Eric.ed.gov – Vital Signs: Delaware

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Business leaders in Delaware cannot find the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) talent they need to stay competitive. Students’ lagging performance in K-12 is a critical reason why. The good news is that the nation’s most effective STEM education programs can help turn the tide. Delaware students have already made real progress in math over the past decade the state also shows strengths in science. Elementary students spend more time on science than their peers in other states do, and eighth graders are more likely to conduct hands-on investigations. Yet not enough students-least of all minorities-get the chance to learn rich and challenging content that prepares them for college and careers. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Vital Signs: Arkansas

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Business leaders in Arkansas cannot find the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) talent they need to stay competitive. Students’ lagging performance in K-12 is a critical reason why. The good news is that the nation’s most effective STEM education programs can help turn the tide. Students in Arkansas have made real progress in math over the past decade. Yet not enough students, least of all minorities, are getting exposed to challenging content to prepare them for college and careers. The stakes in the state are very high. While the number of college degrees and certificates in the state rose almost dramatically in the last decade, it actually fell in STEM, particularly among women. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Mathematics Stories: Preservice Teachers’ Images and Experiences as Learners of Mathematics

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study seeks to determine whether national trends in subject matter knowledge and in curricular experiences hold true for prospective teachers who attended K-12 schooling during the reform period. It further seeks to determine other influences on teachers’ visions of mathematics and goals for themselves as mathematics teachers. Teachers’ past experiences and knowledge have an impact on their ability to teach mathematics. Autobiographies, or what they are calling math stories, provide one way to study these experiences. Through the powerful lens of mathematics stories, this study seeks to view teachers’ past experiences, to begin to deconstruct possible limiting notions, and to build on solid notions of mathematics and mathematics instruction to better shape classroom practice for tomorrow’s students. (Contains 3 tables and 1 figure.) Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program. Report to the Legislature

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program (WCAP) is a maturing and stable program. In 2016-17 it included: (1) Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) in English Language Arts (ELA) and math for students in grades 3-8 and high school; (2) Measurements of Student Progress (MSP) in science for grades 5 and 8; (3) End-of-Course exams in math and biology; and (4) Specialized testing for English proficiency, alternate achievement standards, and graduation alternatives. Spring 2017 represented the third year of Smarter Balanced testing. In spring 2017, a total of 580,276 students took the ELA tests and 558,631 students took the math tests. Students with significant cognitive challenges can take an alternate assessment, the Washington Access to Instruction and Measurement (WA-AIM). In spring 2017, about 6,000 students took the WA-AIM. Washington is… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Reasons for the Decline of the Results of Jordanian Students in “TIMSS 2015”

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The study aimed at identifying the reasons behind the Jordanian students’ drop of performance in the TIMSS 2015 from the point of view of their teachers. Survey method was used because teachers are the most able to decide upon the reasons of this fall and so a questionnaire was designed to recognize their point of view concerning the reasons of this retreat. The study population consisted of 130 teachers of science and mathematics in Ma’an governorate. Teachers whose teaching experience was more than one year to make sure they are familiar with TIMSS tests. Random sampling technique was used to select 90 teachers representing 69% of the study population. For data analysis, means and standards deviations were calculated, and the Schiffe test was used to determine the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Evaluation of the Waterford Early Math & Science Program for Kindergarten: First-Year Implementation in Five Urban Low-Income Schools

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Background: The Waterford Early Math & Science (WEMS) program is a comprehensive educational software program designed to build math and science skills and concepts in grades K-2, alone or to supplement existing curricula. The program’s capability to individualize lessons, assess and track student progress, and reteach lessons is aimed at keeping potentially “at risk” students at grade level. Purpose: The present evaluation of the Waterford Early Math & Science program is the first independent study of its effectiveness. Setting: The study was carried out in five low-income, largely Hispanic schools in the Tucson Unified School District during the 2005-06 school year. Study Sample: This report covers the 22 kindergartens (345 students) of a larger study of 59 K-2 classrooms (923 students) in the five schools. Intervention: Treatment… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Barriers to Student Success in Madagascar

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Various indicators suggest that math and science students in many developing countries are lagging behind their counterparts in other nations. Using Madagascar as a case study, we aimed to: (1) evaluate the effectiveness of education among those enrolled in science and math programs at primary, secondary, and university institutions; and, (2) understand barriers to student progression through the education system. To that end we conducted 63 semi-structured interviews in June and August 2012 with science and math teachers in five population centers, across all three levels of both public and private school systems. We found that crowded classes, limited resources (pedagogical and infrastructural), an average student range in age of seven years per classroom (suggestive of grade repetition and/or late school starting age), and discontinuities in the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Vital Signs: Pennsylvania

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Business leaders in Pennsylvania cannot find the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) talent they need to stay competitive. Students’ lagging performance in K-12 is a critical reason why. The good news is that the nation’s most effective STEM Education programs can help turn the tide. Pennsylvania students have made some gains in math and science, but racial and ethnic achievement gaps are among the very largest in the nation, and low-income students are least likely to have access to science labs or teachers with the resources they need. Not enough students–least of all minorities–have the chance to learn challenging content to prepare them for college and careers. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Vital Signs: Tennessee

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Business leaders in Tennessee cannot find the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) talent they need to stay competitive. Students’ lagging performance in K-12 is a critical reason why. The good news is that the nation’s most effective STEM education programs can help turn the tide. Students have made progress in math over the past decade, yet not enough students–least of all minorities–have the chance to learn challenging content to prepare them for college and careers. There is special cause for concern in science. Girls lag behind boys, not enough students conduct regular hands-on investigations and science teachers say they don’t have the resources they need. Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Vital Signs: New Jersey

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Business leaders in New Jersey cannot find the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) talent they need to stay competitive. Students’ lagging performance in K-12 is a critical reason why. The good news is that the nation’s most effective STEM education programs can help turn the tide. New Jersey students have made progress in math over the past decade. Yet not enough students–least of all minorities–have the chance to learn challenging content to prepare them for college and careers. Science teachers of low-income, black and Hispanic students are most likely to say they don’t have the resources they need, and their schools are most likely to lack facilities and materials for science instruction. Link til kilde