har udgivet: Background information on the shortage of teachers in mathematics and science is first summarized, with discussion of reasons why fewer persons are entering teaching and many experienced teachers are leaving. Then the Midcareer Mathematics and Science Program is described. It is designed to provide mid- to late-career professionals who already possess quantitative backgrounds with the training they need to become secondary school mathematics and science teachers. With six students in 1983 and 20 in 1984, it reaches those for whom the economic constraints of teaching are of less concern, status has already been attained in another field, and the change of pace and environment are welcomed. Conducted during the academic year with optional summer workshops, the eight courses in the program are divided among educational theory, methods… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: An analysis of a student teacher’s lesson in multiplication for Norwegian second graders explored why the lesson did not succeed. Two interpretive frameworks were used to analyze the lesson: teaching as a complex cognitive activity and teaching as improvisation. The student teacher, Marte, believed in child-centered education and tried to create situations in the classroom where her children experienced success. The analysis of student and teacher exchanges showed that Marte’s class derailed because her pupils offered unexpected types of comments for which she was not prepared; she used the dialogue teaching method which created an unstable and unpredictable classroom environment; and in her responses to the unexpected answers she attended to the wrong things. She was also derailed due to lack of pedagogical content knowledge in mathematics.… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper overviews strategies employed by the Appalachian Rural Systemic Initiative (ARSI) to implement systemic reform in math, science, and technology education in rural Appalachia. ARSI is one of four Rural Systemic Initiative projects funded by the National Science Foundation to target regions characterized by low population density and high levels of poverty. The initiative targeted 66 counties encompassing 89 school districts in Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. The ARSI project is based on two fundamental strategies: school and community-based action and technology as a tool for access. Specifically, the initiative involved the creation of six regional resource collaboratives made up of key organizations such as universities and community colleges, business and industry, federal and state agencies, teacher enhancement projects, exemplary schools, and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This kit is designed to help science and mathematics teachers become more aware of the rights, responsibilities, potential contribution, and needs of students with disabilities, teachers’ responsibilities for ensuring equal educational opportunities for all students in their programs, and strategies for accommodating students who have disabilities in science and math classes. Material includes a notebook, a 2-hour videotape recording, and informational handouts and a pamphlet on the DO-IT (Disabilities Opportunities Internetworking Technology) program. The “Background and General Strategies” section of the notebook covers general issues related to access to education for individuals with disabilities, and legal and attitudinal issues as well as general teaching strategies. The”Computing Access” section covers the three areas that must be addressed in order to provide full access to computing resources (computer lab… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper explains the investigative attempts of The New York City Math Exchange Group (MEG) on elementary mathematics teachers’ content knowledge in Adult Basic Education (ABE). The study is comparative in nature and took place in a workshop at the Adults Learning Maths Conference in Boston. The new members of the MEG professional development group were compared to the veteran members. It is observed that among the experienced MEG members, the ability to compute a division problem, create story problems, and reason mathematically and abstractly were higher than in other studies of U.S. teachers and the sample of new MEG members. It is concluded that it is only through comprehensive and ongoing staff development that all teachers can better understand, apply, and teach mathematics to their students.… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The underrepresentation of women and racial and ethnic minorities in computer science (CS) and other fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is a serious impediment to technological innovation as well as an affront to fundamental notions of fairness and equity. These gaps emerge in the early grades and tend to persist, if not widen, throughout the secondary and postsecondary years. The unconscious biases (UB) of teachers, school administrators, and fellow students may contribute meaningfully to the persistence of these gaps. Fortunately, a nascent literature on targeted interventions that directly address UB suggests there may be compelling opportunities to promote broader engagement in CS and STEM education and employment. The fields of neuroscience, social psychology, economics, and sociology articulate the many possible origins of UB and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: For many teacher education programs, the development of the effective teacher is one of their primary goals. Research has shown that teachers’ sense of efficacy is a significant indicator of effective teacher teachers. This study attempts to reveal novice, beginning, and expert science and mathematics in-service or pre-service teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and how the teachers’ knowledge is related to their sense of efficacy. The expert and beginner teachers reported higher teaching efficacy than the novice teachers as measured by a formal psychological scale. The experts and beginners also related more teaching efficacy-related statements than novices. (Contains 33 references.) (ASK) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper describes a simulation activity, which was coupled with Confluent/Gestalt meta-processing, that was designed to address the affective component of a mathematics procedures class for preservice teachers. The activity consisted of an explanation and demonstration for teacher educators. It is argued that a reconstruction of disposition towards mathematics is an essential component of effective professional education programs. In order for student teachers to acquire a positive disposition towards mathematical thinking, instructors must help these students to deconstruct their prior learning, which may have negatively impacted their attitudes toward mathematics, and to reconstruct a new understanding of mathematical processes. In the simulation which is presented, participants experience an intervention, characterized by Confluent/Gestalt meta-processing, that can be used with student teachers in a mathematics methods class. The intervention… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The conceptual foundation for remedial education is straightforward: students are tested to determine whether they meet a given level of academic proficiency for college-level classes. For those who do not meet this level, deficiencies in skills are addressed through some form of supplementary instruction, most often remedial courses. The study summarized in this Brief employs a quasi-experimental design to examine remedial enrollment and outcomes of community college students throughout the state of Florida. Results of the study suggest that as a means for addressing the needs of under-prepared students, remediation has both benefits and drawbacks. After controlling for noncompliance and endogenous sorting around the placement test cutoff score, students on the margin of requiring math remediation were slightly more likely to persist to their second year. Similarly,… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In the first decade of the 21st century, the nation, the states, and colleges and universities began to grapple with the challenges of globalization, changing demography, the implications of the digital era, and of a less expansive public sector. Although not a transformative period for higher education, the decade saw significant innovations in teaching and learning, intense policy ferment, and debates over the future of colleges and universities and their roles and responsibilities in American society. Parts one and two of this book describe several of the most interesting and significant developments in higher education, and in public policy, reported by leading journalists in the field of higher education. In part three, observers of American higher education comment on critical issues facing colleges and universities, the states… Continue Reading →
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