Eric.ed.gov – Assist Students in Improving Their Math Skills. Module M-5 of Category M–Assisting Students in Improving Their Basic Skills. Professional Teacher Education Module Series.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This module, one in a series of performance-based teacher education learning packages, focuses on a specific skill that vocational educators need in order to integrate the teaching and reinforcement of basic skills into their regular vocational instruction. The purpose of the module is to give educators competency in assisting students in improving their math skills. It provides techniques for (1) assessing students’ math skills in relation to the math requirements for the occupational area, (2) assessing one’s own readiness to assist students with these skills, and (3) working with students to improve math skills. The teacher also gains skill in identifying specific kinds of errors students commonly make and in helping students to improve skills in these specific areas. Introductory material provides terminal and enabling objectives, a… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Basic Workplace Math for Non-Native English Speakers.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document is the teacher’s edition of a learning module designed to help nonnative English speakers develop basic workplace mathematics skills. This module was developed by educators from the Emily Griffith Opportunity School. The math curriculum presented in how math might be taught to nonnative English speakers at a manufacturing worksite. Included in the manual are an introduction outlining the module’s objectives and scope, eight session outlines, an appendix explaining basic differences between the mathematical conventions used in the United States and in other countries, and an answer key. The following topics are covered in the session outlines: basic math problems, basic operations, story problems, estimation and averages, decimals, standard allowed minute, division of decimals, and piece rate formulas. Each session outline contains some or all of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Adult Basic Education Teacher Training in Measurement/Diagnosis of Learning and Teaching Reading and Math. Final Report.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The report describes a workshop for adult basic education teachers in Ohio which utilized the teacher training television series, “Basic Education: Teaching the Adult.” Responses from teachers identified the two clusters of content presented: (1) measurement/diagnosis of student learning and individualized instruction, and (2) teaching reading and math and selection and use of materials. A structure for individualizing the experience for participants is described. Resource persons developed the following procedures for the workshop: viewing and discussion of a few relevant television lessons (selected for each cluster), formulation of individual written learning objectives by participants, discussion of the objectives with a resource person, and use of the objectives in planning special sessions. A summary of the television lessons used in each cluster and lists of some of the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Enhancing Basic Academic Skills with Audio-Recordings: A Review of the Literature

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Because teacher-to-student ratios often make it difficult for teachers to work individually with students on skill-building activities, educators and researchers have developed and evaluated procedures in which audio-recordings are used to improve basic academic skills. In the current paper, we describe and analyze reading, math, and spelling interventions that use audio-recordings to prompt and pace rapid rates of accurate responding. In this review, we provide evidence of internal and external validity of easy-to-use, low-tech, recorded interventions across students (general education students and students with disabilities) and contexts (e.g., individually administered and class-wide). Discussion focuses on future theoretical research related to causal mechanisms and applied research on modifying recorded interventions to enhance learning rates. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Implementing the Massachusetts Adult Basic Education Math Standards: Our Research Stories. The ABE Math Standards Project. Volume 2.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The product of a project conducted in Massachusetts to apply the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ (NCTM) “Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics” to adult basic education (ABE) learning environments, this volume is a collection of teacher-researchers’ essays on field-based application of the adapted standards. The following essays are included: “Can the Fear of Manipulatives Be Overcome?” (Debra Richard); “Making Connections in Math and Science” (Karen DeCoster); “‘It’s Not through the Book’” (Leonora E. Thomas); “Exploring the Metric System in a Workplace Education Class” (Judith Sulzbach); “Non-Traditional Problems in the Forefront” (Marilyn Moses); “Learning to Learn. How Long Does It Take?” (Leslie Arriola); “Manipulatives vs. Rote Memory” (Margaret Fallon); “When You Have a Problem, Use Your Head (…and Your Instinct)” (Thomson Macdonald); “‘They Never Asked… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Investigating Teacher Talk Moves in Lessons on Basic Genetics Concepts in a Teacher Education Classroom

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Recent reforms in science education highlight the need for student-centred approaches to teaching in school curriculum policy in South Africa. Science teachers are required to move away from traditional teacher-centred practices which regard students as mere passive recipients of knowledge. In this study, we examine classroom talk for the type of student participation encouraging moves employed in lessons on basic genetics concepts and the related quality of instructional strategies employed by a university lecturer during a semester course on genetics. A key feature of the course was the lecturer’s use of students’ prior knowledge including alternative conceptions from a diagnostic assessment to facilitate the learning of pertinent genetics terminologies. Through a qualitative approach, we combine two recently published frameworks—the… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Exploring work environment factors influencing the application of teacher professional development in Ghanaian basic schools

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract This study explored the work environment factors that support or constrain the application of teacher professional development initiatives in Ghanaian basic schools. Utilizing qualitative research paradigm, 15 teachers were purposively selected and interviewed from one educational district in Ghana. Findings from the study showed that headteachers support through the provision of the required teaching and learning resources, peer support through culture of shared norms, beliefs and values and the opportunity to share knowledge during school-based in-service training (INSET), interest and commitment shown by students toward learning, and availability of needed teaching and learning materials supported transfer of learning of teachers. In contrast, lack of time due to rigid and inflexible school timetable, teacher workload, and inadequate teaching and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Phoenix Closures, Inc. Curriculum. Basic Workplace Math. Worker Education Program.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document contains the lesson plans for a 12-week course in basic workplace math that was developed for clothing and textile workers through the joint efforts of Northeastern Illinois University’s Chicago Teachers’ Center and the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union. A chart for recording students’ mastery of 25 course objectives is provided. The following topics are covered in the 12 course units: goal setting and math phobia; enumerating and computing; basic operations and workplace computing (addition and subtraction); basic operations and workplace computing (multiplication and division); workplace problems for production; introduction to fractions; basic operations for fractions; word problems using fractions; percentages and fractional equivalents; measurement (imperial versus metric); numerical interpretations on blueprints; and calculators and estimating and general review. The lesson plan included for each… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Effects of Computer Games on the Achievement of Basic Mathematical Skills

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study aims to analyze the relationship between playing computer games and learning basic mathematics skills. It shows the role computer games play in the learning and achievement of basic mathematical skills by students. Nowadays it is clear that individuals, especially young persons are very fond of computer and computer games. Since students are very interested in computers, they can be used to achieve education and instructional objectives. This study aims to search for evidences whether computer games can be used to obtain basic mathematical skills. The study was conducted in 2012, with grade 5 elementary school students (44 in number). 22 of the students made up the experimental group, and the other 22 students constituted the control group. The two groups studied basic mathematical skills in… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Massachusetts Adult Basic Education Math Standards. The ABE Math Standards Project. Volume 1.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document is the outcome of a project conducted in Massachusetts to apply the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ (NCTM) “Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics” to adult basic education (ABE) learning environments. The first chapter describes the work of the Math Team, a committee of 22 adult basic education teachers who conducted the project. Four goals are discussed: review the NCTM standards and study their applicability to ABE; develop NCTM-based standards for four environments–ABE/basic literacy, adult secondary/General Educational Development, English as a Second Language, and workplace education; implement draft standards in field-based teacher research situations; and produce final standards and a report recording the teacher research process. Chapter 2 explores the characteristics of adult learners in each of these environments. Chapter 3 lists the… Continue Reading