Eric.ed.gov – Science and Math Education Information Report: National Association for Research in Science Teaching. 43rd Annual Meeting. Abstracts of Presented Papers.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report contains abstracts of most of the research papers in science education presented at the 43rd annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching in Minneapolis, Minnesota, March 5-8, 1970. Also included are the topics and names of participants of several symposia at the conference. The abstracts are organized under topic headings corresponding to the various sessions. Among the wide range of subjects covered are the Gagne learning model, Piaget based learning studies, student achievement and attitude assessment in science, instructional variables and techniques, curriculum organization, curriculum evaluation models, science instruction in the elementary and junior high schools, teacher education in science, Earth Science Curriculum Project research and the career development of science teachers. Each abstract contains the procedures, findings and conclusions of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – A Final Case Study of SCALE Activities at California State University, Northridge: How Institutional Context Influenced a K-20 STEM Education Change Initiative. WCER Working Paper No. 2009-5

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This qualitative case study reports on processes and outcomes of the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded System-Wide Change for All Learners and Educators (SCALE) project at the California State University, Northridge (CSUN). It addresses a critical challenge in studying systemic reform in complex organizations: the lack of methodologies that incorporate technical, social, cultural, and cognitive elements. Guiding questions include (a) how the institutional context influenced the project, (b) whether project activities affected science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) instruction, interdisciplinary collaboration on preservice programs, and inter-institutional collaboration on in-service programs, and (c) if and how change initiatives are accepted and incorporated. In-depth interviews (N = 34), relevant documents, and observation data were collected in 2006 and 2007. Findings identified several factors that supported and several that inhibited achievement… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Insiders: How Principals and Superintendents See Public Education Today. Reality Check 2006. Issue No. 4

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This is the fourth in a series of reports from Reality Check 2006, an ongoing set of tracking surveys on education issues. Reality Check surveys attitudes among public school parents, students, teachers, principals and superintendents on a regular basis. In surveys on education, it is not uncommon for the public, parents and teachers to see serious problems in schools nationwide, but still view local schools as reasonably good. This may partly explain why local school leaders are so upbeat. Perhaps some are reticent about criticizing their own districts when a research organization contacts them. Still, given the high-octane attention the math and science issue has attracted from everyone, from Bill Gates to Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings, it is surprising so few principals and superintendents are concerned… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Introduction contextualising global flows of competency-based education: polysemy, hybridity and silences

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This essay introduces the special issue on competencies or ‘twenty-first century skills’ as learning goals promoted by the OECD and other international organisations. The studies in this issue trace pathways through which competency-based approaches have been incorporated into national reforms, and explore how reform advocates, policy makers, educators, and experts have imagined ‘key competencies’ for compulsory education. Cases examine reforms in particular countries – Sweden, France, Russia, Kosovo, the United States, Uruguay, and China – as well as conceptualisations of competencies, ‘civic competencies’ and ‘global competence’ shaped by international experts. Based on these studies, this essay argues that the concept of competencies, central to the development of the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), is a polysemous… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – International comparisons of school-level geoscience education– the UNESCO/IGEO expert opinion survey

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT An international survey of geoscience education has been carried out jointly by UNESCO and the International Geoscience Education Organisation (IGEO) to address the question of ‘How does school-level Earth science education compare across the globe? The survey gathered data from experts in 51 countries, comprising more than half the global population. Most countries (75%) had national standards covering Earth science but these were not followed or are absent in more than half the countries surveyed. Only around 25% of the countries with standardised assessments have Earth science-specific questions. Most teachers of Earth science are non-specialist teachers, whilst support of these teachers through courses and professional development is generally low, with very little financial support provided. Earth science teaching… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Beyond the Basics: Achieving a Liberal Education for All Children

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Citing Aristotle, Franklin and Einstein as proponents of a broad, liberal-arts education, Finn and Ravitch promote the need for liberal learning as preparatory to the civic life needed for a well-functioning democracy. Drawing together the work of a number of educators, the editors have organized this volume in two sections. Part I, Liberal Learning: Its Value and Future, includes three papers that advocate both for liberal learning, and for a common curriculum. Part II, Restoring Liberal Art to the K-12 Curriculum, features eleven explorations of how to expand liberal learning by improving accountability systems, teacher training and education delivery. Maintaining that their support of liberal learning is well-documented, the editors conclude the volume by noting four opposing trends: (1) Gradual extinction of liberal learning in higher education;… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Cognitive acceleration in mathematics education: further evidence of impact

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The Cognitive Acceleration (or Let’s Think) approach to mathematics teaching is a Piagetian programme drawing on Vygotsky’s research, developed at King’s College London over 30 years ago, along with its associated professional development (PD) programme. This project sought to replicate the original studies conducted 10–15 years earlier and before much national curriculum change, through a professional development project with 41 teachers of children aged 6–12 from London in 2014. Results of pre- and post-test of mathematics attainment are reported for 232 students. Despite a shorter duration, data shows increased teacher efficacy, improved teaching and a mean gain equivalent to 2.6 months learning for benefitting students, which broadly mirrors cognitive effects of original trials with twice the duration. This… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Interested but not being served: mapping young people’s participation in informal STEM education through an equity lens

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT It is commonly assumed that the reason many young people do not participate in informal STEM education (ISE) is because they lack interest in STEM. This paper draws on survey (n = 1,624) and qualitative data (n = 36) with young people aged 11–14 to examine the ways in which science dispositions, demographic characteristics, ‘consumption’ of cultural practices and exclusion interact to produce unequal forms of STEM participation. Latent class analysis generated six groups within our quantitative dataset: three groups who infrequently participated in designed and community ISE practices (Underserved Tech Enthusiasts, Underserved Creatives and Underserved Scientists), one group who only participated in specific forms of ISE practices (Partly Served Generalists) and two groups who frequently participated across a broad range of… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Changes in the Characteristics, Services, and Performance of Preschoolers with Disabilities from 2003-04 to 2004-05. Wave 2 Overview Report from the Pre-Elementary Education Longitudinal Study (PEELS). NCSER 2008-3011

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: PEELS involves a nationally representative sample of children, 3 to 5 years of age when they entered the study, with diverse disabilities who are receiving preschool special education services in a variety of settings. Topics covered in the report include declassification (children leaving special education), reclassification (movement from one primary disability group to another), changes over time in the special education and related services provided to preschoolers with disabilities, and changes in children’s performance on a series of direct and indirect assessments in the areas of emerging literacy, early math skills, social behavior, and motor skills from 2003-04 to 2004-05. The study found that fifteen percent of children were declassified between 2003-04 and 2004-05. Children were more likely to be declassified when they transitioned from preschool to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Implementing Employability Skills, Reading Skills, and Math Skills in Vocational Education. Final Report. Vocational Technical Education Research Report. Volume 19, Number 2.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A project was undertaken to implement the employability, reading, and math skills of disadvantaged students in vocational education. Included in the project were the following activities: (1) field tests, evaluation, and dissemination of a mathematics skills curriculum guide for disadvantaged learners; (2) field tests and revision of guidelines for establishing, operating, and evaluating co-op and mainstream programs for the disadvantaged; and (3) implementation of a series of small-group workshops for teachers of disadvantaged students on implementing employability, reading, and mathematics skills in vocational programs. Separate mathematics, employability, and reading skills curriculum guides and an administrator’s manual for planning, developing, and implementing mainstream, self-contained, or co-op programs for the disadvantaged were developed during the course of the project. An independent review by a third-party evaluator indicated that all… Continue Reading