har udgivet: This Teacher Education and Mathematics (TEAM) content module focuses on approximation and estimation. It consists of: (1) an instructor’s text; (2) an instructor’s guide and solutions to student exercises; (3) student materials and exercises; and (4) student summary and review. The instructor’s text provides specific directions for guiding lessons and commentary on mathematics content and mathematics attitudes. This is accomplished by a “facing pages” format whereby the right-hand page provides step-by-step teaching directives while the left-hand page provides teaching insights, other options of instruction, and psychological or attitudinal strategies, when appropriate. The instructor’s text also contains content objectives, specified to indicate the scope and structure of the module, and student evaluation materials. The instructor’s guide and solutions to exercises provides teaching approaches and solutions to problems. Student… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This Teacher Education and Mathematics (TEAM) content module focuses on probability. It consists of: (1) an instructor’s text; (2) an instructor’s guide and solutions to student exercises; (3) student materials and exercises; and (4) student summary and review. The instructor’s text provides specific directions for guiding lessons and commentary on mathematics content and mathematics attitudes. This is accomplished by a “facing pages” format whereby the right-hand page provides step-by-step teaching directives while the left-hand page provides teaching insights, other options of instruction, and psychological or attitudinal strategies, when appropriate. The instructor’s text also contains content objectives, specified to indicate the scope and structure of the module, and student evaluation materials. The instructor’s guide and solutions to exercises provides approaches and solutions to problems. Student materials and exercises… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: As part of an effort to improve basic math instruction at Vocational-Technical Institute (T-VI) in New Mexico, a survey was conducted asking teachers, tutors, and instructional technicians to assess the importance of and student performance on 35 basic math competencies. Survey responses were then related to two national standards of mathematical literacy: the vocational standards of the Secretary of Labor’s Commission on Achieving the Necessary Skills (SCANS) and the academic standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Study highlights included the following: (1) several skills seen as important by SCANS and NCTM were viewed as unimportant by teachers of math and math-related subjects, including “working together in groups to solve problems,””using calculators,””ability to estimate,””ability to use measuring tools and systems,” and “ability to use… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The purpose of this paper is to examine two InterMath pilot workshops and how they were able to meet the goals of learner-centered professional development. The paper focuses on the experiences of the learners, offers insights from each case as well as across cases, and provides suggestions to improve the experience for later learners. The data reported in this paper came only from the workshops and interviews with the teachers and the instructors. Several findings emerged that spanned across both cases. Support and interaction became very intertwined in the cross-case analysis. Another support/interaction issue that appeared was the overwhelming number of procedural questions that were asked by the participants. Finally, while the researchers provided every opportunity for collaborative learning, few teachers chose to engage in it. There… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This Teacher Education and Mathematics (TEAM) module is designed to increase awareness of the fact that, historically, women have contributed to mathematical knowledge and mathematics education, that they continue to do so at the present time, and that these women may serve as important role models. It contains an instructor’s text and student materials. The instructor’s text provides (1) specific directions for the instructor to follow in guiding lessons and (2) commentary designed to help in building positive mathematics attitudes. The directions tell how to proceed step-by-step, while the commentary articulates a philosophy and provides explanations, attitudinal interventions, and instructional alternatives. This is accomplished with a special “facing pages” format. The right-hand page provides teaching directives, while the left-hand page, “commentary and notes” (or just “notes” when… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper describes the EQUALS teacher education program to assist educators in increasing participation of females in mathematics courses. The goal of the program was to increase educators’ awareness of the issues surrounding the problem of mathematics avoidance among females, and particularly the future consequences for those students who avoided mathematics. Teaching strategies and materials were provided to actively engage students in doing mathematics and understanding the relevance of math to their future career options. The materials were presented in a workshop format to K-12 educators, as well as counselors, curriculum specialists, and principals. The impact of the workshop on participating educators was measured by surveying their satisfaction with program elements, their implementation of program activities, and their continued professional growth. (Author/DS) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In 1991, the President announced America 2000, a complex and long-range plan designed to move every community toward the six national education goals. Consistent with this, the Office for Civil Rights instituted a National Enforcement Strategy designed to help protect equal educational opportunity for all students. This pamphlet has been prepared principally for elementary and secondary school teachers, counselors, and administrators who serve in school systems that have programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. It reviews survey data concerning the representation of minority and female students in math and science courses at the elementary and secondary level and attainment of postsecondary degrees in these academic disciplines. Also, information is provided, based on research findings and experience gained to date, on ways for improving interest and… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Females are underrepresented in courses in mathematics, science, and computer and other high technology applications. Research in the last decade has identified a variety of factors that contribute to females’ lack of participation in math, science, and technology. These factors include, but are not limited to, the following: stereotypic images and expectations, lack of self-confidence, peer pressure, learning environment, teacher behavior, lack of female role models, failure to see relevance, attributional style or personal responsibility, and lack of incentives. The following strategies can address these issues: (1) parents’, teachers’, and counselors’ efforts to dispel stereotypes; (2) improvement of self-confidence; (3) use of peer pressure by making success in math and science prestigious; (4) enhancement of the learning environment; (5) equalization of teacher behavior; (6) provision of female… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Project for Minority Student Achievement (PMSA), a 5-year program funded in part by the National Science Foundation, is a program designed to engender systemic change within a segment of a large urban school district in the Los Angeles (California) Basin. Approximately 40% of the student participants were African American and approximately 60% were Hispanic/Latino-American. The program sought to serve 58% of the 90,793 students, 41% of the 6,573 teachers, and all of the principals of the 40 targeted schools. The School of Education of a major urban university, also in the Los Angeles Basin, provided a total of nine long-term activities for students, educators, and school administrators. Students in grades 4 through 10 participated in activities such as the Summer Science/Math Camp and college preparatory survival… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This Teacher Education and Mathematics (TEAM) module focuses on women, mathematics, and careers. Module goals include (among others) increasing students’ awarenesss of the role that mathematics plays in almost all careers and their ability to pinpoint mathematics behaviors used in specific careers. The module consists of an instructor’s text and student materials. The instructor’s text provides (1) specific directions for guiding the lessons and (2) commentary designed to help teachers build positive mathematics attitudes. The format is one of “facing pages” whereby the right-hand page provides step-by-step teaching directives and the left-hand page furnishes commentary that articulates a philosophy, provides explanations, and suggests psychological approaches. The “commentary and notes” page also allots space for the instructor’s use and when no commentary applies, the entire page is alloted… Continue Reading →
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