Eric.ed.gov – Montessori Special Education and Nature’s Playground

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Nimal Vaz takes us to the essentials of Montessori as an aid to life for all children, particularly children with special needs. She challenges teachers to truly provide experiences in nature: observing anthills, identifying bird nests, or taking an olfactory walk with a legally blind classmate. Finally, she demonstrates how a child’s interest in practical life, math, language, sensorial, biology, botany, geology, and geography originates with direct experience in nature. [Reprinted from “The NAMTA Journal,” 34, 2 (2009, Spring): 141-157. This talk was delivered at the NAMTA conference titled “Montessori Special Education II: A Contemporary Assessment,” Atlanta, Georgia, January 22-25, 2009.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Inclusive Education in the United States: Middle School General Education Teachers’ Approaches to Inclusion

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Research examined how three middle school teachers included students with disabilities in their general education classrooms. Purposive sampling was used to select a sixth grade science teacher, seventh grade social studies teacher, and eighth grade math teacher whose classrooms were identified as exemplifying the characteristics of inclusive settings. Each participant had at least six years of teaching experience. The qualitative techniques of interviews, observations, and document analyses were utilized to tell the stories of the three teachers. The specific themes and areas that emerged from the data were preparation, attitudes, and expectations; planning time, collaboration and in-class supports; and instructional strategies. Data revealed that all participants had little pre-service preparation specific to working with students with disabilities and varying levels of in-class supports, but all had positive… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – After Two Years, Three Elementary Math Curricula Outperform a Fourth. NCEE Technical Appendix. NCEE 2013-4019

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This appendix provides the details that underlie the analyses reported in the evaluation brief, “After Two Years, Three Elementary Math Curricula Outperform a Fourth.” The details are organized in six sections: Study Curricula and Design (Section A), Data Collection (Section B), Construction of the Analysis File (Section C), Curriculum Effects on Student Math Achievement (Section D), Curriculum Implementation (Section E), and Effects of Switching Curricula (Section F). (Contains 19 footnotes, 35 tables, and 2 figures.) [For the full report, see ED544185.] Link til kilde


Eric.ed.gov – Effectiveness of Using iPads to Build Math Fluency

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Research into integrating technology such as iPads into the curriculum for students with disabilities is still new. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the use of a basic math skill application on an iPad to increase basic math fluency. As part of a classwide academic intervention, the study was conducted with 10 students with moderate to severe cognitive disabilities enrolled in a special education school. This four-week study employed a single-case reversal design (ABAB). Examination of data involved visual and statistical analysis techniques. Four key findings emerged. First, results indicated this intervention to have a positive effect on basic math fluency. Second, results showed that teachers perceived that the iPads had a positive impact on student engagement and interest in content. Third,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Potential of Using iPad as a Supplement to Teach Math to Students with Learning Disabilities

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This qualitative study was conducted to identify the potential of using iPad as a supplement to teach math to students with learning disabilities. Ten teacher candidates from a university in the south provided one-on-one math tutoring services to ten students in a self-contained classroom at a local high poverty elementary school. The students were tutored math for five weeks using ten free math apps in addition to the traditional teaching methods. The apps were selected as they deemed fit with the math content standards, and abilities of the students. Each week, teacher candidates reflected on their tutoring experiences and at the end of five weeks, they completed an open-ended survey regarding their use of iPads as a supplement to teach math to the students. Findings confirmed the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math in Common. Taking Stock of Common Core Math Implementation: Supporting Teachers to Shift Instruction. Insights from the Math in Common 2015 Baseline Survey of Teachers and Administrators. Formative Evaluation Cycle Report for the Math in Common Initiative: Volume 3

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Math in Common® (MiC) is a five-year initiative that supports a formal network of 10 California school districts as they implement the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics (CCSS-M) across grades K-8. In spring 2015, WestEd administered surveys to understand the perspectives on Common Core State Standards-Mathematics (CCSS-M) implementation of teachers and administrators in eight California school districts participating in the Math in Common (MiC) initiative. Over 1,000 respondents replied to the survey, about some of the initial successes and challenges facing California educators attempting to put in place and support new–and what some consider revolutionary–ideas in U.S. mathematics education. The following are appended: (1) Research Methodology and Survey Sample, and (2) Sample Survey Item and Sub-Items. Link til kilde