har udgivet: The selected study examined the effects of comprehensive teacher induction (CTI) programs on teacher outcomes and student achievement. Within participating school districts, schools were randomly assigned to offer their beginning teachers either a CTI program or the district’s standard induction program. Within the group participating in CTI, the study examined CTI’s effects on teacher practice and teacher retention. This review examines the study’s teacher retention analysis. Study authors reported no statistically significant effects of the CTI program on teacher retention rates after one year, nor on the proportion who remained in the teaching profession a year later. Authors also reported no effects of the CTI program on student reading or math achievement. What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) found the analysis of teacher outcomes to be consistent with WWC… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Helen Ladd takes a comparative look at policies that the world’s industrialized countries are using to assure a supply of high-quality teachers. Her survey puts U.S. educational policies and practices into international perspective. Ladd begins by examining teacher salaries–an obvious, but costly, policy tool. She finds, perhaps surprisingly, that students in countries with high teacher salaries do not in general perform better on international tests than those in countries with lower salaries. Ladd does find, however, that the share of underqualified teachers in a country is closely related to salary. In high-salary countries like Germany, Japan, and Korea, for example, only 4 percent of teachers are underqualified, as against more than 10 percent in the United States, where teacher salaries, Ladd notes, are low relative to those… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The purpose of this technical report is to summarize the research methodology of the Novice Teacher Study (NTS) strand of the Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) research. The Ohio TQP has embarked on a series of research studies to learn more about the characteristics of effective teachers and to identify the patterns of teacher performance in both novice and experienced teachers that commingle to enhance student achievement at different grade levels, in different subjects, and with different types of students. The report is divided into three sections: a brief description of TQP methodology and data sources; a detailed discussion of findings, and conclusions and directions for future research. In preparing this technical report, we drew from artifacts documenting the research processes; from regional and national presentations; and from… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper examines and reports on beginning generalist teacher self-efficacy, which Bandura (1997) suggests plays an important part in student outcomes. In 2008, 201 beginning generalist teachers throughout the state of Queensland, Australia, participated in a study that aimed to provide a snapshot of current perceptions towards support in schools for the arts. Beginning teachers were asked to rank their school support for a number of different subjects in the school curriculum and provide written justification for these rankings. Results suggest that beginning teachers perceived a general lack of support for the teaching of the arts in their classroom, compared to English and maths. They reported that schools provided greater financial support, assistance and professional development for the teaching of literacy and numeracy with a view to… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In 2011, the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) received an Investing in Innovation (i3) Grant through the U.S. Department of Education. UAF applied for the grant to expand the predominantly rural-serving Alaska Statewide Mentor Project (ASMP) to urban settings. ASMP is a professional development initiative that supplies fully released, highly trained mentors to early career teachers (ECTs). UAF’s i3 grant, The Urban Growth Opportunity (UGO), included five districts: Anchorage, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Matanuska-Susitna Borough, and Sitka. This is the final report for the grant conducted over four years (2011 2012 to 2014 2015). The research team randomly assigned 556 ECTs to treatment (UGO) and business as usual (BAU) groups. UGO ECTs received an ASMP mentor for two years; BAU ECTs received their districts’… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Concerns about inadequate development of subject expertise for American elementary school teachers have been well documented. There are many exceptions to this narrative, and there are many exemplary U.S. teacher preparation programs. However, it is clear that, overall, the preparation of elementary teachers in the United States in key subject areas has been inadequate. So, what are systems that have high-performing learning outcomes in key subjects doing to ensure quality teaching in math, science and literacy? This report analyses whether and how high-performing systems (specifically those in jurisdictions of Japan, Finland, Hong Kong, and Shanghai) have supported the subject expertise of their elementary school teachers. The findings highlight how different parts of these systems constantly reinforce the development of deep subject expertise in their elementary teachers. For… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The National Executive Service Corps, an organization which uses the skills and experiences of senior professionals, responded to the perceived shortage of qualified mathematics and science teachers in New York City. This paper describes a project designed to tap the skills and talents of retired scientists, engineers, and mathematicians who wished to enter teaching as a second career. The program consisted of five major parts: recruitment, orientation, training, placement, and support. These activities are described in the main body of this report. A project summary points out that second career teachers bring something current, real, and relevant to lessons. However, while they recognized the content area knowledge of this group of new teachers, supervisors also noted weaknesses in classroom management skills and urged the inclusion of a… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Recruiting and retaining excellent teachers remains a pressing policy issue in education systems worldwide. According to UNESCO estimates, 68.8 million teachers will need to be recruited globally to meet Sustainable Development Goal 4. However, simply recruiting more teachers will not be enough to meet this challenge: we need to recruit high-quality teachers who provide high-quality lessons to improve learner outcomes — and who will remain in the teaching profession. The high number of teachers who leave teaching early in their careers means that there is a crisis in teacher retention, and high staff turnover constitutes a major drain on the resources available to develop a strong education system. As part of our commitment to research and development, we have invested in the review of our Future Teaching… Continue Reading →
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