comes Alive” (Elaine Gray, Scott Barton, and James Coffey), a… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education (ENC) helps teachers by offering a broad assortment of services that enable them to quickly locate educational resources. This document is one in a series of print catalogs designed to give educators information about curriculum resources available for teaching math and science in K-12 classrooms. Each issue of ENC Focus presents a selection of the Clearinghouse collection focused on a topic of particular interest to math and science teachers. This issue provides information about multicultural approaches in mathematics and science education. A one-page description of each resource includes an abstract of the contents, subjects addressed, grade level, publication date, ordering information including price, authors, and related resources. (ASK) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: High schools throughout the United States are turning out graduates who are deficient in mathematics and science education. The field of education has come to be staffed by less competent teachers, as more qualified and more able individuals have been lured away to higher paying professions. The result of this has been the impairment of American ability to compete in the world market. Many high schools have deemphasized traditional core courses along with mathematics and the sciences. The National Education Association (NEA) has been a barrier to quality science and mathematics education in the public schools. The NEA has resisted efforts to institute standardized testing for teachers or assessment of teacher competence. The Department of Education has had deleterious effects on education, since it tends to promote… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This presentation describes the problem of teacher shortages in mathematics and science, providing a brief overview and some background for subsequent discussions of possible activities, solutions, and strategies. Five views that shape the problem definition are first given: (1) individual teachers do make a difference; (2) to be effective, teachers must be masters of what they teach, and must find their subjects intensely intriguing; (3) solving the teacher shortage should be focused at all levels; (4) the problem is one of both quantity and quality; and (5) this is not a new problem. Then two reasons for the teacher shortages are discussed: the severe reduction in the number of newly trained persons entering teaching, and the large exodus of those in teaching. The decline in quality and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Turning everyday activities such as baking into scientific activities is more than just fun: it is important for our children’s futures. Science investigations provide an opportunity for children to learn about scientific concepts and listen to their peers, family, and community members, and to respond to their questions or ideas. It also provides them with an opportunity to ask and answer their own questions, build persistence, and improve their problem-solving and self-regulation skills, which are essential for academic success. As the world becomes increasingly science- and technology-oriented, all children need to become proficient in science, whatever their chosen field. STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education has become a national priority, and even early childhood teachers are expected to increase the quantity and quality of the science… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The purpose of this hearing was to review the effectiveness and value of the National Science Foundation’s (NSF’s) past and present programs in support of improvement of K-12 science and math education and to examine what role the Foundation should play in future federal initiatives for strengthening K-12 science and math education. This hearing follows up on the March 30 Science Committee hearing entitled, “K-12 Science and Math Education Across the Federal Agencies,” which featured Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings, NSF Director Arden Bement, and representatives from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Department of Energy. The officials outlined their individual agencies’ activities to improve K-12 science and math education and described interagency coordination efforts. The charter for that… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The National Research Center for Career and Technical Education (NRCCTE) has undertaken three scientifically based research studies in an effort to determine whether the integration of career and technical education (CTE) courses with academic content can increase student achievement. These include the Math-in-CTE study, completed in 2005 (also known as “Building Academic Skills in Context”; Stone, Alfeld, Pearson, Lewis, & Jensen, 2006); the Authentic Literacy Applications in CTE pilot study, completed in 2009, with a full-year study launched in 2010; and the Science-in-CTE pilot study, launched in 2010. Each of these three studies was designed as a group-randomized trial in which teachers and their classes were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. Each also employed a mixed-methods approach intended to capture qualitative data in order to… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Like many sectors in society, the teacher preparation community is working to address challenges the nation faces in relation to global competitiveness. This document highlights institutions around the country that are preparing tomorrow’s teachers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Well-known shortages of qualified math and science teachers continue to exist in most states and districts across the country. Thus unprepared teachers are assigned to teach math or science “out of field,” although research shows that students learn more from mathematics and science teachers who studied teaching methods in the subject they teach than from those who did not. In addition, the annual turnover rates of both math and science teachers of 16% are the highest of all fields. Schools, colleges, and departments… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This volume presents historical sketches of events and scientists. Produced for use by teachers using the MINNEMAST curriculum materials, the material is intended to exhibit the roles of processes in science throughout history. The seven stories included concern Anaxagoras, Achimedes, Napier, the development of the telescope and microscope, Louis Agassiz, Otheniel Marsh and natural history, and ancient systems of numeration. A table provides the teacher with information concerning the skills and concepts illustrated by each story. The processes listed are: calculation, classification, description, experimentation, hypothesis making, measurement, model building, and observation. (SD) Link til kilde
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