Eric.ed.gov – Math Is in the Eye of the Beholder.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A researcher surveyed 161 students in adult education math classes at four community colleges in Illinois and 13 adult education math teachers. Both groups were asked to complete the survey from the viewpoint of a student. The respondents were asked what should math classes teach; what kind of problems they most enjoy working on in class; whether they prefer working on their own in a good workbook with teacher help, working with a partner or small group, or working as a whole class; whether they think it is more productive to do workbook word problems, seek solutions to math problems in students’ lives, or practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; would they rather listen to the teacher’s explanation, practice by solving games and puzzles, watch an example… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Academy: Play Ball! Explorations in Data Analysis & Statistics. Book 3: Supplemental Math Materials for Grades 3-8

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Created by teachers for teachers, the Math Academy tools and activities included in this booklet were designed to create hands-on activities and a fun learning environment for the teaching of mathematics to the students. This booklet contains the “Math Academy–Play Ball! Explorations in Data Analysis & Statistics,” which teachers can use to enhance their math instruction while staying true to the academic rigor required by the state standards framework. Included in this booklet are activities the author used for the sports Math Academy. This Math Academy is designed to help students understand the connection between sports, data collection, and statistical analysis. As the students play each “game,” they will collect, organize, display, and analyze the data from the game results. Teachers may choose to implement a grade-level… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Academy: Let’s Go to the Mall! Explorations in Combinatorics. Book 5: Supplemental Math Materials for Grades 3-8

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Created by teachers for teachers, the Math Academy tools and activities included in this booklet were designed to create hands-on activities and a fun learning environment for the teaching of mathematics to the students. This booklet contains the “Math Academy–Let’s Go to the Mall! Explorations in Combinatorics,” which teachers can use to enhance their math instruction while staying true to the academic rigor required by the state standards framework. Included in this booklet are activities the author used for the combinations and permutations Math Academy. This Math Academy is designed to help students understand the connection between various kinds of combinations (multiplication principle and choose numbers) and permutations. Teachers may choose to implement a grade-level or school-wide Math Academy, or they may prefer to implement these activities… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Evaluation of “Maths by Email.” Final Report

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Maths by Email” (MbE) is a free fortnightly email newsletter produced through a partnership between CSIRO Education and the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI), with funding from the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). The principal aim of MbE has been “to communicate that mathematics is making a valuable contribution to the community, is relevant, beautiful, interesting and enjoyable and provides many employment opportunities.” This evaluation study was commissioned by CSIRO Education to provide independent feedback to the editors and publisher of the “Maths by Email” (MbE) initiative to potentially improve the service and to inform decision making regarding future plans for the service. In detail, the study was concerned with (i) who is using MbE and how it is being used; (ii)… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Infusion in Agricultural Education and Career and Technical Education in Rural Schools

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The increased pressure for gains in academic performance in mathematics and science are not going to dissipate, and rural schools must find a way to meet these challenges. The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and the Carl D. Perkins Federal Vocational and Technical Education Act legislations have also put pressure on career and technical education (CTE) to increase academic standards in CTE curriculum. Infusing mathematics into the curriculum will give students a chance to see the mathematics in a real-world context. The model of infusion proposed by the National Research Center for Career and Technical Education (NRCCTE) has given a viable option to aid in teaching mathematics in context. Further research is needed in order to guide everyone to the best model of mathematics infusion. The NRCCTE… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Academy: Are You Game? Explorations in Probability. Supplemental Math Materials for Grades 3-6

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Created by teachers for teachers, the Math Academy tools and activities included in this booklet were designed to create hands-on activities and a fun learning environment for the teaching of mathematics to the students. This booklet contains the themed program “Are You Game? Math Academy–Explorations in Probability,” which teachers can use to enhance their math instruction while staying true to the academic rigor required by the state standards framework. Included in this booklet are activities the author used for The Game Company Math Academy. This Math Academy is designed to help students understand probability through playing games. Teachers may choose to implement a grade-level or school-wide Math Academy, or they may prefer to implement these activities in their own classroom. Whichever format they use, teachers should keep… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Efficacy and Relevancy of the Language Courses in the Preparation of Elementary Science and Mathematics Prospective Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The present study aims to determine the efficacy and relevancy of the two foreign language courses required for preparing elementary prospective teachers to teach Science and Mathematics in English or French. The study is a mixed one relying on quantitative data collected from the rating scales and the 5-point Likert-type Scale Questionnaires while the qualitative data is collected from the open-ended questions. Data was collected from: a) a questionnaire addressed to professors and instructors who teach the two language courses: “Language of Teaching” (FCE) and “Techniques of Expression” (TE), b) a questionnaire administered to science and mathematics trainers, c) a questionnaire addressed to students in the 2nd and 3rd semesters majoring in science and mathematics Education, d) a questionnaire addressed to a purposeful sample–3rd year students majoring… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Games for Enhancing Sustainability of Year 7 Maths Classes in Indonesia: Theory-Driven Development, Testing and Analyses of Lessons, and of Students’ Outcomes

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The results of international comparative studies have shown that relationships exist between metacognition and cognitive activation and learning success. Since 2007 we have been carrying out projects in Indonesia to improve cognitive and metacognitive activities of pupils of year 7 and their teachers. These activities are to contribute to the construction and sensible use of sustainable mental models for mathematical concepts and methods by learners. This paper shows how games are used for the enhancement of metacognitive and discursive activities in class. Their effectiveness is documented exemplary by means of students’ outcomes and transcripts of lessons from project classes. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Solving the Unknown with Algebra: Poster/Teaching Guide for Pre-Algebra Students. Expect the Unexpected with Math[R]

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: “Solving the Unknown with Algebra” is a new math program aligned with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards and designed to help students practice pre-algebra skills including using formulas, solving for unknowns, and manipulating equations. Developed by The Actuarial Foundation with Scholastic, this program provides skill-building activities that use mathematics for real purposes, while motivating students to achieve success in the classroom and in real-world situations outside of school. [A poster that accompanies this teaching guide can be viewed and/or retrieved at: http://www.actuarialfoundation.org/pdf/Solving_Poster.pdf.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – STEM Education in Rural Schools: Implications of Untapped Potential

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: A large number of students in American public schools attend rural schools. In this paper, the authors explore rural science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education and the issues associated with STEM education for students, teachers, and parents in rural communities. Characteristics of rural STEM education are examined to highlight unique considerations for this context. The authors conclude with the recommendation that more research is needed that specifically addresses rural STEM education. Link til kilde