Eric.ed.gov – A Compendium of Social-Behavioral Research Funded by NCER and NCSER: 2002-2013. NCER 2016-2002

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this compendium is to catalog NCER’s and NCSER’s contributions to social-behavioral research. Research undertaken as part of these projects is contributing to a knowledge base that ultimately aims to improve academic outcomes for students via improvements in students’ social-behavioral competencies, teachers’ practices, and the climate of schools. This compendium is part of a series of compendia that will highlight different areas of NCER- and NCSER-funded research. Other compendia explore math and science research and education technology research. In this compendium, readers will find descriptions of the social-behavioral research projects from across NCER’s and NCSER’s portfolios. These projects have different primary purposes, including exploration, development of interventions (practices and policies), evaluation of interventions, and development and validation of measurement tools. However, the projects are all… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Student Collaboration and School Educational Technology: Technology Integration Practices in the Classroom

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: With the onset of Web 2.0 and 3.0–the social and semantic webs–a next wave for integration of educational technology into the classroom is occurring. The aim of this paper is to show how some teachers are increasingly bringing collaboration and shared meaning-making through technology environments into learning environments (Evergreen Education Group, 2014). Purpose is to show a case study of how teachers include student-to-student online collaboration in their Technology Integration Practices (TIP), and how some research projects are examining useful methodologies for incorporating evaluation, assessment and reflection of the approaches (Wilson et al., 2012; Wilson, Scalise, & Gochyyev, 2014). Results from the use of TIP collaborative math/science notebooks in the Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills (ATC21S) project are presented. Recommendations are to help teachers answer… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Me While I Am Learning Mathematics: Reflections to Elementary School Students’ Drawings

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Each child will not become senior mathematicians in the future but all children have the right to get learning opportunities which he/she can develop his/her mathematical understanding at school. The success of children in mathematics is closely related to how they are taught mathematics. At this point, the role of teaching mathematics stands out in elementary school since they first encounter mathematics as a subject. Elementary school is the place where students first experience success or failure in mathematics. Therefore, the fundamentals of students’ tendencies towards mathematics which will set and affect their future learning life are also laid here. The present study aims to examine the perceptions of elementary school students towards learning mathematics by means of their drawings. Drawings are tools for children to express… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The State We’re In: 2012. A Report Card on Public Education in Illinois

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report assesses Illinois’ academic performance from early childhood through postsecondary, providing a snapshot of how Illinois compares to other states and nations as we collectively work to provide all students a world-class education. The analysis is divided into three parts: (1) The first section examines how Illinois public schools serve 2 million students by spotlighting performance on key academic milestones such as 4th-grade reading, 8th-grade math, college readiness in core subjects and postsecondary graduation; (2) The second section examines the interlocking set of reforms that state education leaders, legislators and advocates have crafted to lay the foundation for future academic growth since the State We’re In: 2010. The report also illustrates how the various initiatives fit together to lay a strong academic foundation for Illinois going… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The State We’re In: 2014. A Report Card on Public Education in Illinois

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This report measures Illinois’ educational performance from early childhood through postsecondary education. It tracks how students have performed during the past decade and how that performance compares with students in other states. The state knows that improvement does not happen overnight. By tracking what happens to students over time, Illinois can continuously refine strategies to support them. This report examines six key data measures that make up the rungs of Illinois’ ladder to college success, which spans preschool to postsecondary completion. They show the numbers of: (1) Children starting school kindergarten-ready; (2) 4th-graders proficient in reading; (3) 8th-graders proficient in math, a critical measure of preparedness for high school; (4) High school students graduating college- and career-ready; (5) High school students enrolling in postsecondary education; and (6)… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Characterization of a Unique Undergraduate Multidisciplinary STEM K-5 Teacher Preparation Program

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The K-5 school years are crucial, setting the framework for all subjects as well as critical thinking skills. The single most important component in a classroom is the teacher. However, in a formative timeframe for elementary-school aged children, the number of K-5 teachers that are educated with a Science, Technology, Engineering or Math specialization (“STEM”) is substantially underrepresented. At The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) it was felt that the Department of Technological Studies was well positioned to provide a unique academic major by combining the T&E with the M&S components of STEM, resulting in a program breadth that matches the breadth of skills needed by a highly skilled K-5 teacher. Such a program was established at TCNJ and is formally referred to as the Math-Science-Technology or… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Middle-Grades Leadership Development (MLD) Project: A U.S. Department of Education Investing in Innovation (i3) Development Grant Final Evaluation Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Middle-Grades Leadership Development (MLD) Project was designed to develop principal leaders and leadership teams who create high-performing middle-grades schools. Designed by the National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform, the four-year project was funded from 2013 to 2017 by a U.S. Department of Education Investing in Innovation (i3) development grant. The project was implemented in 12 middle-grades schools in rural and small town areas of Kentucky and Michigan. Schools received an extensive set of school improvement supports, including: creating a vision using the Forum’s Schools to Watch (STW) criteria; engaging in an assessment and planning process for improvement; STW leadership coach; principal mentor; STW mentor schools; leadership team; networking opportunities; and focused professional development. The evaluation of the MLD Project used a quasi-experimental design (QED) with matched… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – 40th Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the “Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,” 2018

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Since the enactment of the “Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975” (“EHA”), Public Law (P.L.) 94-142 and its successor statute, the “Individuals with Disabilities Education Act” (“IDEA” or “act”), the secretary of the U.S. Department of Education (secretary) (and her predecessor, the commissioner of education at the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare) have been required to transmit to Congress an annual report to inform Congress and the public of the progress being made in implementing the act. The annual reports to Congress reflect a history of persistent commitment and effort to expand educational opportunities for children with disabilities. The “40th Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 2018” describes the nation’s progress in: (1) providing a… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Project Exc-EL (Excellence for English Learners): Final Evaluation Report for the National Evaluation of Investing in Innovation (i3) Fund. NEi3 Evaluation Submission

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this evaluation was to understand the development, implementation, and impact of Project Exc-EL (Excellence for English Learners), a school-wide intervention focused on providing teacher professional development and training to better support English learners (ELs) in New York. Project Exc-EL focuses on training teachers to use data to identify EL student needs, creating a school climate focused on college and career readiness, and providing school coaches to support teachers as they serve EL students and their families. Project Exc-EL developed and implemented an enhanced, comprehensive design that addressed the unique and urgent needs of low-incidence EL population school districts — districts that are struggling to provide a comprehensive, rigorous education for the newest members of their communities. The project employed a data-driven, tiered approach to… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Educators’ Perceptions of Mathematically Gifted Students and a Socially Supportive Learning Environment–A Case Study of a Finnish Upper Secondary School

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This article explores five educators’ conceptions of the characteristics of mathematically gifted students and a social learning environment that supports their development in a school for mathematically gifted adolescents in Finland. We conducted this qualitative study through semi-structured interviews and participant observations in a Finnish upper secondary school with a special mathematics program. The research shows that gifted students and their educators form a tight community, the social learning environment of which supports shared motivation, healthy perfectionism, and practicing social skills. The results deepen the understanding of gifted education in the Finnish context and the significance of educators’ shared understanding of social activities as a basis for successful gifted education. Link til kilde