Eric.ed.gov – Independence and Interdependence: An Analysis of Pre-Service Candidates’ Use of Focused Assignments on an Electronic Discussion Forum during the Initial Field Experience

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article describes a case study using an electronic learning platform for creating an interactive learning community through asynchronous discussion to enhance the initial field experience of secondary math and English teacher candidates enrolled in Field Experience. We identified three problems with the field experience course–lack of structure, isolation of the candidates in the field, and passivity of the candidates. To address these problems, we established three goals–to create a way for candidates to structure their reflections in the field, to create a learning community of pre-professionals, and to foster independence and assertiveness in our candidates. With these goals in mind, focused assignments were developed and implemented in an interactive online discussion forum. The results of this study have two important implications for teacher preparation. First, the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Studies in Teaching: 2012 Research Digest. Action Research Projects Presented at Annual Research Forum (Winston-Salem, North Carolina, June 29, 2012)

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This document presents the proceedings of the 17th Annual Research Forum held June 29, 2012, at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Included herein are the following 25 action research papers: (1) “Reading and Writing”: A Study Comparing the Strengths of Peer Review and Visible Author Writing Strategies (Elizabeth Behar); (2) Project Based Learning: Is this New Method an Effective Educational Approach to Learning? (Camille Collier); (3) Building a Sense of Community in a High School Physics Class (Nick Corak); (4) Seeing Double: Visual Media and Expanding Definitions of Literacy in the English Classroom (John Randall Davis); (5) Improving Student Attitudes towards Science through Scientific Module Instruction (Carson V. Dobrin); (6) Web 2.0 in High School Social Studies: What Happens? (Kate Douglass); (7) Creative Expression in… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – JSTE as a Forum for Engaging in Knowledge Generation and Discourses in Science Teacher Education, Equity and Justice-Focused Science Teacher Education, and Professional Learning for Science Teacher Education Scholars

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Link til kilde