tandfonline.com – Professor Arthur Philip Cracknell FRSE 1940-2021
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Professor Arthur Philip Cracknell FRSE 1940-2021 Link til kilde
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Professor Arthur Philip Cracknell FRSE 1940-2021 Link til kilde
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract This article reports on results from a design research project that implements a formative assessment practice with support from a classroom response system (CRS). Cumulatively building on earlier research and drawing on iteratively generated data from secondary schools in Sweden, the article elaborates on design principles and task types for constructing CRS tasks aimed at generating mathematical classroom discussions. The study generated three design principles, six task types and 31 empirically evaluated tasks useful for developing and using CRS tasks in classroom practices. The results are discussed in relation to earlier research, methodological considerations and the cultural context of Sweden. Link til kilde
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This article addresses a gap in research about primary school boys’ identification as ‘gamers.’ Drawing on a survey of 318 Year 3 (7–8 years old) students, the research identified boys’ self-reported enjoyment for gaming, their frequency using digital devices, and their self-rated digital skills. Interviews with four boys from the survey also explored the lifeworlds of self-professed ‘gamers.’ Findings point to the salience of games for many boys’ emerging identities and the inter-related nature of their experiences. We argue that teachers can capitalise on the strength of video games to create ‘in-group’ cultures and communities of practice in their classrooms to support learning. Link til kilde
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This paper argues that Young and Muller’s ‘powerful knowledge’ requires a more extensive conceptualization of the relation between knowledge and practice. However, rather than focus on the ‘practice turn’ in social theory as Carlgren has suggested, it is argued that what Rouse terms a ‘normative practice’ can help explicate the specialized activities that make powerful knowledge possible. The idea of normative practice provides a basis for the systematic revisability and specialized communities that are said to underpin powerful knowledge, while also illuminating how teachers recontextualise knowledge and reconciling the role of experience with other types of knowledge in a curriculum. Normative practice provides a basis for specialized and ‘knowledgeable’ purposeful practice which suggests that knowledge is never ‘for… Continue Reading
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Group Career Coaching – A Critical Pedagogical Approach Link til kilde
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Background In school-based physical education (PE) programs, teachers’ task to identify, assess, manage and communicate risk and safety and balance these with other pedagogical concerns is complex. Teachers’ knowledge is essential in generating quality PE and their specialized knowledge of risk and safety management (RSM) is crucial for creating safe learning environments and educative opportunities for students. However, studies of teachers’ RSM knowledge seem scarce and particularly studies including teachers’ perspectives. Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore how teachers develop their RSM knowledge for PE programs. Methods To gain data on teachers’ perspectives on RSM semistructured in-depth interviews were used to generate data. The study involves 17 primary and lower secondary PE teachers from Norway.… Continue Reading
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract This study investigated upper secondary school students’ skills in evaluating the credibility and argumentative content of a blog text and a YouTube video. Both sources concerned child vaccination, the blog text opposing and the YouTube video supporting it. Students rated each source as credible, fairly credible or non-credible, justified their ratings, and analyzed the argumentation of both sources. Their justifications were analyzed for trustworthiness and expertise and their argument analyses for identification of the main position of the source and the reasons supporting it. Students’ justification skills proved fairly weak, and they also struggled with recognizing unbalanced argumentation. Students’ skill in analyzing the argumentation used in the sources also proved inadequate, especially in the blog text task. Overall… Continue Reading
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT How should we understand the academization of the social sciences around the turn of the twentieth century with regard to gender? In this article I argue in favour of a contextually broadened sociology of knowledge approach which highlights the importance of women’s extra-academic social research as a parallel and interconnected form of social knowledge to the new and male-dominated academic social sciences. Theoretically, the approach combines three perspectives: field theory, social movements research and historical studies of knowledge circulation. Empirically and methodologically, the study is prosopographically centred around nine female social researchers in Sweden 1900–1950 with an analytical focus on their aggregated career patterns, the gender-coded mechanisms of academic exclusion that were at play and three types of… Continue Reading
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Teacher dashboards provide real-time information about students’ performance and progress, which help K-12 teachers to adjust feedback to student’ specific needs during learning. Prior research indicated two problems with respect to how teachers provide feedback: (i) teachers do not always select the most effective feedback to support student’ learning and (ii) feedback is not allocated equally to students with different abilities. Specifically, process feedback is considered most effective yet is relatively scarce. In order to understand how dashboards influence the type and allocation of feedback, we compared characteristics of feedback given after dashboard consultation (dashboard-prompted feedback) to feedback triggered by teachers themselves or in response to students’ questions (human-prompted feedback) in thirty-five K-12 classrooms. Results showed that dashboards… Continue Reading
tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Learning trajectory (LT) research in mathematics education has shaped both instructional materials and assessments. But, the body of LT research has also been critiqued for not adequately considering equity and addressing student diversity. This study begins to fill this gap by characterizing the reasoning of 23 multilingual students who participated in task-based interviews about proportional relationships and linear functions. Using tasks aligned with an established LT, the analysis focuses on the interaction of task language demand and student language background. Results show how task linguistic complexity can interfere with accurately interpreting the mathematical reasoning of emergent bilingual students. We discuss the need to (a) incorporate a focus on linguistic diversity when planning instruction and (b) broaden the students… Continue Reading