tandfonline.com – A review of basic research tools without the confusing philosophy

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT One consequence of novice researchers studying methodology textbooks is confusion: philosophical terminology is complicated and sometimes poorly defined. Another consequence is that inexperienced researchers divide themselves into epistemological cliques, which can inhibit inter-disciplinary discussions. This is a particular problem in subjects, such as Information Science, that bridge disciplines. This article attempts to address these issues by seeking ground common to researchers, regardless of their philosophical standpoint. It identifies several ‘tools of the mind’ which are expanded on and discussed. By becoming familiar with these tools, inexperienced researchers can gain practical insights that create context for philosophical terms they later encounter. ‘Tools of the mind’ discussed are captured in the following questions: What should I research? How do I… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Philosophy of education in a new key: Who remembers Greta Thunberg? Education and environment after the coronavirus

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract This paper explores relationships between environment and education after the Covid-19 pandemic through the lens of philosophy of education in a new key developed by Michael Peters and the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA). The paper is collectively written by 15 authors who responded to the question: Who remembers Greta Thunberg? Their answers are classified into four main themes and corresponding sections. The first section, ‘As we bake the earth, let’s try and bake it from scratch’, gathers wider philosophical considerations about the intersection between environment, education, and the pandemic. The second section, ‘Bump in the road or a catalyst for structural change?’, looks more closely into issues pertaining to education. The third section, ‘If you… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Neuroscience and educational practice – A critical assessment from the perspective of philosophy of science

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract The aim of this paper is to reconstruct and critically assess the evidential relationship between neuroscience and educational practice. To do this, I reconstruct a standard way in which evidence from neuroscience is used to support recommendations about educational practice, that is, testing pedagogical interventions using neuroimaging methods, and discuss and critically assess the inference behind this approach. I argue that this inference rests on problematic assumptions, and, therefore, that neuroimaging intervention studies have no special evidential status for basing educational practice. I conclude arguing that these limitations could be resolved by integrating evidence from neurocognitive and educational science. Link til kilde


tandfonline.com – The future of ethics and education: philosophy in a time of existential crises

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Philosophy confronts two existential crises: the threats to its existence from scientists like Stephen Hawking who claim that philosophy is dead; and the threat to life itself from catastrophic climate change. The essay’s first theoretical part critiques Nietzsche’s claim that philosophy’s primary function is to guarantee the future of life. The essay’s second practical part claims that philosophy must meet the challenge of life’s extinction through a revised model for ethics in education. Taking its start from recent conceptualizations of philosophy as a ‘field discipline,’ this part considers African American models for delivering ethics in education to under-resourced communities. The third part shows how these theoretical models may be actualized in the practice of an African field philosopher.… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Afrocentrism Revisited: Africa in the Philosophy of Black Nationalism

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract In the 1990s, the political tradition of Afrocentrism came under attack in the Western academy, resulting in its glaring omission from most genealogies of Black thought today. This is despite the fact that Afrocentrism had roots dating back to the 15th century, shaping movements like Pan-Africanism and Négritude. It is also despite the fact that the tradition resulted in important cornerstones of Black American life: the holiday of Kwanzaa, the discipline of Black Studies, and independent Afrocentric schools. This essay revisits Afrocentrism as a foundation for the Black Radical Tradition. It argues that Afrocentrism presupposed the relationship between Blackness and Africa to be the central problem for emancipatory thought. Re-embracing Africa not only meant resistance; it targeted the originary… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Philosophy for Children: Evaluation Report and Executive Summary

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Philosophy for Children (P4C) is an approach to teaching in which students participate in group dialogues focused on philosophical issues. Dialogues are prompted by a stimulus (for example, a story or a video) and are based around a concept such as ‘truth,’ ‘fairness’ or ‘bullying.’ The aim of P4C is to help children become more willing and able to ask questions, construct arguments, and engage in reasoned discussion. The primary goal of this evaluation was to assess whether a year of P4C instruction for pupils in Years 4 and 5 would lead to higher academic attainment in terms of maths, reading, and writing. The project also assessed whether P4C instruction had an impact on Cognitive Abilities Test results. The evaluation ran from January to December 2013. Teachers… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Media ecological orientations to philosophy and philosophical problems

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This introduction to the Media Ecology special issue of the Review of Communication provides a broad overview of the history of media ecology, clarifies its main orientations and key thinkers, and then illustrates how problems and orientations within philosophy are symptoms of various kinds of technological mediation. Link til kilde