har udgivet: Scholars posit that descriptive education research that focuses on the instructional dynamic between teachers and students is perhaps one the most salient research topics that can improve learning and teaching. This case study seeks to describe prospective teachers’ mathematical affect as they engage in “rehearse teaching” in TeachLivE™, a mixed-reality simulated classroom. Utilizing Goldin et al.’s (2011) engagement structures as evidence of mathematical affect, findings reveal that simulated rehearsals improve prospective teachers’ reformed-based teaching and that this improvement may be related to their improved ‘in-the-moment’ affective states. This study potentially connects prospective teachers’ beliefs and emotions as math learners with their behaviors and instructional praxes as novice math teachers. [For the complete proceedings, see ED583608.] Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This report examines the impact of content-intensive Professional Development (PD) on teachers’ math content knowledge, their instructional practice, and their students’ achievement. The study’s PD had three components, totaling 93 hours. The core of the PD was “Intel Math,” an intensive 80-hour workshop delivered in summer 2013 that focused on deepening teachers’ knowledge of grades K-8 mathematics. Two additional PD components totaling 13 hours were delivered during the 2013-14 school year: the “Mathematics Learning Community,” a series of five 2-hour collaborative meetings focused on analyzing student work; and “Video Feedback Cycles,” a series of three one-on-one coaching sessions where teachers’ lessons were observed and critiqued. The purpose of these two components was to reinforce the math content in Intel Math and help teachers apply the content to… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Improving math achievement among U.S. students remains a high priority as results from recent math assessments continue to show room for improvement. For example, 60 percent of fourth-graders scored below the proficient level on the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress. On the most recent Program for International Student Assessment’s math problem-solving test, U.S. 15-year-olds outperformed students in only 6 of the 34 participating countries. In an era of increasingly rigorous state standards, teachers at all grade levels face heightened expectations to deepen their students’ understanding of mathematical concepts. Teachers may thus benefit from professional development (PD) that deepens their own conceptual understanding of math. Elementary school teachers may especially benefit from content-focused PD because they are less likely to formally study math in college than secondary… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: A teacher preparation institution critically reviewed current programs and began moving toward a clinically based model. One focuses on Middle Grades/Secondary Math and Science, another focuses on Secondary English Language Arts, and a pilot project focuses on Elementary with a minor in either English/Language Arts or STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The purpose of the research is to develop a valid and reliable attitude scale that can measure the attitudes of math and science teachers (315) and teacher candidates (105) towards mistakes and instant feedback. In the validity studies, the exploratory factor analysis was made with the SPS1S 8.0 package program after that the confirmatory factor analysis was made with Lisrel 8.8 software. To develop the scale; 1. Creation of Item Pool, 2. Obtaining Expert Opinion, 3. Creation of Pre-Trial Form, 4. Factor Analysis is made. According to factor analysis; Kaiser Meyer Olkin (KMO) rate; 0.808; Bartlett test result: 2148,354; Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient for the whole scale: 0.829. According to confirmatory factor analysis: Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) 0.022 (<0.05); p-Value for Test of Close… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: “Maths by Email” (MbE) is a free fortnightly email newsletter produced through a partnership between CSIRO Education and the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI), with funding from the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). The principal aim of MbE has been “to communicate that mathematics is making a valuable contribution to the community, is relevant, beautiful, interesting and enjoyable and provides many employment opportunities.” This evaluation study was commissioned by CSIRO Education to provide independent feedback to the editors and publisher of the “Maths by Email” (MbE) initiative to potentially improve the service and to inform decision making regarding future plans for the service. In detail, the study was concerned with (i) who is using MbE and how it is being used; (ii)… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Education policymakers and leaders often say that the opinions and observations of teachers are among the most important information to help explain and understand what is happening in schools. Teachers’ voices can inject a sense of classroom and school-level realism into those discussions and add clarity and credibility to issues that are often clouded by competing interests. The Center on Education Policy (CEP), in an effort to gather and amplify teachers’ voices about current education issues and their own profession, conducted a national survey of public school K-12 teachers in the winter of 2015-16. The survey focused on a strategic set of issues for policymakers, educators, business leaders, and the public, including teachers’ views on their profession, standards, testing, and evaluations. The nationally representative sample surveyed for… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Recent results from national and international assessments continue to show a need for improvement in math achievement among U.S. students. For example, 60 per-cent of grade 4 students scored below the proficient level on the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress. In an era of increasingly rigorous state standards, teachers at all grade levels face heightened expectations to deepen their students’ understanding of math concepts. Teachers may benefit from professional development (PD) that strengthens their own conceptual understanding of math, particularly elementary school teachers who are less likely to formally study math in college than secondary teachers are. To date, there is limited convincing evidence on the effectiveness of intensive, content-focused PD, a gap this study intended to address. This study examined the implementation and impact of… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The purpose of this brief is to synthesize research on coaching and to offer a framework of effective coaching practices. Part 1 provides general information on coaching, including the need for coaching and the goals of coaching. Part 2 describes critical coaching practices that are linked to improvements in teacher practice and learner outcomes. As these practices are most associated with such improvements, they are the recommended practices that should be central to the every-day routine of coaches working in general education or special education settings, as well in environments (e.g., homes, schools, childcare centers) with learners of all ages. Appendix A contains information about various coaching models commonly cited in research and applied in the field (e.g., literacy coaching, behavior coaching, math coaching). This brief is… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Problems of the Week (PoWs) are creative, non-routine math challenges for elementary-, middle-, and high-school-level students. They are designed to stimulate student interest in problem solving and to encourage them to communicate their mathematical thinking. This Teacher’s Guide describes program features and provides strategies for beginning the program with students, creating a problem-solving classroom culture fitted around the existing classroom schedule. The Guide also introduces the Math Forum’s scoring rubric and feedback process. The appendices offer step-by-step instructions and additional detailed information about the Math Forum. They include: (1) details on how to search by by level/topic, standard, or textbook and perform Write Math searches; illustrated page how-tos; details about the registration process, how to start students using their subscriptions, and monitoring students’ work; (2) How… Continue Reading →
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