Eric.ed.gov – Eisenhower Pre-Service Teacher Education Project, Higher Education Consortium Region III. Final Report.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Eisenhower Pre-Service Teacher Education Project was developed by the University of Central Florida, the five community colleges in Region III of the Higher Education Consortium, and the private college and universities in the same region to design curriculum changes to improve the preparation of elementary and secondary math and science teachers. Faculty members at participating institutions developed projects designed to both improve the math and science content knowledge of pre-service teachers, as well as teaching methods in undergraduate math and science courses. Funded projects included the following: (1) the introduction of “hands-on” activities into college Astronomy and Oceanography courses; (2) the identification of potential K-12 pre-service teachers during their freshman and sophomore years to improve their math and science backgrounds; (3) the development of a field… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Using Tech Prep Principles to Improve Teacher Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Four research and synthesis activities were undertaken: review of reforms in science, math, and English; survey of 12 secondary tech prep administrators; focus group of tech prep teachers; and survey of 156 tech prep stakeholders using concept mapping. Five themes for teacher education emerged: (1) teaching through application; (2) student-centered, inquiry-based instruction; (3) vocational-academic integration; (4) collaboration; and (5) real-world experience. (Author/SK) Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – Examining how global citizenship education is prefigured in the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study uses the Aristotelian notion of phronesis as a critical lens for examining how global citizenship education is prefigured in the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence. Based on a content analysis of key curriculum documentation, the findings outline the way in which techne and episteme with their associated ways of knowing and acting dominate the curriculum. Nevertheless, the hints of phronesis indicate the potential for developing a more critical form of global citizenship education that prefigures praxis that wisely pursues that which is good for humankind and individual flourishing. This article contributes to the notion of ‘planetary phronesis’ as a critical concept for the further development of global citizenship education. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Education and Technology: Improving Student Learning.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The University of Wyoming (UW) teacher education program is a collaborative between UW faculty and educators from school districts throughout the state. Though the university faculty is charged with teaching teachers, the equally important “teachers of teachers” are the exemplary classroom teachers who provide modeling and expertise for preservice teachers. Throughout their training, students participate in campus-based coursework and classroom-based experiences at an assigned school site. There are four program elements: Phase 1, “Focus on Learning”; Phase 2, “Teacher as Decision Maker”; Phase 3, “Teaching Humanities, Literacy, Math/Science”; and Phase 4, a teaching residency. The university views technology as a powerful pedagogical tool, and focuses on using technology to improve student achievement rather than on the equipment and infrastructure. Students integrate technology into their individual and group… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Fiscal Year 2008 U.S. Department of Education Budget Summary and Background Information

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Five years ago the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) launched a revolution in our education system by insisting that all students should be proficient in reading and math by 2014 and demanding comprehensive reforms to reach this national goal, including strong assessment and accountability systems, a highly qualified teacher in every classroom, more choices for students and parents, a new emphasis on school improvement, and the use of research-based instructional practices. Under NCLB, States and local school districts have made strides in putting these reforms in place, and the first returns are promising. The latest results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress show that we have reversed a decade of stagnation in student achievement, with scores rising significantly in both reading and math in the… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Education for Sustainable Development: teaching deliberation and ethical decision-making in university coach education

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Despite increased recognition that a higher education sports coaching qualification plays an important role in shaping coaches’ ethical decision-making, few scholars have considered what ethics to teach and how best to deliver such curriculum. Examples of actual ethics courses are particularly amiss. This article furthers scholarship on ethics education by introducing Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), a pedagogical perspective and approach that is employed to teach quality of mind competences considered necessary to make ethical decisions. To demonstrate how ESD can be translated into ethics curriculum, we present the university course “IIG206 Sustainable Sports Coaching”, which the authors delivered to coaching students, and outline how the course offered students’ opportunities to develop quality of mind competences, including “thinking on… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – State Policymakers’ Views on the Arts in Education. Issue Brief

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This Issue Brief is based on telephone interviews of 21 state policymakers to discuss the salient education issues in their states and their views on arts education. Six state senators, eight state representatives, one state board of education member, two deputy commissioners of education, three current state superintendents and one former state superintendent were interviewed between November 21, 2005 and February 27, 2006. All of the legislators serve on their respective education committees, and most chair these committees. Political affiliation among these policymakers was approximately equal, with nine Republicans, 10 Democrats and two unidentified. When asked to describe the most salient education issues in their states, quite a few policymakers mention issues that arts can help address, such as dropout prevention and the achievement gap between poor… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Education for the Integrated Day.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Integrated Day Teacher Education Program is an attempt to create a model for teacher preparation which will make schools healthy places for teachers and children. It is sensitive to the criticisms leveled at teacher education by observers such as Silberman and attempts to lead teachers to share in decision making, participate actively in learning, and become independent learners in their own right. During the workshop semester, up to 50 undergraduates join 15 or so graduate students in a series of learning experiences which have replaced the conventional methods and curriculum courses. These preservice teachers earn 18 hours of credit for participating in activity-oriented workshops in Multi-Arts, Math and Science, Language Arts and Reading, Curriculum Building, Social Studies, and Human Relations. Workshops are offered during two-and-a-half-hour blocks… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Oppositional culture revisited. Friendship dynamics and the creation of social capital among Turkish minority adolescents in Germany

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Ethnic differences in the endowment with social capital can exacerbate intergroup inequalities. Pursuing this argument, we first compare the educational compositions of friendship networks between Turkish minority and native majority adolescents in Germany. Second, we pick up notions from Oppositional Culture Theory (OCT) to examine how ethnic differences in the composition of friendship networks come about. In a sample of 2,419 students in 74 secondary schools, we focus on the effort, achievement, and anti-school behaviour of peers and the role these play in adolescents’ friendship selection. Results from multilevel stochastic actor-oriented models reveal that Turkish minority adolescents prefer highly engaged and high-achieving peers as friends. Despite these preferences, Turkish minority adolescents’ social networks still provide lower levels of… Continue Reading