Eric.ed.gov – An Analysis of the Impact of Title I on Reading and Math Achievement of Elementary School Aged Children. Revised.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report presents the findings of a study that examined the impact of compensatory education services on children’s academic achievement in grades 1 to 6. Examination of data from the 1976-79 Sustaining Effects Study of Title I revealed the following major conclusions: (1) small positive gains in reading achievement are related to participation in Title I programs; (2) the estimated impact of Title I on children’s achievement is sensitive to the definition of a control group; and (3) teacher judgment may be included in the selection and achievement process. The results of the analysis do not clarify the issue examined; results are dependent upon the formulation of the control group: one formulation used in the study showed positive results of Title I on achievement while the other… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Reading and Math through the Community as Classroom, Summer 1982. Annual Evaluation Report. E.S.E.A. Title I.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report presents evaluation findings for the 1982 summer cycle of “Reading and Math Through the Community as Classroom,” a Title I funded program operated by the Division of Special Education, of the New York City Public Schools. The program was designed to provide supplementary remediation to 1,197 mildly to moderately handicapped youngsters, and incorporate community experiences and sports activities into reading and math instruction. Results of analyses of pupil achievement data and program interviews and observations indicated that the summer program effectively met its proposed goals. Nearly all of the program participants mastered one or more new skills in reading (87.8 percent) and in math (91.9 percent). Students were also reported by teachers to have made social gains. Program sites were well-chosen and staff were enthusiastic.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Notes. The Clipboard Connection. Chapter I Resource Center Curriculum and Instruction.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The “Clipboard Connection” is a methodology to facilitate the rapid circulation of relevant pre-existing materials from Chapter 1 Technical Assistance Centers of relevant materials from Chapter 1 Technical Assistance Centers (TACs) to their clients, teachers of educationally disadvantaged children in resource centers. Each “Clipboard Connection” consists of a lead sheet summarizing the contents of the materials (reprints of journal articles, brochures, etc.) to be distributed, and the materials themselves. This compilation focuses on techniques for effective mathematics instruction. The following reprints are included: (1) “Teaching Mathematics and Thinking,” prepared by Edward A. Silver and Margaret S. Smith (Arithmetic Teacher, volume 37, number 8, April 1990); (2) “Using Writing Activities to Reinforce Mathematics Instruction,” by David M. Davison and Daniel L. Pearce (Arithmetic Teacher, volume 35, number 8,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Title I Elementary Math Program of Minneapolis: 1972-74. No. C-74-34.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The aim of the Title I math program was to improve the teaching of mathematics at the primary level in Title I schools. School staff and Parent Advisory Committee members had suggested and helped plan the focus of the project. It was expected that improved teaching would raise the level of understanding of basic mathematics skills and concepts of primary pupils. Testing of the children, however, was incomplete and inconclusive. All Title I primary teachers were eligible for the project. Most of the teachers from 25 public and 9 nonpublic schools availed themselves of the services offered by the project during the two years, 1972-74, covered by this report. This evaluation concentrated on the activities of the project and teachers’ responses to those activities. Teachers received over… Continue Reading