har udgivet: Items in the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory’s (NCREL) School Development Library series are multimedia packages consisting of print, video, audio, and CD-ROM resources designed to support educators in their efforts to improve classroom instruction. This particular set consists of a 35-minute video and a printed booklet focusing on David Burchfield, a first-grade teacher. The video of his classroom shows him using a variety of cognitive instructional practices including an emphasis on the problem-solving process, group learning, and laboratory activities during a math lesson. It is actual footage of a first-grade classroom and is divided into 16 events, each division representing a change in the activities or flow of the classroom. The text of the booklet is based on spoken comments made by various people as they… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Math experts developed Formative Assessment Lessons that teachers can incorporate throughout the year’s curriculum. Both tools target the “instructional core.” A study by Research for Action (RFA) examining the first year of piloting the Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) and Math Design Collaborative (MDC) tools (2010-11) found evidence of initial success in tool use indicated by teachers’ perceptions that the tools positively influenced teacher practice. In the second year of the Initiative (2011-12), tool use grew within and across sites. The focus of the research has expanded accordingly to include an analysis of how the tools are being introduced to additional classrooms, schools and districts, and what strategies are most effective in sustaining and strengthening tool use. This brief focuses on efforts to scale up and sustain broader… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Items in the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory’s (NCREL) School Development Library series are multimedia packages consisting of print, video, audio, and CD-ROM resources designed to support educators in their efforts to improve classroom instruction. This particular set consists of a 40-minute video and a printed booklet focusing on Linda Hallenbeck, a fifth-grade teacher. The video of her classroom shows her teaching a math lesson on probability incorporating coin flipping, spinner spinning, and die throwing. The lesson is a combination of whole group and small group hands-on, collaborative activities. The teacher asks probing questions to help children formulate their ideas about probability and encourages the children to express their reasoning and to listen carefully to each other. The lesson emphasizes that mathematics is about solving everyday, real-life… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: In online learning research, the theoretical community of inquiry framework has been used extensively to analyze processes of inquiry among learners and instructors within a community. This paper examines a special case of community of inquiry consisting of only one learner and one instructor. Together they engage in an online coaching discourse to form a relationship of inquiry. Within these relationships, coachees pass through processes of practical inquiry process while a coach supports the process. In this study, a framework and coding scheme were developed for use in a transcript coding procedure including 3,109 messages from an online coaching case in math for K-12 students. It is found that the elements of cognitive, teaching, and social presence, as well as the newly proposed emotional presence, which outlines… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This study compared the effects of two different special educator roles within high school algebra classes containing special needs students. The special educator served as either in-room assistant or as co-teacher. The study was conducted for one chapter of algebra study over a 3-week period. No significant differences between groups were found prior to the treatment. Following the two treatments, students in the co-teaching condition scored significantly higher in achievement than did students in the in-room assistance group or the control group. Females in the co-teaching condition achieved significantly higher scores than did females in the control group. Females receiving in-room assistance also scored significantly higher than control group females. No significant findings in achievement were found for males or for students receiving special education services. Appended… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This paper reports on a study to document influences on five beginning mathematics and science teachers’ instructional beliefs after a preservice methods course in secondary literacy. The participants were former military officers who had selected teaching as a second career. The study looked at: the teachers’ beliefs about uses of literacy in their content instruction from preservice through the second teaching year; influences the teachers perceived as affecting their beliefs; and how and why the teachers’ beliefs about literacy in their content instruction changed or remained constant over the 3-year period. Results showed: all five teachers’ beliefs had been influenced by the methods course; the teachers’ instructional beliefs became more elaborate and specific during their student teaching and first year of teaching; as student teachers, they were… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The purpose of this research was to understand fifth grade children’s cognitive behavior as they wrote, solved and then, in small groups, shared original math story problems. Research questions examined children’s: (1) beliefs about math in this problem-writing classroom, (2) math story problem-writing behavior, (3) difficulties with their self-generated problems, and (4) small-group problem solving behavior. Case studies were conducted in the context of a teaching experiment in one fifth grade classroom. Children were engaged to write, solve and then share math story problems three or four days a week during this one year study. There were three overlapping groups of participant children. Eight children were observed as they wrote and solved math story problems. Seventeen children, including the eight previously observed, were observed via audio-recordings as… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: This booklet is designed to be used with a video of the classroom of second-grade teacher Victoria Bill. The 40-minute video shows the teacher using a variety of manipulations, facilitating both large- and small-group discussions, and applying a problem-solving approach to math. The text in the booklet is based on spoken comments made by observers as they watched the videotape, and provides added insight into the instructional methods used in the class. The video and the accompanying booklet are divided into 16 events, each representing a change in the activities in the classroom. The discussion of each event begins with an assessment and overall description of the event, followed by discussions of classroom management, problem solving, and teaching strategies used in each example. (ND) Link til kilde
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Like Loading... har udgivet: The Instructional Conversation (IC) is a complete classroom pedagogy that focuses on teaching through small-group dialogue with students allowing responsive instruction for each student. The IC is anchored by cognitive-developmental theory and by four decades of multi-method quasi-experimental studies. This study describes the first research of an Institute Education Sciences-funded, randomized efficacy trial of IC effects on standardized test outcomes for both English Language Learner (ELL) and Non-ELL students. The main research question for this study is: Do ELLs taught by teachers who implement the IC pedagogical model perform above controls? The study aims to explore how well and for whom the pedagogy works if indeed effects are found. The focus in this multi-cohort design (over three years) involves districts and schools where students are clustered. This… Continue Reading →
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Like Loading... har udgivet: Increased requirements for inclusion have created a growing demand for special educators to have content expertise in areas such as math and science. One recommended practice involves integrating the “big ideas” that are the foundation for understanding mathematics and science across the curriculum. Teachers also need to create a classroom climate that is supportive and content rich. Grouping students into pairs or triads supports student needs. Special educators can collaborate with other teachers by creating a bank of instructional activities on selected math and science topics. Collaborative strategies can be modeled through peer tutoring. Students should be encouraged to explore metacognitive thinking styles so they can apply metacognitive strategies to their daily lives. Skills outlined by standards should be presented in an order that makes sense to… Continue Reading →
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