Eric.ed.gov – Blueprint for Change in Hawaii: State Teacher Policy Yearbook, 2010

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The 2009 “State Teacher Policy Yearbook” provided a comprehensive review of states’ policies that impact the teaching profession. As a companion to last year’s comprehensive state-by-state analysis, the 2010 edition provides each state with an individualized “Blueprint for Change,” building off last year’s “Yearbook” goals and recommendations. State teacher policy addresses a great many areas, including teacher preparation, certification, evaluation and compensation. With so many moving parts, it may be difficult for states to find a starting point on the road to reform. To this end, this paper provides a state-specific roadmap, organized in three main sections. Section 1 identifies policy concerns that need critical attention, the areas of highest priority for state policymakers. Section 2 outlines “low-hanging fruit,” policy changes that can be implemented in relatively… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – North Carolina Math/Science/Special Education (MSSE) $1,800 Teacher Bonus Program: An Initial Evaluation. Policy Matters

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: As in other states, many North Carolina schools face the challenge of hiring and retaining high quality teachers. Recruiting and retaining qualified teachers in math, science and special education is particularly difficult, especially for the schools serving disproportionate shares of disadvantaged or low-performing students. In 2001, North Carolina responded to these challenges by introducing a salary bonus program paying up to $1,800 to certified teachers of math, science and special education in eligible middle and high schools. To be eligible, schools had to meet one of the following criteria: more than 80 percent of its students had to receive free or reduced price lunches, or the failure rate on both Algebra 1 and Biology end-of-course tests had to exceed 50 percent. Funding for this initiative was discontinued… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Where science met policy: governing by indicators and the OECD’s INES programme

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Drawing on archival sources, interviews, and research literature, this article offers new insights into the making, structure and long-term effects of the International Educational Indicators (INES) programme of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The article argues that INES was crucial in setting the OECD on the path to becoming a global education policy actor. Although science has informed policy making for centuries, the 1980s mark the start of a much closer imbrication of evidence-making for policy. By focusing on those renewed encounters of education science with policy-making, the article examines the INES indicators as a boundary infrastructure. It shows the ways that INES materialised many of the OECD ambitions at the time. In other words,… Continue Reading