Eric.ed.gov – Higher Goals in Mathematics Education

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This monograph offers an overview of the current research work carried out in Croatia and the surrounding countries, and specifically an interesting insight in teaching and learning issues in these countries. The authors discuss the need of the general population for becoming good problem-solvers in society of today, which is characterised by rapid technological changes and economic development. They argue that modern teaching methods are therefore needed. From the contributions in this monograph, it appears that awareness of future teachers’ beliefs and knowledge is present in the tertiary education. The studies investigate various aspects of pre-service and in-service teachers’ characteristics, like beliefs, knowledge, digital competencies or using ICT in teaching. But the contributions also portray another picture: mathematics education is becoming accepted as a field of scientific… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Synchronous Online Collaborative Professional Development for Elementary Mathematics Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Math is often taught poorly emphasizing rote, procedural methods rather than creativity and problem solving. Alberta Education developed a new mathematics curriculum to transform mathematics teaching to inquiry driven methods. This revised curriculum provides a new vision for mathematics and creates opportunities and requirements for professional learning by teachers. Conventional offsite, after school, or weekend professional development is typically “sit and listen, maybe try on Monday”. Professional development that is embedded, responsive, and personalized is known to be more effective at changing teaching practice. Alberta teachers are geographically dispersed making online professional learning a desirable alternative to on-site workshops. As access to and use of the Internet gains momentum in schools across the country, opportunities for collaborative, online professional development become more viable. The online professional development… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Transformation of Teacher Attitude and Approach to Math Instruction through Collaborative Action Research

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: As a university professor who has taught at the teacher education, masters, and doctoral levels, the life of teaching has been an enduring interest, particularly teaching that occurs in K-12 settings. From the author’s own work as a K-12 teacher and administrator to her earliest studies of effective teaching and in her own university teaching, she has been interested in the complex practice of teaching and in how to make the practice more effective for student learning and more satisfying and fulfilling for the teacher. Thus, she engaged in a yearlong action research project with a fifth-grade teacher who happened to be her daughter. Her objective was to better understand the action research process; she had not anticipated the multi-faceted results in terms of student benefits and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Sustaining the Impact: A Follow-Up of the Teachers Who Participated in the Math-in-CTE Study

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: During the 2004-05 school year, the National Research Center for Career and Technical Education conducted a study entitled “Building Academic Skills in Context: Testing the Value of Enhanced Math Learning in Career and Technical Education,” commonly referred to as the Math-in-CTE study. This was a random-assignment experiment that tested the effects of enhancing instruction in the mathematics inherent in the curricula for five occupational areas. Post-testing found that students of teachers who had been in the experimental group scored significantly higher than students of teachers who had been in the control group on two standardized tests of mathematics achievement: 9% higher on TerraNova and 8% higher on Accuplacer. These higher scores were the result of professional development that brought career and technical education (CTE) and mathematics teachers… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Investigating the Application of Communicative Language Teaching Principles in Primary-Education: A Comparison of CLIL and FL Classrooms

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: It is widely accepted that the learning of a new language, among other advantages, promotes respect and interest of the students towards other cultures and languages. The question is how learning languages can be promoted in educational settings. The aim of the present study is to explore the principles of communicative language teaching in primary-education CLIL and FL classrooms. More specifically, in this paper we address to what extent collaborative work, attention to language and content and corrective feedback are observed during teacher-student and peer interaction in these educational settings. Following an action research approach, ten Spanish and ten Math sessions were observed and recorded. Furthermore, whole group interaction and peer interaction were analysed in relation to the participants’ attention to language and content. Results from the… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Propose of an Instructional Model Based on STEM Education Approach for Enhancing the Information and Communication Technology Skills for Elementary Students in Thailand

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: The purpose of this research is to propose an instructional model based on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Education approach for enhancing the information and communication technology skills for elementary students in Thailand. The study was conducted by research and development design and divided into two phases: Phase I is to create a tentative model that was synthesized using the relevant documents and researches concerning the elements and steps of the model. The data was collected through interviewing eight teachers who are experts in STEM education and twenty-four students who were instructed by STEM approach. Phase II consists of proposing a tentative model to eleven experts, evaluating the model, and acquiring an approval of the model by five professionals. The findings of the research are as… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Underrepresentation of African American Female Students in STEM Fields: Implications for Classroom Teachers

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: African American women are underrepresented in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields (Catsambis, 1994). The socialization and “under-education” of African American female students engenders ideas of inferiority, while the presence of an inferior race, sex and class, in one body, may produce an ideology of mediocrity. Data findings from NCES (national center for education statistics), College Board, the 2008-2009 Baccalaureate and beyond longitudinal study reaffirm African American girls’ weakness in math and science (NCES, 2009, 2011; College Board, 2011). To prevent African American female students from accepting societal beliefs that blame disparities in math and science on racial or gender inferiorities, recommendations encourage teachers to re-educate this group of girls by employing culturally relevant teaching practices that will undermine gender and racial biases within the classroom.… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Using Technology and Mentorship to Improve Teacher Pedagogy and Educational Opportunities in Rural Nicaragua

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This study used ethnographic methods to understand factors influencing the implementation of an educational intervention combining short math content videos with teacher trainings and mentorship in high-poverty primary schools in Nicaragua with implications for rural school reform. Educators in rural schools in Latin American face serious obstacles to improve classroom instruction and pedagogy, including lack of resources and overcrowding. Research suggests an over-reliance on input-output models in which inputs (e.g. teacher salaries, textbooks, technology, computer labs, numbers of classrooms, etc.) are expected to produce particular outputs (student retention, lowering drop-out rates, increasing graduation rates, etc.); however, studies show that regardless of the resources, much depends on effective use of resources for successful teaching and learning (O’Sullivan, 2006; L. S. Shulman, 1987). While input/output models provide insights into… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – The Role of Teacher Quality in Fourth-Grade Mathematics Instruction: Evidence from TIMSS 2015. Policy Brief No. 16

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Does teacher quality differ within and between countries, and how are measures of teacher quality related to instructional alignment and instructional time in mathematics? Fourth-grade classroom data from the IEA’s Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2015 revealed that although measures of teacher quality were only weakly related to one another, countries with more variation along one dimension (for example, experience) also have high variation along other dimensions (such as education, or readiness to teach math topics). Measures of teacher quality were not strong or consistent predictors of instructional alignment or time, suggesting that primary school teachers’ preparation to teach mathematics may have limited influence on classroom opportunity to learn. Crucially, in many countries, disadvantaged students have (by some measures) higher quality teachers. Teacher collaboration and… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Enriching K-12 Science and Mathematics Education Using LEGOs

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: This paper presents a series of illustrative LEGO Mindstorms-based science and math activities, developed under an NSF GK-12 Fellows project, for elementary, middle, and high school grades. The activities, developed by engineering and science graduate Fellows in partnership with K-12 teachers, are grade appropriate, address pertinent learning objectives, and adhere to the science and math learning standards of New York City and State. To measure the effectiveness of the use of LEGO Mindstorms-based lab activities in science and math lessons, pre- and post-lesson assessment surveys, consisting of content and evaluation questions, were administered to all participating students. In this paper, we provide: our motivation to investigate the effectiveness of LEGO Mindstorms-based lessons; descriptions of six LEGO Mindstorms-based science and math activities and their associated assessment; statistical analysis;… Continue Reading