Eric.ed.gov – Ambition, Distraction, Uglification and Derision: The Case for Confluent Education in Math Procedures.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Many preservice teachers confront their own lack of confidence and actual mathematics phobia for the first time in their math procedures classes. This study was designed to explore the application of a confluent education intervention, a model based on the premise that all learning is accompanied by an affective as well as a cognitive component, to the problem of improving the disposition towards mathematics of 70 student teachers enrolled in a fifth-year multiple subject teaching credential program at the University of California. Using the framework of constructivist theory as a foundation, the paper discusses the effects of prior experience on affective disposition towards mathematics and teachers’ sense of self-efficacy. Data were collected in three stages following “The Mathe Teakst Buk,” an intervention that involves students in a… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Her Math, Their Math: An In-Service Teacher’s Growing Understanding of Mathematics and Technology and Her Secondary Students’ Algebra Experience.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This case study investigates an experienced secondary school mathematics teacher’s understanding of mathematics (“her” math) and decisions she makes about her students’ classroom experiences (“their” math). This report focuses on the competing roles of the teacher’s growing understanding of novel technology-rich mathematics and her decisions about activities and expectations in an algebra course in light of her beliefs about learning and teaching. Data document developments in her mathematical understanding and classroom practice during her first 13 months of teaching Computer-Intensive Algebra as a participant in the Empowering Secondary Mathematics Teachers in Computer-Intensive Environments project (CIME). (Author) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Constructivism in Math and Science Education.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Beneath educational pedagogies lie philosophical assumptions about the nature of learning, knowledge, truth and morality. These different philosophies form the foundations of a variety of instructional programs in all academic disciplines. This paper addresses constructivism, a recent attempt to provide a philosophical pedagogy which affects classroom instruction, teacher training, curricululm development, and educational research. It specifically looks at constructivist theory as it relates to mathematics and science education. In so doing, the paper examines: (1) epistemology in the classroom; (2) epistemology in education research; (3) epistemology in mathematics and science (faith and skepticism); (4) Piaget’s constructivist epistemology; and (5) implications for education. A bibliography is included. (TW) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Pathfinder Analysis of Knowledge Structures: An Exploratory Investigation of Math and Science Teacher Educators.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The present study was an exploratory study of the content-specific knowledge structures of three teacher educators (two in math and one in science). Pathfinder, a method for eliciting associative memory networks, was used to describe the knowledge structures of the teacher educators. Pathfinder was also used to determine changes in knowledge structures of students enrolled in a teaching methodology class taught by each educator. Finally, a measure of the correspondence between students’ knowledge structures and those of the teacher educators was correlated with students’ performances in the courses. For two teacher educators, students’ knowledge structures corresponded more closely with that of the teacher educator after the course than before. For one teacher educator, students exhibited little change in knowledge structure correspondence. Also, students who corresponded most to… Continue Reading