tandfonline.com – Mathematizing in preschool: children’s participation in geometrical discourse

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This study explores preschool children’s mathematizing in everyday block play activities. Building on an ethnomethodological and multimodal conversation analytic framework, we explore how geometry (i.e. spatiality, shape, and symmetry) is actualized in children’s verbal and embodied interaction with their peers, pedagogues, and material environment. The selected data are drawn from a video ethnographic study in a Swedish preschool in which a boy and a girl play with a magnetic construction toy. The results of the study demonstrate how the participants orient to spatial locations, properties, dimensions, orientations, transformations, and shapes as they build a house. The children are shown to rely upon verbal and embodied resources such as deictics (e.g. here, there, these) and pointing gestures as geometrical aspects are… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Increasing parental participation at school level: a ‘citizen to serve’ or a ‘customer to steer’?

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Collaboration between schools and parents has become increasingly prominent on the political agenda in Norway. Schools are obliged to promote parent–school cooperation in accordance with parents’ rights as stakeholders in education. This article explores the governing strategies of seven primary or lower-secondary schools that have taken initiatives to improve parent–school collaboration. The main intention is to explore how New Public Management (NPM) measures (such as market values, decentralization, competition, and output control) and New Public Service (NPS) tools (including coalition building and citizens’ involvement) are reproduced at the local level when parent–school collaboration is put on the agenda. The analysis shows that street-level discretion at school level implies considerable uncertainty around the achievement of policy objectives. Different opinions… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Justice through participation: student engagement in Nordic classrooms

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT In this article, we approach large questions regarding justice and equality in the Nordic classrooms. A substantial body of previous research emphasises the importance of student engagement in teaching and learning. Drawing on video data from Norway, Sweden and Finland, we focus on whole-class teaching, i.e. situations in which the teacher addresses the class from the front of the classroom, to investigate justice trough participation. We have approached our topic through two concerns: student participation in classroom discourse and student engagement as providing access to content. Our findings seem to pose some serious challenges for the Nordic welfare society vision of classrooms as core societal hubs for justice and equality. While whole-class teaching is one of the primary… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Change of the Ideas of Science Teachers after Participation in a Training Program on the Use of Non-Formal Educational Places

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The objective of this study is to understand how the perception of teachers might change after they participate in a training program on the use of non-formal educational places (NFEP). The design of the study is ethnographic and its methodology is qualitative. The study comprehends the analysis of three multiple cases according to the disciplinary area, including teachers of primary education, biology, and physics. The analysis was focused on the discourse of the participants, establishing eight categories which were previously validated through triangulation by time and by instruments. The study concludes that the participants were able to restructure their ideas about the use of NFEP for teaching, showing mainly ontological and epistemological changes, which are discussed in the paper. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Gender Differences in Tertiary Education: What Explains STEM Participation? CEP Discussion Paper No. 1721

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The share of women achieving tertiary education has increased rapidly over time and now exceeds that of men in most OECD countries. However, women are severely under-represented in maths-intensive science fields, which are generally referred to as STEM (science, technology, engineering, and maths). The under-representation of women in these subject areas has received a great deal of attention. This is because these fields are seen to be especially important for productivity and economic growth and are associated with occupations that have higher earnings. Subject of degree is an important part of the explanation for the gender wage gap. The aim of this paper is to review evidence on explanations for the STEM gap in tertiary education. This starts with statistics about background context and evidence on how… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Zimbabwean female participation in physics: The influence of identity formation on perception and participation

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract The study investigated the influence of identity formation on the perceptions and participation of Zimbabwean Advanced Level (A’ Level) female adolescent students in physics. Nine female adolescent students eighteen years and above: three doing mathematics and physics, one doing physics without mathematics and five doing mathematics without physics were purposively selected. The data generating instruments used were semi-structured interview and classroom observation guides as well as document analysis. Findings show that female students associate scientists within a masculine framework in a Eurocentric environment, specifically those scientists who are depicted in their textbooks. The female students doing physics had a positive physics identity which resulted in the formation of positive perceptions towards physics and their participation in the subject.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Scrutinizing Two Finnish Teachers’ Instructional Rationales and Perceived Tensions in Enacting Student Participation in Mathematical Discourse

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study employs interviews and observations to investigate instructional rationales of two purposefully sampled teachers with divergent classroom discourse practices in Swedish-speaking Finnish lower secondary mathematics classrooms. Studies on classroom discourse often point to beliefs and contextual factors shaping teachers’ discourse practices. Less is known about how tensions perceived by teachers can influence the instructional rationale in a context such as Finland, known for traditional and teacher-centered mathematics instruction. The findings of this study suggest that these Finnish teachers’ instructional rationales for differently enacted classroom-discourse practices are grounded in similar concerns of student needs, related to student learning, well-being, and equity. One of the teachers perceived tension between these concerns and mathematics education literature’s ideals of classroom discourse and avoided engaging students in discussions other than in… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Co-Constructing “Quiet” through Peer Interactions: Understanding “Quiet” Participation in a Small-Group Math Task

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: To disrupt patterns of marginalization that play out through interactions in math classrooms, teachers need to identify and address inequities in student participation, both in terms of participation outcomes and processes. In this study, I take an expansive view of participation and examine how the “quiet” participation of one 9th grade student is co-constructed through small-group interactions during an Algebra task. Analysis reveals three features of the group’s interactions that fostered the co-construction of Becca’s “quiet” participation: 1. Becca was positioned as a non-contributing silent beneficiary of learning, 2. Becca’s contributions received less support than her peers’, 3. Disagreement with Becca was softer than with John. Findings suggest that the perceived issue of low verbal production did not reside within Becca, but rather was the result of… Continue Reading