Eric.ed.gov – Effects of Varying the Special Educator’s Role within an Algebra Class on Math Attitude and Achievement.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study compared the effects of two different special educator roles within high school algebra classes containing special needs students. The special educator served as either in-room assistant or as co-teacher. The study was conducted for one chapter of algebra study over a 3-week period. No significant differences between groups were found prior to the treatment. Following the two treatments, students in the co-teaching condition scored significantly higher in achievement than did students in the in-room assistance group or the control group. Females in the co-teaching condition achieved significantly higher scores than did females in the control group. Females receiving in-room assistance also scored significantly higher than control group females. No significant findings in achievement were found for males or for students receiving special education services. Appended… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Focus on Basics: Connecting Research & Practice. Volume 9, Issue A

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Focus on Basics” is a publication of the US Division of World Education, Inc. It presents best practices, current research on adult learning and literacy, and how research is used by adult basic education teachers, counselors, program administrators, and policymakers. “Focus on Basics” is dedicated to connecting research with practice, to connecting teachers with research and researchers with the reality of the classroom, and by doing so, making adult basic education research more relevant to the field. The theme of this issue of “Focus on Basics” is “Numeracy.” Articles in this issue include: (1) Using Part-Whole Thinking in Math (Dorothea Steinke); (2) Numeracy Matters (Myrna Manly); (3) Designing Instruction with the Components of Numeracy in Mind (Lynda Ginsburg); (4) Changing Practice, Expanding Minds (Kate Nonesuch); (5) A… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – From Earth Algebra to Earth Math: An Expansion and Dissemination of the Methods of Earth Algebra [and] Proceedings, Earth Math Conference (Kennesaw, Georgia, April 19-20, 1996).

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This final report and appended conference proceedings describe activities of the Earth Math project, a 3-year effort at Kennesaw State University (Georgia) to broaden and disseminate the concept of Earth Algebra to precalculus and mathematics education courses. Major outcomes of the project were the draft of a precalculus textbook now being reviewed prior to field testing, and a series of independent study modules appropriate for use in mathematics education courses or as supplementary material in algebra and trigonometry courses. Earth Math materials focus on application of mathematics to real world problems and are intended to improve students’ problem-solving and decision-making abilities. The materials are also intended to demonstrate how to implement the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics standards in school mathematics courses. Separate sections of the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – GED as Project: Pathways to Passing the GED. Volume 2: Math.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This guide presents math-focused learning projects and accompanying inquiry activities to help students pass the math portion of the GED 2002. It is Volume 2 of a proposed four-volume series; Volume 1 describing the concept of the GED as project is also available. Section 1 relates GED as project to the math portion of the GED and explains how inquiry activities use Official GED Math Practice Test questions as stimuli and can serve as models for teacher-designed activities. It introduces the template for math inquiry activities, a series of steps and questions that fulfill the learner-centered thinking and process this guide proposes. Section 2 is an introductory learning project that helps learners comprehend and internalize information about the GED, “GED Math and You.” The two inquiry activities… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Cubic Polynomials with Real or Complex Coefficients: The Full Picture

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The cubic polynomial with real coefficients has a rich and interesting history primarily associated with the endeavours of great mathematicians like del Ferro, Tartaglia, Cardano or Vieta who sought a solution for the roots (Katz, 1998; see Chapter 12.3: The Solution of the Cubic Equation). Suffice it to say that since the times of renaissance mathematics in Italy various techniques have been developed which yield the three roots of a general cubic equation. Students studying a mathematics specialism as a part of the Victorian VCE (Mathematical Methods, 2010), HSC in NSW (Mathematics Extension in NSW, 1997) or Queensland QCE (Mathematics C, 2009) are expected to be able to recognise, plot, factorise, and even solve cubic polynomials as described by ACARA (ACARA, n.d., Unit 1, Topic 1: Functions… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Function Plotters for Secondary Math Teachers. A MicroSIFT Quarterly Report.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report examines mathematical graphing utilities or function plotters for use in introductory algebra classes of more advanced courses. Each product selected for inclusion in this report is able to construct the graph of a given equation on the screen and serves as a utility which may be used by the student for an open-ended exploration of a mathematical concept or by the teacher as a demonstration tool. The products are classified into one of the following types: (1) general purpose graphing utilities; (2) demonstration tools; and (3) special utility programs. In general it was felt that the positive aspects of function plotters far outweigh the negative. The ability to automate the tedious process of plotting the graph of an equation enables students to examine more equations… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teaching Strategies for Improving Algebra Knowledge in Middle and High School Students. Educator’s Practice Guide. What Works Clearinghouse.™ NCEE 2015-4010

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Mastering algebra is important for future math and postsecondary success. Educators will find practical recommendations for how to improve algebra instruction in the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) practice guide, “Teaching Strategies for Improving Algebra Knowledge in Middle and High School Students”. The methods and examples included in the guide focus on helping students analyze solved problems, recognize structure, and utilize alternative approaches to solving algebra problems. Each recommendation includes the level of supporting research evidence behind it, examples to use in class, and solutions to potential implementation roadblocks. Teachers can implement these strategies in conjunction with existing standards or curricula. In addition, these strategies can be utilized for all students learning algebra in grades 6-12 and in diverse contexts, including during both formative and summative assessment. Administrators… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Algebra for All: The Effect of Algebra Coursework and Classroom Peer Academic Composition on Low-Achieving Students

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Algebra is often considered as a gateway for later achievement. A recent report by the Mathematics Advisory Panel (2008) underscores the importance of improving algebra learning in secondary school. Today, a growing number of states and districts require algebra for all students in ninth grade or earlier. Chicago is at the forefront of this movement. Many low-achieving students took remedial math before 1997 and the algebra-for-all policy immersed these students in academic coursework for the first time. Moreover, these low-achieving students experienced a rise in the ability levels of their classroom peers. However, this study suggests that simply requiring algebra is insufficient to improve their outcomes, even though students may benefit from having higher achieving peers in their classrooms. Overall, taking Algebra, instead of remedial math, would… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – I CAN Learn[R]. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “I CAN Learn”[R] is a computer software system that provides math instruction through a series of interactive lessons. These lessons are delivered with a one-to-one student-to-computer ratio. Students determine the pace of each lesson and must demonstrate mastery of the lesson before progressing to the next one. Teachers provide individualized instruction to students on the basis of their performance on the lessons. The available “I CAN Learn”[R] curricula include fifth- to sixth-grade math, pre-algebra, algebra, and geometry. These curricula are aligned to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics standards and can be customized to meet state- or district-specific standards. Studies included in this What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) review assess the effectiveness of the pre-algebra and algebra components of “I CAN Learn”[R]. One study (Barrow, Markman, &… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – “Informed Self-Placement” at American River College: A Case Study. National Center Report Number #07-2

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Informed math self-placement,” a program implemented at American River College in Sacramento, California, to determine students’ readiness for college-level math, has been in place for three years. This case study describes the development and implementation of math self-placement at American River. Math self-placement consists of a Web-based testing and information site that allows students, or potential students, to gauge their level of math proficiency prior to talking with a counselor or enrolling in classes. Math faculty members and administrators are hopeful that self-placement, as an alternative to traditional placement, will provide students with concrete knowledge and experience about math standards, since self-placement includes actual self-assessment instruments (tests), developed and approved by the college’s math faculty. American River’s experience in math self-placement is noteworthy in its potential to… Continue Reading