Eric.ed.gov – Math Word Problem Remediation with Elementary Students.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report describes a program for improving elementary school students ability to solve mathematical word problems. The targeted population consisted of primary, middle, and junior high students attending two different kindergarten through eighth grade schools. Both schools were located within blue collar neighborhoods in a large metropolitan area. Students’ weakness in the area of problem solving was documented by teacher-made tests, journaling, standardized test scores, student surveys, and teacher surveys. Research literature and measurement tools revealed the following probable causes: inability to read story problems adequately; poor reading ability in general; improper strategy use; lack of strategy use; lack of desire to properly understand mathematical logic of problem; strategies that rely on memorization; insufficient instructional time spent on problem solving; and inadequate time spent on finding solutions.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Me While I Am Learning Mathematics: Reflections to Elementary School Students’ Drawings

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Each child will not become senior mathematicians in the future but all children have the right to get learning opportunities which he/she can develop his/her mathematical understanding at school. The success of children in mathematics is closely related to how they are taught mathematics. At this point, the role of teaching mathematics stands out in elementary school since they first encounter mathematics as a subject. Elementary school is the place where students first experience success or failure in mathematics. Therefore, the fundamentals of students’ tendencies towards mathematics which will set and affect their future learning life are also laid here. The present study aims to examine the perceptions of elementary school students towards learning mathematics by means of their drawings. Drawings are tools for children to express… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – How Elementary School Principals with Different Leadership Content Knowledge Profiles Support Teachers’ Mathematics Instruction

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Classroom observation and teacher supervision is an important part of the life of schools. From the teacher’s point of view it can be an opportunity for one’s principal to get to know one’s work and provide opportunities for continued learning; or it can be an ordeal. From the principal’s point of view it can be an opportunity to understand what is going on in mathematics classrooms in his school and to offer help to teachers; or it can be a perfunctory process of filling out a checklist. This article reports the results of a study conducted to determine the role principals’ leadership content knowledge (LCK) plays in their observations of mathematics classrooms and conferences with teachers. The researchers were particularly interested in how different LCK “profiles”–particular combinations… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Formative Assessment and Elementary School Student Academic Achievement: A Review of the Evidence. REL 2017-259

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Formative assessment is a process that engages teachers and students in gathering, interpreting, and using evidence about what and how students are learning in order to facilitate further student learning during a short period of time. The process offers the potential to guide educator decisions about midstream adjustments to instruction that address learner needs in a timely manner. Formative assessment can be implemented in classrooms in various ways. For example, formative assessment can be quick and informal, such as giving students “I learned…” prompts to reflect on and discuss their progress toward lesson objectives. Formative assessment can also be more formal and involve multiple components, such as curriculum-based measurement, to frequently track and analyze individual student learning for the purpose of modifying instruction as warranted (Black &… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Mathematics for Elementary Teachers (Math 108a). Adams State College.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document is one of a series of eight Teacher Education Modules developed by Adams State College Teacher Corps Program. As a result of completion of this module, which is itself a cluster of nine mathematics learning modules, the elementary education student will: a) gain a knowledge and understanding of the concept of elementary school mathematics; b) have a deeper understanding of the specific topics than would be expected of an elementary student; c) realize and appreciate the logical development of material from precise definitions based on intuitive concepts to facts derived from these concepts; d) increase his confidence in his own mathematical ability; e) see mathematics as a body of interdependent knowledge; and f) realize that mathematics proficiency in the mechanical processes of mathematics is not… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Can Distance Learning Meet the Needs of Gifted Elementary Math Students?

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: What the author has learned from this experience is to allow time for the unexpected when dealing with technology. She has further learned that one needs a strong technological support system in the school to ensure that access can be restored. The physical setting for online learning is important, as well. Students need to have a place where they can respond to their learning. The regular classroom would not be the most appropriate environment for this type of independent study program. Funding must also be considered when dealing with distance learning programs. Finally, the small print the kind that reads “System Requirements” will always be the first piece of information she reviews before considering any type of technology program for her students! The use of distance learning… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Demystifying Math. A Course to Reduce Math Anxiety and Sex-Role Stereotyping in Elementary Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This Teacher Education and Mathematics (TEAM) module is designed to establish an atmosphere in the classroom in which students will feel free to share their thoughts, reactions, and experiences related to mathematics and mathematics teachers. It consists of an instructor’s text and student materials. The instructor’s text provides (1) specific directions for guiding the lessons and (2) commentary designed to help teachers build positive mathematics attitudes. The format is one of “facing pages” whereby the right-hand page provides step-by-step teaching directives and the left-hand page furnishes commentary that articulates a philosophy, provides explanations, and suggests psychological approaches. The “commentary and notes” page also allots space for the instructor’s use and when no commentary applies, the entire page is alloted to “notes.” Student materials include two sheets for… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Why University Teacher Preparation Programs Should Provide a New Set of Personal Constructions of Mathematics through Math Content Courses for Elementary Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Teacher preparation programs are in danger of seriously under-preparing elementary teachers to teach mathematics for understanding if they wait to provide students with evidence of effective mathematics teaching methods in the mathematics methods courses. With strong traditional beliefs about how mathematics ought to be taught and their determination to be able to explain mathematics to elementary children, the methods course is much too late to change preservice teachers’ perceptions of mathematics or how to teach it. If we want to change the way they teach mathematics, we must do it in their mathematics content courses. In the content courses, we have a chance to provide them with positive and successful personal mathematics constructions. Only when they learn to become active problem-solvers, can they teach others the importance… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – No Common Denominator: The Preparation of Elementary Teachers in Mathematics by America’s Education Schools

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The nation’s higher goals for student learning in mathematics cannot be reached without improved teacher capacity. To accomplish these goals an analysis of current teacher preparation in mathematics is necessary, along with the development of an agenda for improvement. Based on groundwork laid during a meeting in Washington, D.C. in March 2007, the eight members of this study’s Mathematics Advisory Group guided the National Council on Teacher Quality’s evaluation of the mathematics preparation of elementary teachers. The Mathematics Advisory Group consists of mathematicians and distinguished teachers with a long history of involvement in K-12 education. The study sample included 77 institutions representing programs of all types and in 49 states and the District of Columbia (excluding Alaska), constituting more than 5 percent of those institutions offering undergraduate… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Perceptions of Primary Grade Teachers and Elementary Principals about the Effectiveness of Grade-Level Retention

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this study was to ascertain the attitudes of primary grade teachers and elementary principals about grade retention. Because grade retention is typically initiated in the primary grades, it is important to understand educators’ beliefs about it as a viable option for low-performing students. A paper survey was sent to teachers and principals in one school district, inviting them to provide their perceptions about the reasons for grade retention, the most appropriate time to retain students, and the effectiveness of interventions in deterring the use of grade retention. Overall, teachers and principals believed students should be retained because of academic performance and perceived parental involvement as the most promising intervention to deter the use of grade retention. Teachers agreed significantly more than principals that retention… Continue Reading