Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Candidates’ STEM Awareness Levels

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purposes of this research are determining FeTeMM awareness level of teacher candidates and detecting being affected situations of this awareness by different variables. This is a descriptive field research and it was conducted with scanning model. This research’s study group consists of 254 (170 female and 84 male) education faculty students that are at 3rd and 4th grades of Computer, Math and Science Teaching Departments of Amasya University at 2015-2016 education year. As a data collecting tool, “FeTeMM awareness scale” -which was designed by Buyruk and Korkmaz- was used. Within data analyzing; mean, ANOVA, Schieffe and T-Tests were utilized. As a result of analysis, it was seen that teacher candidates have high level of FeTeMM awareness and gender has no effect on this awareness level. Researchers… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Students of Primary School Teaching Department Regarding Mathematics and Teaching Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Prospective teachers’ attitudes and beliefs regarding self-efficacy beliefs become the basis of their attitudes in their professional lives, as they affect their students’ attitudes and self-efficacy. The aim of this study is to determine the primary teacher training students’ attitudes towards mathematics and self-efficacy beliefs regarding teaching math and the relationship among them. The “Relational Scanning Model” is used in the study. Data is collected from 290 students who were studying in the Primary Education Department of 9 Eylül University, Buca Faculty of Education. Mathematics Attitude Scale and Self-efficacy Belief Scale towards Teaching Mathematics are used to gather data. SPSS 22 was used for data analyses. T-test used for identifying significance of differences, and the Pearson correlation coefficient by means of different aspects. Results showed no differences… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – An Exploration of Preservice Teachers’ Reasoning about Teaching Mathematics to English Language Learners

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Research indicates that many English learners (ELs) have not been effectively supported in meeting their academic learning goals. This explains, in part, the growing interest and corresponding research on the essential teacher knowledge-base for teaching ELs. Despite the attention paid to this issue, research on preservice teachers’ reasoning and instructional decision-making, especially regarding teaching mathematics to ELs remains underexplored. For this reason, we examined–through the use of authentic teaching scenarios–how ten preservice mathematics teachers, at the end of their teacher training, chose to present mathematical concepts to their EL learners. We also studied, in depth, the rationale behind their choices. Qualitative analyses of these data revealed that pre-service mathematics teachers’ instructional decision making was grounded in their perceptions of ELs as either a homogenous or a markedly… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Teacher Candidate’s Construction Knowledge about Function and Student’s Difficulties

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The quality of mathematics assignments from teachers to students is one important element that determines whether learning is effective or not. To make quality math assignments requires knowledge from the teacher about content and students, who are subdomains of mathematical knowledge to teach. This knowledge needs to be developed in prospective mathematics teachers since programmed teacher education. By focusing on one of the basic concepts in mathematics, namely the concept of function, research was conducted on 25 mathematics teacher candidates. Through interactions that occur in modified focus group discussions, we want to find out how prospective teachers construct knowledge about the concept of functions and difficulties of students. The results showed that in constructing the concept of functions and difficulties of students, teacher candidates worked backward, there… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Proceedings of the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group = Actes de la Rencontre Annuelle 2006 du Groupe Canadien d’Etude en Didactique des Mathematiques (30th, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Jun 3-7, 2006)

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This submission contains the Proceedings of the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group (CMESG), held at the University of Calgary in Calgary, Alberta. The CMESG is a group of mathematicians and mathematics educators who meet annually to discuss mathematics education issues at all levels of learning. The aims of the Study Group are: to advance education by organizing and coordinating national conferences and seminars to study and improve the theories of the study of mathematics or any other aspects of mathematics education in Canada at all levels; and to undertake research in mathematics education and to disseminate the results of this research. These proceedings include plenary lectures, working group reports, topic session descriptions, new PhD reports, and summaries of ad hoc sessions and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – “Math Makes Me Sweat” The Impact of Pre-Service Courses on Mathematics Anxiety

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: We investigate mathematics anxiety amongst education majors currently enrolled as pre-service teachers in special education, deaf and hard of hearing, early childhood and elementary education. The impact of a compulsory freshmen content course and sophomore methodology course on mathematics anxiety for each education major was studied over a two year period. Results indicate that the highest level of mathematics anxiety, as measured by the Revised-Mathematics Anxiety Survey (R-MANX), occurred amongst pre-service deaf and hard of hearing teachers as they enter their training as teachers. Results reveal that certain education majors benefit more than others from mathematics training courses. (Contains 9 tables and 1 figure.) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Examining the Speaking Self-Efficacy of Pre-Service Teachers Concerning Different Variables

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Purpose: This study was conducted to examine the speaking self-efficacy of pre-service teachers concerning different variables. Self-efficacy indicates the belief of an individual concerning the capacity of fulfilling a certain task. Self-efficacy perceptions strongly affect almost all dimensions of an individual’s life, the choices made, the efforts made in achieving a goal and the degree of anxiety. The ability of pre-service teachers to reach this awareness level in the speaking skill may affect their future life, education and business life positively. Research Methods: This study was conducted with the participation of 499 students receiving education in the Departments of Computer and Instructional Technologies, Science Education, Maths Education, Preschool Education, Classroom Education, Psychological Counseling and Guidance (PCG), Social Studies Education and Turkish Education at Kirsehir Ahi Evran University… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Investigation of Pre-Service Teachers’ Tolerance Tendencies and Democratic Tendencies

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The current study aims to investigate whether pre-service teachers’ tolerance tendencies and democratic tendencies vary significantly depending on gender and mother and father’s education level and the relationship between their tolerance tendencies and democratic tendencies. A total of 417 second-year students from the departments of Turkish teaching, social studies teaching, elementary school teacher training, pre-school teacher training, science teaching, elementary school math teaching, arts, music, psychological counselling and guidance, English teaching and German teaching participated in the current study. In the analysis of the collected data, frequencies, percentages, Mann Whitney U test, Kruskall Wallis test and correlation analysis were used. As a result of the analyses, the pre-service teachers’ tolerance tendencies were found to be very high. The female pre-service teachers’ tolerance tendencies were found to be… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Demise of Creativity in Tomorrow’s Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In the last several years a good deal of public discourse was devoted to describing the effects that more than two decades of education reforms, the last iteration of which was known as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), has had on teaching and learning. It is widely argued that coupling teacher evaluations with students’ test scores, enforced standardization, and over-reliance on testing for measuring achievement results in a deadened curriculum hyper-focused on math and ELA achievement, divorced from lived experience, the arts, sciences, and history (Ravitch, 2013). The specific focus of this study was to examine the consequences of schooling under the reform mandates of the last two decades on the next generation of teachers. The authors investigated anecdotal evidence shared by teacher educators regarding teacher… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Self-Referential Metaphors as Indicators of the Emerging Professional Identity

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Ideals play a key role in a student teachers’ identity work. They form targets to strive for and a mirror for reflection. In this paper, we examine Finnish mathematics student teachers’ metaphors for the teacher’s role (N=188). We classified the metaphors according to a model that identified teachers as subject matter experts, didactical experts, and pedagogical experts, with the addition of another two categories, self-referential and contextual. For the exploration of emerging professional identities, we studied the self-referential metaphors, which formed the most common category in the data. We observed that every third metaphor described either student teachers’ personalities or their incompleteness as teachers, or new beginnings or eras. Although these aspects were expected, they also inform us as teacher educators of the values and ideals that… Continue Reading