tandfonline.com – Bilingual education and beyond: how school settings shape the Chinese Yi minority’s socio-cultural attachments

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Bilingual education policy in Liangshan, China, has been implemented since the end of the 1970s using two bilingual school models. This study examines how mainstream and bilingual education are correlated with the Yi population’s social attachment to the larger social system, and their cultural attachment to ethnocultural maintenance. The student-reported survey data collected from ten junior high schools in Liangshan were analysed using a multinomial logistic regression model that produced three findings. Firstly, family socioeconomic status is determinant in the Yi minority’s school setting choices. Secondly, school settings are significantly associated with Yi students’ educational achievements and occupational expectations. Lastly, Yi minority’s cultural attachments to their mother tongue has become significantly reduced among those attending Chinese-only schools, yet… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – Linguistic consequences of toing and froing: factors that modulate narrative development in bilingual returnee children

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT This longitudinal study examined the development of narrative micro- and macrostructure in Japanese-English bilingual returnee children. Returnees are children of immigrant families who move to a foreign country, spending a significant portion of their formative developmental years in the foreign majority language context before returning to their native language environment. The returnees did a narrative task in both their L1 (Japanese) and L2 (English) immediately upon their return to their native language environment and a year after. The results showed no aggregate significant changes in L1 or L2 micro- and macrostructure over time. However, at the individual level, the degree of maintenance of L2 microstructure was modulated by L2 exposure. That is, children who continued to receive L2… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Staff Development for Pedagogues in Bilingual Math and Science Programs, 1993-94. Final Evaluation Report. OER Report.

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: Staff Development for Pedagogues in Bilingual Math and Science provided two thematically-based workshops to 40 New York City science teachers who taught students of limited English proficiency (LEP) citywide. Workshops emphasized successful teaching strategies as well as psychological aspects involved in teaching LEP students. The project also provided research articles and monographs about the latest techniques in teaching science. Analysis of participants’ responses to a questionnaire found that almost all respondents were highly satisfied with all aspects of the workshops: content, mode of preservation, and materials used. In addition, although the required data were unavailable, it appeared that the students of participating teachers performed as well as similar students citywide on the Regents Competency Tests (RCTs) in science. The project met its objectives for staff satisfaction with… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – “I Want Them to Feel Safe and to Feel Loved”: Collaborating to Teach Social Studies for Middle Level Emergent Bilingual Students

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: Abstract Abstract This case study explored how a social studies teacher and a TESOL teacher collaborated to teach an eighth-grade civics and economics course in a diverse classroom with Latinx emergent bilingual students. The researcher employed a theoretical framework of culturally and linguistically relevant citizenship education (CLRCE), which includes five pedagogical principles: pedagogy of community, pedagogy of success, pedagogy of making cross-cultural connections, pedagogy of building a language of social studies, and pedagogy of community-based participatory citizenship. The goals of the study were to identify and understand the perspectives and decision making of the teachers’ pedagogy for Latinx youth. Findings revealed the importance of an effective collaborative relationship and using varied pedagogical strategies to support the growth and success of… Continue Reading


tandfonline.com – One mind, two languages – separate conceptualisations? A case study of students’ bilingual modes for dealing with language-related conceptualisations of fractions

tandfonline.com har udgivet en rapport under søgningen “Teacher Education Mathematics”: ABSTRACT ABSTRACT International comparisons of languages have shown how mathematical concepts can be expressed and conceptualised in different languages. For multilingual students, these findings raise the question of how the interplay of languages and conceptualisations shape multilingual learning processes. This paper presents an investigation of case studies of bilingual learning processes of Turkish–German speaking students in Grade 7. Investigating the conceptual learning pathways of 14 focus students reveals that multilingual students navigate between different conceptualisations of fractions across both languages. To account for how these multilingual resources can provide opportunities for deepening conceptual understanding of fractions, two bilingual modes are distinguished and empirically substantiated: (1) The complementarity mode, in which code switching occurs for combining different nuances of a conceptualisation,… Continue Reading


Eric.ed.gov – Math Is More than Numbers: Beginning Bilingual Teachers’ Mathematics Teaching Practices and Their Opportunities to Learn

eric.ed.gov har udgivet: In this article, the author provides results from a 3-year, longitudinal study that examined two novice bilingual teachers’ mathematics teaching practices and their professional opportunities to learn to teach. Primary data sources included videotaped mathematics lessons, teacher interviews, and field notes of their teacher preparation methods courses. Findings revealed that the teachers were oriented toward differing views of learning that shaped how they organized students’ learning of language and mathematics during classroom instruction. While both teachers used similar teaching strategies to support students’ development of mathematics specific literacies, there were variances in how the learners were positioned within the classroom community and how and which repertoires of language practices were available and used during mathematics instruction. The teachers’ differing orientations toward learning are traced to their own… Continue Reading