har udgivet: This 2-page brief presents 8 new directions drawn from the authors’ report “Reflections on the Ready To Learn Initiative, 2010 to 2015” that educational media producers can take to better foster all children’s school readiness and success. Since 2006, EDC and SRI have worked together on a series of efficacy studies and evaluations of Ready To Learn resources. Our research has found that digital media and technology can help families and teachers enhance the math and literacy learning of young children in low-income households. The “Reflections on the Ready To Learn Initiative” report and this 2-page brief are based on the authors’ interviews with 26 children’s media researchers, producers, and thought leaders. [For “Reflections on the Ready To Learn Initiative, 2010 to 2015,” see ED567881.] Link til… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The current study aims to perform the adaptation of the Encouragement of Academic Skills of Young Children (EASYC) Scale into Turkish. The study group was determined by means of the convenience sampling technique. A total of 124 students aged at 48-84 months were included in the sampling of the study. The data collection tools of the study are the Turkish Version of Encouragement of Academic Skills of Young Children Scale (ÇEABD) and the Home Literacy Activities Questionnaire used for criterion validity. In the analysis of the data, explanatory and confirmatory factor analyses, Pearson correlation analysis, descriptive analysis, item total correlation, and internal consistency coefficient calculation were used. As a result of the study, the ÇEABD was proved to be valid and reliable scale in the Turkish sampling.… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: A growing body of research, both nationally and internationally, indicates that children in the early childhood years (birth to age 8) learn primarily through their senses and from direct experience. They develop an understanding about the world through play, exploration, and creative activities as well as by watching and imitating adults and other children. “Growing Up WILD” (2010) is a large format book that promotes teacher efficacy with 27 developmentally appropriate activities, yet gives educators the flexibility to modify activities to meet the needs of children at different age levels and learning stages. The authors describe the contents of the resource as it presents a wide range of options for a variety of classroom strategies: small group, whole group, centers, pair and individual work, plus teachable moments… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The self-efficacy beliefs teachers hold about their ability to teach subjects shapes their competence in teaching. Teacher self-efficacy is defined as teacher beliefs in their ability to perform a teaching task. If teachers have strong teacher self-efficacy in the teaching of arts education, they are more likely to incorporate arts in the classroom. Alternatively, if teachers have weak teacher self-efficacy in the teaching of arts education they are less likely to include aspects of the arts in their curriculum. Little is known about teacher self-efficacy beliefs towards arts education in early childhood education. Since arts education is an important element in the curriculum of any classroom–including all early childhood classrooms–investigation of the beliefs that shape teacher practice is desirable. In 2010, a survey was distributed using convenience… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Nimal Vaz takes us to the essentials of Montessori as an aid to life for all children, particularly children with special needs. She challenges teachers to truly provide experiences in nature: observing anthills, identifying bird nests, or taking an olfactory walk with a legally blind classmate. Finally, she demonstrates how a child’s interest in practical life, math, language, sensorial, biology, botany, geology, and geography originates with direct experience in nature. [Reprinted from “The NAMTA Journal,” 34, 2 (2009, Spring): 141-157. This talk was delivered at the NAMTA conference titled “Montessori Special Education II: A Contemporary Assessment,” Atlanta, Georgia, January 22-25, 2009.] Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Young boys and girls make houses and beds from cloths and cartons for their dolls, erect shelters and fences for toy animals, build ramps and garages from blocks for toy cars, and lift objects using a rope and reel for having fun. Thanks to their experiences with such design-based games, children combine science with engineering and try to understand and explain the facts and happenings around them with their own information and explanations. In recent years, the literature heavily provided marked evidence that integration of engineering design into science and maths curricula from preschool up to the end of senior high school offers various learning opportunities. Despite bearing potentials for achieving objectives of preschool education, curriculum integration poses the question of ‘How to achieve the integration’ to… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The construction of a connective brain begins at the earliest ages of human development. However, knowledge about individual and collective brains provided so far by research has been rarely incorporated into Maths in Early Childhood classrooms. In spite of that, it is obvious that it is at these ages when the learning of mathematics acts as a nuclear element for decision-making, problem-solving, data-processing and the understanding of the world. From that perspective, this research aims to analyse the mathematics teaching-learning process at early ages based on connectionism, with the specific objectives being, on the one hand, to determine the features of mathematics practices which promote connections and, on the other hand, to identify different types of mathematics connections to enhance connective intelligence. The research was carried out… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This validity study examined the validity of Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System, 2nd Edition (AEPS®), a curriculum-based, authentic assessment for infants and young children. The primary purposes were to: a) examine whether the AEPS® is a concurrently valid tool for measuring young children’s language, literacy and pre-math skills for accountability purpose and b) explore teachers’ perceptions on using authentic assessment and standardized tests. This was accomplished through implementing both quantitative and qualitative methods. Findings from the study indicated (a) the AEPS® is a concurrently valid (b) there were both advantages and disadvantages of using authentic assessment such as the AEPS® and using standardized tests based on teachers’ perceptions, however, the practical issues of using the authentic measure can be addressed by providing in-depth trainings to teachers and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Mathematical development processes begin long before school starts and the importance of previous mathematical knowledge for later school achievements is beyond dispute. For a suitable pre-school education, the focus of interest must be to find out which early learning processes prepare children best. In this article, the acquisition of the key concepts of numeracy is presented in a developmental model, which served as framework for a supportive programme for 4-8 year-old children. The research into this intervention shows how development-oriented support of key arithmetic concepts can be constructed and taught systematically. The immediate and sustainable effect of the programme “Mina and the Mole” on the mathematical competencies of children has already been demonstrated in an evaluation study of 248 children aged 5-7. Considering the strong language-orientation of… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This report summarizes research conducted primarily over the past 10 years on how families’ involvement in children’s learning and development through activities at home and at school affects the literacy, mathematics, and social-emotional skills of children ages 3 to 8. A total of 95 studies of family involvement are reviewed. These include both descriptive, nonintervention studies of the actions families take at home and at school, and intervention studies of practices that guide families to conduct activities that strengthen young children’s literacy and math learning. The family involvement research studies are divided into four categories: (1) Learning activities at home, including those that parents engage in to promote their child’s literacy and/or math skills outside school; (2) Family involvement at school, including the actions and interactions that… Continue Reading →
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